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Injuries And Diseases 1.3.1

   (4 reviews)
Message added by Mr01sam,

This plugin uses Simple Status now! You can download it for free here:

Please check the changelog for other updates - there's a lot of them! Also any feedback about the plugin is greatly appreciated! 🙂


Message added by Mr01sam,

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10 minutes ago, Mr01sam said:

Really this is a different plugin that the diseases one available on umod. This plugin is more of a polished gameplay feature and less of a simulation than Diseases.

As such custom conditions are not a feature of this particular plugin, however, the plan is to have the conditions (there are 6 of them at the moment) that are included be highly customizable. You can already customize their durations, effectiveness, triggers, icons, names, cures, and likeliness, or disable/enable each of them all together. I am planning on expanding the configuration in the next update, so you can have even more control of these conditions as well as include an API that will let you add new status conditions through code. However, you will not be able to add new conditions through the config - they will have to be coded, but I will be providing the tools to do so soon.

Just curious, what kind of changes did you have in mind? It may be something I can prioritize in the configuration update.

Ah sounds good. I wanted to edit the zombie virus further maybe sounds coughing/vomiting loss of health, hydration, radiation dmg removal of the flashing red screen. be nice if had further config to edit. ie infecte4d by zombie/meat/fall/headshot n same for effect set each variable. Btw I love the plugin just be even cooler with more options. 🙂


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44 minutes ago, geekyplaster said:

Ah sounds good. I wanted to edit the zombie virus further maybe sounds coughing/vomiting loss of health, hydration, radiation dmg removal of the flashing red screen. be nice if had further config to edit. ie infecte4d by zombie/meat/fall/headshot n same for effect set each variable. Btw I love the plugin just be even cooler with more options. 🙂


I'm glad to hear that! Don't worry I will definitely be continuing to expand this plugin and make it even better. It won't happen all at once but there will be updates 🙂

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Please I'm sorry but how to get disease in the wild? what should I do?

and few suggestions:

1. can the cure items be a skinned items for more RP?

2. can you make some options to manually choose the sources of desease in wild? ex. if I pickip the mushromm or eat some exact meal?

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I am very happy about the update. Thank you.
But I would also not refuse the opportunity to catch a cold from the rain and cold. 

So far I have not found any serious bugs in the plugin. Now I use only a broken leg and poisoning. 
I added all kinds of food and I think that from good food, there should be a chance to get poisoned. Since I don't think that players will eat raw food or rotten. Thank you for this opportunity.

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1 hour ago, Persona said:

I am very happy about the update. Thank you.
But I would also not refuse the opportunity to catch a cold from the rain and cold. 

So far I have not found any serious bugs in the plugin. Now I use only a broken leg and poisoning. 
I added all kinds of food and I think that from good food, there should be a chance to get poisoned. Since I don't think that players will eat raw food or rotten. Thank you for this opportunity.

That sounds awesome, glad you're enjoying it! 🙂

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Suggestion: Only effect players when there is X amount of Doctors on. Also would be cool as a option to beable to see how many doctors are active


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10 minutes ago, Robert Stevens said:

can you add custom viruses?

Currently no. But you can modify everything about the 6 included conditions using the config and API.

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Eboli, Corona, VD, Syphilis etc.

maybe a data list that has a long list of illnesses that can be pulled for a random illness.

Edited by Robert Stevens
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1 hour ago, Robert Stevens said:

Eboli, Corona, VD, Syphilis etc.

maybe a data list that has a long list of illnesses that can be pulled for a random illness.

I'll definitely be adding more, and eventually plan on letting you add new ones through the API.

The big challenge with these conditions is I want them to be unique and not overlap, and there's only so many effects we have access to for plugins (I really wish there was a coughing SFX!). 

That being said, I have some ideas in the pipeline but my focus here is quality over quantity and I want to make sure the plugin is as stable as possible first. But I'm happy to hear any ideas!

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Is it possible to assign NPC's the roles of doctor, so one could make hospitals with Human NPC's; copy/paste them several neat locations, where players could pay scrap for their diagnosis, and get the cure(s) for a rip-off price as well?
And then make some poor shacks along the swamps with poorly dressed NPC's and cheaper cures?

Asking genuinely for my server, not trolling.

Edited by E-PaiN
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7 hours ago, E-PaiN said:

Is it possible to assign NPC's the roles of hospitals, so one could make hospitals with Human NPC's; copy/paste them several neat locations, where players could pay scrap for their diagnosis, and get the cure(s) for a rip-off price as well?
And then make some poor shacks along the swamps with poorly dressed NPC's and cheaper cures?

Asking genuinely for my server, not trolling.

That's not currently a feature, but that would be really cool if I can add that eventually!

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Just installed and have this error

Failed to run a 10.00 timer in 'InjuriesAndDiseases v1.1.2' (NullReferenceException: )
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
at Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseases+<OnPlayerCorpseSpawned>c__AnonStorey3.<>m__0 () [0x0003d] in <16689560ea4240568d7479e87bf7db52>:0
at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0


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6 hours ago, pedrotski said:

Just installed and have this error

Failed to run a 10.00 timer in 'InjuriesAndDiseases v1.1.2' (NullReferenceException: )
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
at Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseases+<OnPlayerCorpseSpawned>c__AnonStorey3.<>m__0 () [0x0003d] in <16689560ea4240568d7479e87bf7db52>:0
at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0


Hi, I'll look into this, but could you open a ticket in the support section? It's easier for me to track that way. Thanks!

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26 minutes ago, Chill Roleplay said:

the  rabies is not going away for players even when it says they don't have it

Yeah it's a known bug, for now if it's causing issues I recommend disabling rabies

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HI a few things i noticed i was wondering if there was any way to separate Hp, food, and water damage in the config and make it so that the name of the infection in the config is what is displayed instead of it just showing up as unknown


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I notice this hasn't been updated since May. Will it be getting an update any time soon? I don't presently own it but was thinking of getting it. I did notice the comment about rabies not working so that makes me think there's a possibility other things might be broken.

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I left a similar review as well, but would like to see the discussion here to foster improvement and transparency.

Disappointed by Lack of Functionality and Support

I purchased the "InjuriesandDiseases" plugin with expectations based on its predecessor, "Diseases." However, I found myself disappointed by what feels like a step backward in functionality and support.

1. Reduced Functionality: The previous plugin offered detailed control over various diseases affecting players, including the ability to add new ones. This version seems to have stripped away many of those features, limiting customization and creativity.

2. Persistent Bugs: Several bugs remain unaddressed, including one that requires 1/6 of the conditions to be turned off. It's concerning to see similar issues from the previous plugin still unresolved in this paid version.

3. Lack of Updates & Communication: Despite promises of future updates and having made a substantial amount of revenue, the creator has not provided any updates or substantive communication in the last three months. Although they did offer to walk me through the configuration, this does not resolve the underlying issues and feels inadequate for a product at this price point.

4. Price Concerns: The cost of this plugin equals the base game's price, and therefore, I expected a polished, fully functional product. Sadly, this was not the case.

I believe in providing constructive feedback, and my hope is that these issues will be addressed - here if possible!!

Edited by ZAC
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Hello ,i like the plugin ... But there is a problem with "z13virus" ..when player die ,he still lose hp ,he still got it .. even its not showed on framework ..only reloading plugin fix it ...

Edited by copcopekcro
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Today I recived this from one of our top Docs on the Island

here is a small problem with the medic/doctor plugin regarding illness and disease. When a person is killed very quickly after getting sick they will perma have a undiagnosed status. When a medic or doctor uses /diagnose it will state that the person does not have an illness. The person afflicted will not suffer adverse effects of the illness. The 1st time it happened I wasn't sure if it was a bug or what but now it happened twice. If the person that has undiagnosed logs off and then back on the "undiagnosed" will disappear otherwise, it will permanently stay with them.

[3:06 PM]

1st time Tiffi got rocketed out of her mini coptor and lived until she died from fall damage. I suspect she had for a milisecond had a broken leg or a concussion. Upon rezzing she was stuck with undiagnosed on her screen but when I /diagnose she had nothing. No adverse effects or illness/legbreak/etc and after 10 minutes or so she logged off and off and it went away.

[3:09 PM]

Second case Steve had a broken leg and tried to fight a scarecrow to get cloth for a bandage. He died. I suspect he had either a broken leg and or a zombie infection. Upon rezzing he had the undiagnosed status. He was suffering no ill effects. I had him fly over to my farm and when I diagnosed him, it said he had no illness. I have a screenshot of this one and I will send it shortly. If Steve hasnt relogged and still has the undiagnosed status you can ask him for a screenshot of his screen.

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6 hours ago, Chill Roleplay said:

Today I recived this from one of our top Docs on the Island

here is a small problem with the medic/doctor plugin regarding illness and disease. When a person is killed very quickly after getting sick they will perma have a undiagnosed status. When a medic or doctor uses /diagnose it will state that the person does not have an illness. The person afflicted will not suffer adverse effects of the illness. The 1st time it happened I wasn't sure if it was a bug or what but now it happened twice. If the person that has undiagnosed logs off and then back on the "undiagnosed" will disappear otherwise, it will permanently stay with them.

[3:06 PM]

1st time Tiffi got rocketed out of her mini coptor and lived until she died from fall damage. I suspect she had for a milisecond had a broken leg or a concussion. Upon rezzing she was stuck with undiagnosed on her screen but when I /diagnose she had nothing. No adverse effects or illness/legbreak/etc and after 10 minutes or so she logged off and off and it went away.

[3:09 PM]

Second case Steve had a broken leg and tried to fight a scarecrow to get cloth for a bandage. He died. I suspect he had either a broken leg and or a zombie infection. Upon rezzing he had the undiagnosed status. He was suffering no ill effects. I had him fly over to my farm and when I diagnosed him, it said he had no illness. I have a screenshot of this one and I will send it shortly. If Steve hasnt relogged and still has the undiagnosed status you can ask him for a screenshot of his screen.

This is actually very helpful info, and also entertaining to read. This might help me reproduce it.

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getting the following error message after todays update:

Failed to call hook 'OnPluginLoaded' on plugin 'InjuriesAndDiseases v1.1.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

  at Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseases+CustomStatusFrameworkHelper.InitDynamicStatus () [0x00227] in <e7dda0de366640278f0c92ef655d6ce3>:0

  at Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseases.OnPluginLoaded (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin name) [0x00037] in <e7dda0de366640278f0c92ef655d6ce3>:0

Thank you 💚

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