About Custom Graffiti
- Graphical interface for selecting graffiti
- Using graffiti by all players on your server without purchasing DLC
- Adding your graffiti pictures
- Working with permissions for your privileges on the server
/graffiti - Opens graffiti menu (commands are configured in the config)
{ "List of SkinID graffiti": { "13060": { "Name": "Rock", "Permission": "CustomGraffiti.default" }, "13061": { "Name": "Hazmat", "Permission": "CustomGraffiti.default" }, "13062": { "Name": "Beancan", "Permission": "CustomGraffiti.default" }, "13063": { "Name": "Target", "Permission": "CustomGraffiti.default" }, "13064": { "Name": "When's Whip", "Permission": "CustomGraffiti.default" }, "13065": { "Name": "Facepunch", "Permission": "CustomGraffiti.default" }, "13066": { "Name": "Candle Hat", "Permission": "CustomGraffiti.default" }, "13071": { "Name": "Frog Boots", "Permission": "CustomGraffiti.default" } }, "Should the menu be opened to the player the first time they draw a standard graffiti?": false, "(MgPanel only) prompt the player about the graffiti when they first draw the default graffiti?": false, "Command to call graffiti menu": "graffiti" }
3 languages localization (RU EN ES)
{ "NOSKIN": "Error: This skin is not in the collection!", "NOPERMS": "You do not have permission to use this graffiti!", "SUCCESS": "Graffiti installed!", "FIRST_OPEN": "You can choose a graffiti pattern!" }
{ "NOSKIN": "Error: ¡Este aspecto no está en la colección!", "NOPERMS": "¡No tienes derechos para usar este graffiti!", "SUCCESS": "Grafiti instalado!", "FIRST_OPEN": "¡Puedes elegir un patrón de graffiti!" }
{ "NOSKIN": "Ошибка: Такого скина нет в коллекции!", "NOPERMS": "У вас нет прав на использование этого граффити!", "SUCCESS": "Граффити установленно!", "FIRST_OPEN": "Вы можете выбрать паттерн для граффити!" }