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Leap's Simple Anti-Offline 1.3

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Posted (edited)

Plugin looks great but is there any plan for UI about raid status and auto refund for stupid players? I do not like how with command you have to see the status of a base... Stupid players will just shoot at the base 1-2 rockets then say WTF #admin, why do not damage the building? Lost explosives and booooom admin? I hate this part. I cant put on their screen in the middle <size=40>USE /raidcheck or whatever was the command called</size> to make them understand this.

Edited by Flammable

Posted (edited)

One of the big problems that the other anti-offline raid plugins that use TC authorization run into is that if the online player removes themselves from the TC, the plugin treats the base as that of an offline player even though the player is online. They simply play musical chairs TC authorization. Do you have any kind of TC caching setup in this plugin to stop players from doing that? If not, unfortunately without it the plugin can be easily abused.

Edited by orbit0r


On 10/29/2021 at 11:51 AM, Flammable said:

Plugin looks great but is there any plan for UI about raid status and auto refund for stupid players? I do not like how with command you have to see the status of a base... Stupid players will just shoot at the base 1-2 rockets then say WTF #admin, why do not damage the building? Lost explosives and booooom admin? I hate this part. I cant put on their screen in the middle <size=40>USE /raidcheck or whatever was the command called</size> to make them understand this.

When you initially damage a protected base, a configurable message displays in chat. I'm probably going to add an option in the next update that will allow a larger, more obvious message on screen (and perhaps an explosives refund for the first damage done) since I agree that some players might not understand this and complain.



7 hours ago, orbit0r said:

One of the big problems that the other anti-offline raid plugins that use TC authorization run into is that if the online player removes themselves from the TC, the plugin treats the base as that of an offline player even though the player is online. They simply play musical chairs TC authorization. Do you have any kind of TC caching setup in this plugin to stop players from doing that? If not, unfortunately without it the plugin can be easily abused.

This is excellent feedback, thanks. My server is small and most players know each other IRL so abuse is not common. Next update will include any player authorized on the TC in the last 48 hours (or configurable). Expect to see these changes soon.

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Posted (edited)

6 hours ago, Leap said:

This is excellent feedback, thanks. My server is small and most players know each other IRL so abuse is not common. Next update will include any player authorized on the TC in the last 48 hours (or configurable). Expect to see these changes soon.

Thanks for replay above about the message/refund etc. Also I was scared at first to use plugins like Anti offline raid because they can see if players are actually online and abuse this in different ways but I guess this do not make any sense cuz they can do check same on BattleMetrics, etc.

No let's move to the main point why quoted exactly this reply? There's a reason for this : )...
I have like you small server and low pop community and it's targeted for my country mainly (apart from everyone is welcome message). People do not know each other IRL but they know each other in discord/steam very well and its like:

Pro/Normal Players -> "I can spray more good than you, noob... Come UKN bla bla"
Noob Players 1 -> I can't do anything... HoW tO PlaY tHe GaMe? After 30m-1h... Server: Player Disconnected
Old Noob Players -> BIGGEST PROBLEM... They know how to play and game logistics but they suck and f*ck up my population legit cuz I do not have rules for raiding and I think that's rust but...

My regular player base is 2-3 players 80% of the time (online at the same time) but different people join and play. The regular group of 3 where most of the time 2 of them play daily and keep server populated (different from 0/60) and they are hated by everyone in my country (PROs) cuz this 2 players only offline and live in a caves/islands and PROs make group and join to raid them from time to time each wipe and do prepare for Online raid but the Offliners can't defend anything and raid is like vs complete bots but then they just rebuild after and its again the same. It's rust I know this but offlining only almost empty server is meeeeeeh after some point.

In conclusion I really look for something to at least fix situation a little bit without breaking the vanilla gameplay mechanics for raids like crazy and f*ck up the game completely. That's what stops me from buying this now and try to decide between CRaidController (to limit raids by time) or your AntiOffline. I am sure you will fix the TC auth glitch just compared to your players my will abuse this as hell if they notice it and I know this for sure. So keep the good work on the plugin and will see in future might get it... : )

(btw sorry for this novel)

Edited by Flammable

Posted (edited)

Latest update has patched the TC de-authorizing exploit

Edited by Leap
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What about players that let another one build and authorize on the tc, that one leaves the server and the others play in that same base cause they got the codes for the codelocks and the base stays protected while it is actually habited?



They need auth to repair, place stuff and most important do not get shot by traps. While autoturrets are seperate auth sadly and you won't add the shotgun traps and flame turrets in your base still why you gonna do all this? As I know players can bother to lets say abuse max group and play outside of rust team while teaming but playng in your base without auth to the TC is next level and big problem and not sure who's the idiot that will do it like (looting only mode + enter in safe house) in order to to abuse this offline plugin.



Why put traps anywhere if your base is always safe and not raidable?

It happened on my server with the Anti Offline plugin from UMod.

Players abused this.



I mean if not authed will die from own traps, also if you do not put traps because you are safe, still you cant build/place stuff etc so what's the point to be deauthed? If people can play this way of course can abuse it as hell... Anyways I am sure he will fix it.


Posted (edited)

Well. I can only say what players already been done.

That's why I didn't use Anti Offline Raid anymore.

I'm not sure if there can be a fix. This is a brainer.

Edited by Kleementin

Posted (edited)

Thanks, this is perfect and lightweight. The dev is super helpful as well.

Edited by stag


it would be nice if the plugin checks who owns the base on the basis of codelocks for doors, sleeping bags or authorization for turrets.
I'm afraid that based only on the authorization to TC, it can be easily circumvented



Hi Leap, Can you add an option to end raid protection after a set amount of time? I think its important to be able to clear decayed bases after they have been abandoned


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Decay still works with this protection?



Hello, i have this plugin. It works fine. You have written in another post: "When you initially damage a protected base, a configurable message displays in chat." but i dont see this message when i damage a protected base. Can you help me? Thanks.

Rust Admin


Is this plugin abandoned?

Jarrod Everhart


i think so ive had errors with it since i purchased



This plugin still supported?




On 10/10/2022 at 3:48 PM, CKEmpire said:

This plugin still supported?

On 8/8/2022 at 9:17 AM, Rust Admin said:

Is this plugin abandoned?

On 8/8/2022 at 3:11 PM, Jarrod Everhart said:

i think so ive had errors with it since i purchased

I do not currently use the plugin myself since I no longer host, but I remain active on Discord. As far as I am aware the plugin is still compatible with the latest version of Rust (from users I have spoken to who currently use this plugin).

If you have errors please DM me! I intend on ensuring that this plugin remains up-to-date and compatible.

My discord is Leap#0765



Is there anyway to remove protection after x days offline and maybe announce the location in the chat and on the map as an abandoned base? 
This would be incredible. 
Also fire can still damage turrets etc, but not a big deal. just a heads up.

Kurucz Roland


IS it possible to change the 48 hours at 2 hours only ? I mean in the config or in the cs file 

Kurucz Roland


2 minutes ago, Kurucz Roland said:

IS it possible to change the 48 hours at 2 hours only ? I mean in the config or in the cs file 

I got it 172800 its 42 hours . 



On 1/13/2023 at 5:47 AM, Kurucz Roland said:

I got it 172800 its 42 hours . 

Correct, times are specified in seconds.

48 * 60 * 60 = 172800



Seems to be putting offline protection on raidable bases?

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