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Posted (edited)

Do the helis always have those inner tubes or do they appear when you land in water? Also, I use the Vehicle plugin here on Codefling so players can spawn helis. Will the plugins conflict?

Edited by BetterDeadThanZed

Posted (edited)

23 minutes ago, BetterDeadThanZed said:

Do the helis always have those inner tubes or do they appear when you land in water? Also, I use the Vehicle plugin here on Codefling so players can spawn helis. Will the plugins conflict?

When the inner tubes are enabled, they are always displayed. I'll think about making it dynamic so they only appear when you touch water.

Plugins that spawn helis should be compatible. Furthermore, if you want to restrict buoyancy to permissions, then that should also work with vehicle spawners, as long as they assign vehicle ownership on spawn (they usually do).

Edited by BlackLightning
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On 2/16/2023 at 8:48 AM, BetterDeadThanZed said:

Do the helis always have those inner tubes or do they appear when you land in water?

A dynamic inner tube feature has been added in v1.1.0. It will be enabled by default for new installations.



Those heli's look hilarious! Love it!

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Posted (edited)

This mod causes, in VehicleAirdrops, the helidrops to fall as if they had no parachute anymore.

You change the lift and VehicleAirdrop also changes some rigid body properties so they fall slower.
so you should make it so that the lift is not changed, only when the heli is at least 3-4 meters from the ground you should change the lift, this should help

Edited by Kobani

Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, Kobani said:

This mod causes, in VehicleAirdrops, the helidrops to fall as if they had no parachute anymore.

You change the lift and VehicleAirdrop also changes some rigid body properties so they fall slower.
so you should make it so that the lift is not changed, only when the heli is at least 3-4 meters from the ground you should change the lift, this should help

Thank you for reporting this!

This was a regression introduced in v1.1.1 due to logic which sets the helicopter to vanilla drag when the plugin adds buoyancy to it (when the heli spawns, or when the plugin loads), which was done as a retroactive mitigation for people who had helis that were permanently slow, which could happen in rare cases when reloading the plugin while helis were currently in water. At the time of that change, I did not anticipate that other plugins would alter heli drag.

Edit: This has been fixed in v1.1.2 which uses a different design for ensuring that helis are reset to the correct drag when leaving water. I also fixed a compatibility issue where Vehicle AirDrop helis that land initially in water would be permanently slow after leaving the water.

Edited by BlackLightning


1 hour ago, BlackLightning said:

Vielen Dank für Ihre Meldung!

Dies war eine Regression, die in v1.1.1 aufgrund der Logik eingeführt wurde, die den Hubschrauber auf Vanilla-Widerstand setzt, wenn das Plugin Auftrieb hinzufügt (wenn der Heli spawnt oder wenn das Plugin geladen wird), was als rückwirkende Abschwächung für Leute durchgeführt wurde, die Helis hatten, die dauerhaft langsam waren, was in seltenen Fällen passieren konnte, wenn das Plugin neu geladen wurde, während Helis gerade im Wasser waren. Zum Zeitpunkt dieser Änderung habe ich nicht erwartet, dass andere Plugins den Heli-Drag verändern würden.

Edit: Dies wurde in v1.1.2 behoben, das ein anderes Design verwendet, um sicherzustellen, dass Helis beim Verlassen von Wasser auf den richtigen Widerstand zurückgesetzt werden. Ich habe auch ein Kompatibilitätsproblem behoben, bei dem Vehicle AirDrop helis ist, dass die Landung zunächst im Wasser nach dem Verlassen des Wassers dauerhaft langsam sein würde.

Super works. Thanks
Can you add a permission that only certain players get helis with the swim function?



7 minutes ago, Kobani said:

Can you add a permission that only certain players get helis with the swim function?

The plugin already has a feature to require owner permission to make helis buoyant. You just need to enable it in the config, and grant the corresponding permission. It's all in the documentation. Are you asking for something else?



"Require owner permission": true, 

does not work for me. I give myself permission for minicopters, but the helicopter spawns without floats when I buy it. I use Vehicle Deployed Locks. Am I missing something else?



Posted (edited)

18 minutes ago, Kobani said:

"Require owner permission": true, 

does not work for me. I give myself permission for minicopters, but the helicopter spawns without floats when I buy it. I use Vehicle Deployed Locks. Am I missing something else?

It's stated in the documentation that vehicles do not implement ownership in vanilla Rust, so another plugin must be installed (and correctly configured) to assign ownership.

If you are buying the minicopter from Airwolf vendor at Bandit camp, install the Vehicle Vendor Options plugin, assign the vehiclevendoroptions.ownership.minicopter permission, then purchase another minicopter.

For vehicles spawned by Vehicle Airdrops, they will already have ownership if dropped by a player-thrown supply signal. Random vehicle airdrops will not have ownership. I'm talking about the plugin by Nikedemos, I don't know about the competitors.

For other unowned vehicles (or as an alternative to Vehicle Vendor Options), set the following config options (especially the first option) in the Vehicle Deployed Locks config, then remove and redeploy the lock.

"Auto claim unowned vehicles when deploying locks": true,
"Auto replace vehicle ownership when deploying locks": true,
Edited by BlackLightning
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Thank you for your help, everything is working now...

Brian Lee


I have VehicleLicence plugin, but when I try to apply this perm:  buoyanthelicopters.minicopter.owner  
it says the perm doesn't exist



7 hours ago, Brian Lee said:

I have VehicleLicence plugin, but when I try to apply this perm:  buoyanthelicopters.minicopter.owner  
it says the perm doesn't exist

I have corrected the mistake in the documentation. Please try buoyanthelicopters.owner.minicopter. In the future, you can use a permissions manager plugin to discover all permissions registered by a plugin, in case the docs have a mistake.



I would like an overall permission based setup to give users (groups) permission to use the plugin. Not just owned vehicles. Actually, I don't think I use any plugins that assign ownership to the copters on my server anyway. If I put the plugin on the server anyone can use it on any mini or scrap they are flying. I want only users with permissions to be able to use the plugin. Otherwise, the plugin is pretty dang cool.


Posted (edited)

24 minutes ago, Skillz said:

I would like an overall permission based setup to give users (groups) permission to use the plugin. Not just owned vehicles. Actually, I don't think I use any plugins that assign ownership to the copters on my server anyway. If I put the plugin on the server anyone can use it on any mini or scrap they are flying. I want only users with permissions to be able to use the plugin. Otherwise, the plugin is pretty dang cool.

One issue with this is that if the player dismounts the heli, the plugin has to remember who was last piloting it, in order to remain buoyant, in case the heli is above or in water when the player dismounts. Tracking that is relatively easy for the plugin to do in-memory, but I also have to account for plugin reloads and server reboots.

I see two possibilities at the moment.

1. The plugin could use a data file to remember which helis are buoyant. Whenever a player mounts a heli, the buoyancy of the heli will be determined by that player's permission, and the plugin would remember that state until another player mounted it.

2. The plugin could automatically assign ownership to helis when a player mounts them. This approach will likely need more definition, though, because it could cause problems for other plugins if ownership changes, especially for vehicles spawned by other plugins. One way would be to auto claim only unowned vehicles (only assign ownership the first time a heli is mounted), but that would mean one player could mount a heli just once as a way to make it buoyant for another player, as a sort of gift or trade.

Let me know if you have a preference or concerns about either experience.

Another question would be, do you want to require that the pilot have the permission? What about passengers? Passengers are a bit different in behavior because let's say the pilot doesn't have permission, the passenger mounts and the heli becomes buoyant, then the passenger dismounts, and the heli becomes not buoyant because the remaining player (the pilot) doesn't have permission. Also regarding passenger permissions, would you want to count players in the back of the scrap heli, or just players sitting in chairs?

Edited by BlackLightning


I think the first option would be good. However, for my server reboots and plugin reloads wouldn't be an issue as that rarely ever happens, but I can see other servers who might reboot daily (or weekly, or any sort of periodic reboot) would want something like that. 

The permission should follow the driver of the vehicle. If a pilot with permission gets in any helicopter then it should then be capable of buoyancy. If a player with permission is in a helicopter flown by a pilot who does not have permission then they should probably change seats if they want it to land on water.

In the event that a privileged pilot and a non-privileged passenger land in the water say to go diving or something. And the non-privileged passenger hops in the driver seat when they are leaving, the plugin should give them warning with a count-down letting them know the helicopter is going to sink. Maybe? I can just see a non-privileged passenger coming up to leave and accidentally getting in the driver seat causing the whole thing to suddenly sink could be an issue. Perhaps if the helicopter is already floating on the water and a non-privileged player hops in the pilot seat it forces them to another seat or boots them off the heli? I think that might be a better option. 



On 5/26/2023 at 1:46 PM, Skillz said:

I think the first option would be good. However, for my server reboots and plugin reloads wouldn't be an issue as that rarely ever happens, but I can see other servers who might reboot daily (or weekly, or any sort of periodic reboot) would want something like that. 

The permission should follow the driver of the vehicle. If a pilot with permission gets in any helicopter then it should then be capable of buoyancy. If a player with permission is in a helicopter flown by a pilot who does not have permission then they should probably change seats if they want it to land on water.

In the event that a privileged pilot and a non-privileged passenger land in the water say to go diving or something. And the non-privileged passenger hops in the driver seat when they are leaving, the plugin should give them warning with a count-down letting them know the helicopter is going to sink. Maybe? I can just see a non-privileged passenger coming up to leave and accidentally getting in the driver seat causing the whole thing to suddenly sink could be an issue. Perhaps if the helicopter is already floating on the water and a non-privileged player hops in the pilot seat it forces them to another seat or boots them off the heli? I think that might be a better option. 

Thanks for the feedback. I released v1.2.0 with pilot-based permissions. I chose not to pursue passenger-based permissions for now because it doesn't seem very straight forward for this plugin. Pilot-based permissions can result in the scenario you described, which unfortunately may be somewhat likely for minicopters given how easily I find myself mounting the wrong seat by accident. In the event that the wrong pilot does mount the heli and cause it to sink, the correct pilot would unfortunately have to dive down and mount the pilot seat briefly in order to trigger it to rise, which is a risky endeavor without the right equipment, partially defeating the purpose of this plugin. However, even if they drown in the process of recovering the heli, I think their corpse loot will float, so overall it's a minimal setback. For now, let's wait and see what feedback players provide.

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This is hilarious, I love it. Worked flawlessly within seconds of buying it. Thanks! 😄

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I think after water update this plugin broke.

Please advice




7 hours ago, pinoysaboteur said:

I think after water update this plugin broke.

Please advice

Thank you for reporting that issue. Fixed in v1.2.1.



Hey BlackLightning,

When this plugin is installed, if you stand near the wheels of a minicopter you jitter. Players with a high ping have reported that they struggle to free themselves from certain situations and has left to their death recently .

I noticed this with the fix you pushed at the start of the wipe but didn't think it was anything more than an annoyance with me not having a high ping.




2 hours ago, ChristopherS said:

When this plugin is installed, if you stand near the wheels of a minicopter you jitter. Players with a high ping have reported that they struggle to free themselves from certain situations and has left to their death recently .

I noticed this with the fix you pushed at the start of the wipe but didn't think it was anything more than an annoyance with me not having a high ping.

Thanks for reporting this! Fixed in v1.2.3.

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Error while compiling BuoyantHelicopters: The type or namespace name 'MiniCopter' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 504, Pos: 37 




5 hours ago, Kobani said:

Error while compiling BuoyantHelicopters: The type or namespace name 'MiniCopter' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 504, Pos: 37 


And are you using the update from yesterday? 

Rusty Mike


There is a new heli. AttackHelicopter.

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