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Message added by The_Kiiiing,

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can you post a video please


Posted (edited)

permission halloween.record unavailable

console Permission 'halloween.record' doesn't exist

Edited by Kobani
  • Confused 1


9 hours ago, Kobani said:

permission halloween.record unavailable

console Permission 'halloween.record' doesn't exist

I will fix this issue in a few days. Meanwhile try to use the command

oxide.grant user <user_name or STEAM64_ID> halloween.record

in the console



19 minutes ago, The_Kiiiing said:

I will fix this issue in a few days. Meanwhile try to use the command

oxide.grant user <user_name or STEAM64_ID> halloween.record

in the console

That's the problem, it just doesn't work.

"console : Permission 'halloween.record' doesn't exist"

And Halloween will be over at some point. 🙄

I would be very grateful if you solve it in a timely manner. Otherwise great plugin.
Can you show markers for cemeteries on the map? then it would be perfect for me.



3 hours ago, Kobani said:

That's the problem, it just doesn't work.

"console : Permission 'halloween.record' doesn't exist"

And Halloween will be over at some point. 🙄

I would be very grateful if you solve it in a timely manner. Otherwise great plugin.
Can you show markers for cemeteries on the map? then it would be perfect for me.

Just updated it and added map markers

  • Like 1


3 hours ago, The_Kiiiing said:

Habe es gerade aktualisiert und Kartenmarkierungen hinzugefügt

permission works. Thank you for adding the markers.

Recording is not saved. Although it is confirmed. nothing changes in the data. if I insert my recording _new1 in the config and delete the other two, the standard sounds still come up. and not mine.

I made the recording as follows: /rec and spoken with v .. /rec save new1 .. save has been confirmed ... / rec

What am I doing wrong?



4 hours ago, Kobani said:

permission works. Thank you for adding the markers.

Recording is not saved. Although it is confirmed. nothing changes in the data. if I insert my recording _new1 in the config and delete the other two, the standard sounds still come up. and not mine.

I made the recording as follows: /rec and spoken with v .. /rec save new1 .. save has been confirmed ... / rec

What am I doing wrong?

First you have to enter /rec to start the recording, then /rec again to stop the recording and then you can save it



Is it possible to add an option for weapon as well as clothing so can give them melee weapons thx



also is it possible to add start and end time to config for graveyards thx again



Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, The_Kiiiing said:

First you have to enter /rec to start the recording, then /rec again to stop the recording and then you can save it

it does not work.

i deleted halloween data, config and cs. server restart. mod uploaded again.
/rec to record with v.
then /rec to stop recording.
then /rec save <test1> to save.
I get the following message.
Nothing to save, start a recording first.

Edited by Kobani


22 minutes ago, Kobani said:

it does not work.

i deleted halloween data, config and cs. Server neu gestartet. mod uploaded again.
/rec to record with v.
then /rec to stop recording.
then /rec save <test1> to save.
I get the following message.
Nothing to save, start a recording first.

I will fix it as soon as possible

  • Like 1


1 hour ago, Kobani said:

it does not work.

i deleted halloween data, config and cs. server restart. mod uploaded again.
/rec to record with v.
then /rec to stop recording.
then /rec save <test1> to save.
I get the following message.
Nothing to save, start a recording first.

Should be fixed now

  • Like 1


perfect, now it works. Thanks



getting this......

Failed to initialize plugin 'Halloween v1.0.2' (UnauthorizedAccessException: System access is restricted, you are not allowed to use System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer)
  at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween+SoundManager.LoadBuiltinSounds () [0x00000] in <95333cef08a4445fb7e661b98c9bc98a>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween.Init () [0x00028] in <95333cef08a4445fb7e661b98c9bc98a>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00038] in <95333cef08a4445fb7e661b98c9bc98a>:0 



Halloween - System access is restricted, you are not allowed to use System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer



Is it broken with the new halloween update?



Broke on update. Will crash your server if you don't unload.



After a server restart, everything from the event that was on the Junkpiles is up in the air. Is there a way to remove everything at once?




Doesnt crash server just fails to load due to a change in the halloween update




23 minutes ago, geekyplaster said:

Halloween - System access is restricted, you are not allowed to use System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer

This plugin requires DisableSandbox to function 

If you dont want to use DisableSanbox you can follow this guide https://umod.org/guides/oxide/disabling-plugin-sandboxing to disable the sandbox manually



After the update we get this every half second:


at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)

at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween+Zombie.<GetBestTarget>m__0 (BaseEntity x) [0x0000b] in <348a0856b18e4028add5e295a1d8657c>:0

at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2[TElement,TKey].ComputeKeys (TElement[] elements, System.Int32 count) [0x00010] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1[TElement].ComputeMap (TElement[] elements, System.Int32 count) [0x00000] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1[TElement].Sort (TElement[] elements, System.Int32 count) [0x00000] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1[TElement].SortedMap (System.Linq.Buffer`1[TElement] buffer) [0x00006] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1+<GetEnumerator>d__3[TElement].MoveNext () [0x0003d] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween+Zombie.GetBestTarget () [0x00059] in <348a0856b18e4028add5e295a1d8657c>:0

at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween+ZombieBrain.Think (System.Single delta) [0x00030] in <348a0856b18e4028add5e295a1d8657c>:0

at BaseAIBrain.DoThink () [0x0000d] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0

at ScarecrowNPC.ServerThink (System.Single delta) [0x0001a] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0

at NPCPlayer.ServerThink_Internal () [0x0000d] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0

at ScarecrowNPC.TryThink () [0x00000] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0

at AIThinkManager.DoProcessing (ListHashSet`1[T] process, System.Single budgetSeconds, System.Int32& last) [0x00014] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0

What can we do?

Chill Roleplay


12:57 [Error] Failed to run a 1.00 timer in 'Halloween v1.0.2' (NullReferenceException: )
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
  at BaseEntity.get_ServerPosition () [0x00000] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween+ZombieBrain+AttackState+<ThrowGrenade>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00017] in <347e7c67a7814f7e866ce6aad94a6e86>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in <bae5f1223fce49c493b01571c99dce02>:0



20 minutes ago, Viperchen said:

After the update we get this every half second:


at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)

at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween+Zombie.<GetBestTarget>m__0 (BaseEntity x) [0x0000b] in <348a0856b18e4028add5e295a1d8657c>:0

at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`2[TElement,TKey].ComputeKeys (TElement[] elements, System.Int32 count) [0x00010] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1[TElement].ComputeMap (TElement[] elements, System.Int32 count) [0x00000] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

at System.Linq.EnumerableSorter`1[TElement].Sort (TElement[] elements, System.Int32 count) [0x00000] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1[TElement].SortedMap (System.Linq.Buffer`1[TElement] buffer) [0x00006] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1+<GetEnumerator>d__3[TElement].MoveNext () [0x0003d] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0

at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween+Zombie.GetBestTarget () [0x00059] in <348a0856b18e4028add5e295a1d8657c>:0

at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween+ZombieBrain.Think (System.Single delta) [0x00030] in <348a0856b18e4028add5e295a1d8657c>:0

at BaseAIBrain.DoThink () [0x0000d] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0

at ScarecrowNPC.ServerThink (System.Single delta) [0x0001a] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0

at NPCPlayer.ServerThink_Internal () [0x0000d] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0

at ScarecrowNPC.TryThink () [0x00000] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0

at AIThinkManager.DoProcessing (ListHashSet`1[T] process, System.Single budgetSeconds, System.Int32& last) [0x00014] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0

What can we do?

Update the plugin 😉



14 minutes ago, Chill Roleplay said:

12:57 [Error] Failed to run a 1.00 timer in 'Halloween v1.0.2' (NullReferenceException: )
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
  at BaseEntity.get_ServerPosition () [0x00000] in <2f3701e8532240ff972e47cc839b22e2>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.Halloween+ZombieBrain+AttackState+<ThrowGrenade>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00017] in <347e7c67a7814f7e866ce6aad94a6e86>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in <bae5f1223fce49c493b01571c99dce02>:0

This issue should be fixed with the latest update



Many Thanks. Perfect service. And Happy Halloween 🙂

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