About Christmas Calendar - Multilingual
The Christmas Calendar plugin brings festive cheer to the server by allowing players to open a gift every day in December until the 24th. It provides a user-friendly interface where players can claim their daily rewards in the form of resources or items. Administrators have the ability to access all gifts at any time in admin mode. Get your players to visit your server more often with this plugin they will look forward to joining every new day.
- Daily Gifts: Players can claim a daily reward that is included in the calendar on that day.
- UI support: A user-friendly interface displays the Christmas calendar with the available doors.
- Admin mode: Administrators have access to all doors regardless of the current day.
- Multiple languages: Support for multiple languages including English, German, French, Spanish and more.
- Auto-save: Progress is automatically saved so players can continue their daily progress after a server restart.
- Security: Ensures that each player can only claim their door once.
- Config: You have the option to customize each day in the config. Below you have the possibility to enter a skinid and decide whether the door can only be opened on the corresponding day or afterwards. Before is never possible!
- Command: Customize the command /openac to your needs
- Opens the Christmas calendar interface. You can customize the command in the config to your needs.
- Allows a player to open the Christmas calendar and claim gifts. christmascalendar.admin - Allows an administrator to open all doors at any time.
{ "ChristmasItems": { "1": { "amount": 1000, "canClaimLater": true, "itemName": "pants", "skinId": 2834845594 }, "2": { "amount": 1000, "canClaimLater": false, "itemName": "stones", "skinId": 0 }, "3": { "amount": 500, "canClaimLater": false, "itemName": "metal.fragments", "skinId": 0 }, "4": { "amount": 250, "canClaimLater": true, "itemName": "cloth", "skinId": 0 }, //5-24 doors same principle }, "Command": "openac" }
Multilingual Support:
The plugin supports multiple languages. Language files are located in the lang folder and can be edited or expanded as needed. Currently supported languages:
default: EN
DE | FR | ES | IT | TR | RU | UK
Please note that the language files were translated using the DeepL Language Tool
load, run, enjoy