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About Sleigh Event

Players have a limited time to collect presents with a sleigh, the one to collect the most presents wins. There are also preks to be collected, like a speed perk that increases the speed of the sleigh.





  • Players can ride a sleigh
  • Scoreboard shows the best players during the event
  • The winner receives a configurable reward
  • Configurable sleigh speed
  • Perks can be collected to increase sleigh speed or collect range





Alongside presents, two perks can be collected:

Speed Perk: increases the speed of the sleigh by a configurable percentage

Range Perk: increases the range for collecting presents and perks by a configurable percentage



Start the event (RCON, Console or Chat),


Join the event (Chat only)

/sleigh join



sleighevent.admin	- Required to start the event
sleighevent.nosleigh	- Players with this permission can not join events


Default configuration:

  "Event duration (seconds)": 240,
  "Time before the event starts (seconds)": 30,
  "Event height": 350,
  "Start amount of collectables spawned per player (increases over time)": 6,
  "Sleigh speed": 3.0,
  "Speed Perk configuration": {
    "Duration (seconds)": 20.0,
    "Multiplier": 1.5,
    "Spawn chance (1 = 100%)": 0.05
  "Collect Range Perk configuration": {
    "Duration (seconds)": 20.0,
    "Multiplier": 2.0,
    "Spawn chance (1 = 100%)": 0.05
  "Reward for 1st place (null = no reward)": [
      "Item short name": "xmas.present.large",
      "Item skin id": 0,
      "Custom item name (null = default name)": null,
      "Item amount": 1
  "Reward for 2nd place (null = no reward)": [
      "Item short name": "xmas.present.medium",
      "Item skin id": 0,
      "Custom item name (null = default name)": null,
      "Item amount": 2
  "Reward for 3rd place (null = no reward)": null


Requires Entity Scale Managerhttps://umod.org/plugins/entity-scale-manager

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