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Magic Items 1.2.4

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About Magic Items

The plugin adds magic items to the server that can be customized and new ones can be created.


The plugin has its own inventory which is opened by the command /mi or by the open button. Each magic item can be customized and an unlimited number can be created.


  • Fast extraction of ore and trees
  • Increase the percentage of resource gather
  • Increased damage to players
  • Protection against damage from players
  • Protection from heat and cold
  • Protection against bleeding
  • Radiation during damage
  • Reduction of breakage of items as a percentage
  • Adding a group
  • Adding a permission
    For the last 2 properties, add those groups/permissions that are unique, since after removing the item, they are removed from the player, even if they were previously given by another plugin


  • Unlimited item creation
  • Loss of magic items after death
  • Number of slots by permissions
  • Full customization of the magic item


  • /mi - open magic items inventory
  • /givemi "Name or steamID" "MagicItem Name"
    /givemiid "Name or steamID" "MagicItem skinID"

    (only with permission magicitems.give)
  • givemiid "Ник|СтимАйди" "АйдиСкина предмета"
    (for server console)


"Number of slots for items by permission": {
    "magicitems.default": 1,
    "magicitems.vip": 2,
    "magicitems.premium": 3

"Permission to take a magic item with command" : {



  "Drops no more than 1 item at a time": true,
  "Do magic items drop after death": true,
  "Main item for magic items (shortname)": "glue",
  "All Lootboxes from which magic items can drop (to add to the magic item settings, make sure this Lootbox is here!)": [
  "Number of slots for items by permission": {
    "magicitems.default": 1,
    "magicitems.vip": 2,
    "magicitems.premium": 3
  "Magic items settings": [
      "MagicItem name": "Loot artifact",
      "MagicItem skinID (all items should be different!)": 2358748270,
      "Link to picture": "https://i.imgur.com/66vrZFB.png",
      "Indicate from which lootboxes and the chance of drop (from 1 to 100) (if not needed, leave blank)": {},
      "Indicate from which ores when mining and the chance of falling out (from 1 to 100) (if not needed, leave blank)": {
        "sulfure-ore": 65,
        "stone-ore": 5,
        "metal-ore": 5
      "By what percentage does the item increase the extraction of resources": 50,
      "By what percentage does the item increase damage to enemies": 0,
      "What percentage of the item protects against damage": 0,
      "Does the item protect from heat and cold": false,
      "Does the item prevent bleeding": false,
      "Fast extraction of resources": true,
      "Radiation for each hit on the player": 0,
      "What permissions MagicItem add": {
        "signartist.url": "Drawing on tablets"
      "What groups MagicItem add": {
        "Miner": "Grants the Hunter group"
      "What percentage does the MagicItem reduce the breakage of items": 0
      "MagicItem name": "Power sword",
      "MagicItem skinID (all items should be different!)": 2360703637,
      "Link to picture": "https://i.imgur.com/978jemJ.png",
      "Indicate from which lootboxes and the chance of drop (from 1 to 100) (if not needed, leave blank)": {
        "crate_elite": 15
      "Indicate from which ores when mining and the chance of falling out (from 1 to 100) (if not needed, leave blank)": {},
      "By what percentage does the item increase the extraction of resources": 0,
      "By what percentage does the item increase damage to enemies": 10,
      "What percentage of the item protects against damage": 0,
      "Does the item protect from heat and cold": false,
      "Does the item prevent bleeding": false,
      "Fast extraction of resources": false,
      "Radiation for each hit on the player": 3,
      "What permissions MagicItem add": {},
      "What groups MagicItem add": {},
      "What percentage does the MagicItem reduce the breakage of items": 50
      "MagicItem name": "Mantle",
      "MagicItem skinID (all items should be different!)": 2361459327,
      "Link to picture": "https://i.imgur.com/oI21TIn.png",
      "Indicate from which lootboxes and the chance of drop (from 1 to 100) (if not needed, leave blank)": {
        "crate_elite": 15
      "Indicate from which ores when mining and the chance of falling out (from 1 to 100) (if not needed, leave blank)": {},
      "By what percentage does the item increase the extraction of resources": 0,
      "By what percentage does the item increase damage to enemies": 0,
      "What percentage of the item protects against damage": 10,
      "Does the item protect from heat and cold": true,
      "Does the item prevent bleeding": false,
      "Fast extraction of resources": false,
      "Radiation for each hit on the player": 0,
      "What permissions MagicItem add": {},
      "What groups MagicItem add": {},
      "What percentage does the MagicItem reduce the breakage of items": 0
      "MagicItem name": "Blood bottle",
      "MagicItem skinID (all items should be different!)": 2361427324,
      "Link to picture": "https://i.imgur.com/XEqkn5L.png",
      "Indicate from which lootboxes and the chance of drop (from 1 to 100) (if not needed, leave blank)": {
        "crate_elite": 25
      "Indicate from which ores when mining and the chance of falling out (from 1 to 100) (if not needed, leave blank)": {},
      "By what percentage does the item increase the extraction of resources": 0,
      "By what percentage does the item increase damage to enemies": 0,
      "What percentage of the item protects against damage": 0,
      "Does the item protect from heat and cold": false,
      "Does the item prevent bleeding": true,
      "Fast extraction of resources": false,
      "Radiation for each hit on the player": 0,
      "What permissions MagicItem add": {},
      "What groups MagicItem add": {},
      "What percentage does the MagicItem reduce the breakage of items": 0
  "Notification and interface settings": {
    "Whether to display a message in the chat that a magic item fell from a resource in the chat": true,
    "Is the open button active": true,
    "Link to the picture for the open button": "https://i.imgur.com/1nfaYn6.png",
    "Open button: Amin": "0.648125 0.02500001",
    "Open button: Amax": "0.6960313 0.1041667"
  "Config version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 2,
    "Patch": 3


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