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Gun Game (Arena Events) 1.0.0

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Message added by Drxp,

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, I’m here to help. You can reach out to me directly, and I’ll be happy to assist you.

For quick support, feel free to join my Discord server or send me a direct message.
I typically respond within 1-4 hours on Discord. For inquiries on codefling, please allow up to 24 hours for a response.

Discord - Plugin Support - Direct message

3 Screenshots

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About Gun Game (Arena Events)

Admin Permission `gungam.admin` needed for all commands!

  • /gungame setlobby
    Set the lobby spawn point. (will over ride any default spawns on the map.)
  • /gungame map <mapName>
    Create or update a map with the specified name.
  • /gungame arena <id> <map> <maxPlayers>
    Create or update an arena with the given parameters.
  • /gungame setentrance <id>
    Set the entrance for the specified arena ID.
  • /gungame setspawn <id> <spawnIndex>
    Set a spawn point for a specific arena and index.
  • /gungame delete <id>
    Delete the specified arena.

Core Features

  • Dynamic Arena Management
    Create and configure multiple arenas with unique maps and player limits.
  • Define spawn points and entrance positions for each arena.
  • Progressive Gun Game Mode
    Players progress through a customizable list of weapons as they get kills.
    The first player to reach the final weapon and meet the kill goal wins the match.
  • Global Settings
    Configurable global kill goal, weapon list, and player kits.
    Supports customizable player kits using item shortnames for clothing and armor.

Player Experience


  • Lobby System
    Players start in a protected lobby where they cannot take or deal damage.
    Players can interact and prepare before joining an arena.
  • Automatic Match Starting
    Matches begin automatically when the required number of players joins an arena.
    Includes a configurable countdown before the match starts.
  • Weapon Progression
    Each kill advances the player to the next weapon in the list.
    Ammo is automatically provided for the equipped weapon.
  • Victory Handling
    The plugin announces the winner and resets the match for the next round.
    Stats such as kills and deaths are tracked for players during the match.
  • Bots Support
    Admins can spawn NPC bots into arenas for solo practice or filler players.
    Bots are equipped with kits and weapons and participate like regular players.

Default Config

    "global kill goal": 2,
    "required players for arena": 2,
    "weapons list": [
    "global kit shortnames": [

There is a vid coming soon but for now if you need help you can take a look here https://drxp.xyz/plugin/gungame -- for more help or questions please dm me on discord or join my discord server!

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