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Drop Inventory 1.0.2

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Message added by Mabel,

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About Drop Inventory

Allows players to drop their entire inventory (Main, Belt, and Wear containers) via a command. Admins can forcefully drop any player's inventory. This plugin is highly configurable, allowing control over permissions, cooldowns, broadcast messages, and item drop behaviour.



- Grants the ability for players to use the /drop command to drop their own inventory.




- Allows players to bypass the cooldown period when using the /drop command.



- Grants access to admin commands like /drop.admin to drop the inventory of any player.


Player Command:


- Allows players to drop their entire inventory (Main, Belt, Wear containers) if they have permission (dropinventory.use).

- Cooldown: Players can use the command again after the cooldown period, unless they have the dropinventory.cooldown.bypass permission.

Admin Commands:

/drop.admin <all | belt | wear | main> <playername/steamid>

- Allows an admin to drop another player's inventory. Admins must have the dropinventory.admin permission.

- Admin will receive confirmation, and the target player will be notified.

Console Command:

drop.admin <all | belt | wear | main> <playername/steamid>

Equivalent to the chat admin command, but used in the server console.


Broadcast Settings

- Chat Prefix: Prefix for all messages shown in chat (e.g., <color=#FF0000>[DropInv]</color>).

- Use Chat Message: Whether messages are broadcast via in-game chat.

- Use Game Tip Message: Whether to use in-game game tip notifications.

Drop Settings

- Sound Effect: A sound effect played when items are dropped.

- Drop Velocity: The velocity at which items are thrown when dropped.

- Drop Main Container: Whether the main inventory should be dropped.

- Drop Wear Container: Whether the wear container (armor) should be dropped.

- Drop Belt Container: Whether the belt (hotbar) items should be dropped.

Command Settings

- Chat Command Cooldown: The cooldown time (in seconds) for players using /drop.

- Player Chat Command: The command players can use to drop their inventory.

- Admin Chat Command: The chat command that admins can use to drop another player's inventory.

- Admin Console Command: The console command that admins can use to drop another player's inventory.

Default Configuration

  "Broadcast Settings": {
    "Chat Prefix": "<color=#FF0000>[DropInv]</color> ",
    "Use Chat Message": true,
    "Use Game Tip Message": true
  "Drop Inventory Settings": {
    "Sound Effect": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/gestures/drink_vomit.prefab",
    "Drop Velocity": 5,
    "Drop Main Container": true,
    "Drop Wear Container": true,
    "Drop Belt Container": true
  "Command Settings": {
    "Chat Command Cooldown": 60,
    "Player Chat Command": "drop",
    "Admin Chat Command": "drop.admin",
    "Admin Console Command": "drop.admin"
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 1

Default Language


  "Cooldown": "Drop is on cooldown. Time remaining: <color=#FF0000>{0}</color> seconds.",
  "DropAll": "Your Main, Belt and Wear items have been dropped.",
  "DropMain": "Your Main items have been dropped.",
  "DropBelt": "Your Belt items have been dropped.",
  "DropWear": "Your Wear items have been dropped.",
  "DropMainBelt": "Your Main and Belt items have been dropped.",
  "DropMainWear": "Your Main and Wear items have been dropped.",
  "DropBeltWear": "Your Belt and Wear items have been dropped.",
  "NoContainers": "No containers are enabled for dropping items.",
  "AdminDroppedItems": "Your items were dropped by an admin.",
  "AdminDroppedItemsReply": "You dropped (Player: <color=#FF0000>{0}</color>) Items.",
  "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use this command.",
  "AdminCommandUsage": "Usage: /drop.admin <playername or steamid>",
  "PlayerNotFound": "Player not found or multiple players found matching the name or ID provided.",
  "Restrained": "You Can Not Use This Command While Restrained"


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