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5.0 out of 5 stars

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· Edited by Mals


Really fascinating plugin and great way for players to store their loot through wipes and also make it protected while they are playing. A really great implementation for PVE Servers! My players really love this addition to our servers, and I would recommend it to others.

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· Edited by Mals

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I was very pleased with this plugin; it is stable and the players on the server all rated it positively. From wipe to wipe you can transfer not only resources, tools, weapons, but also donated items! Also, in the config, you can make, for example, everyone have by default 3 cells, and in the VIP privilege they can be expanded to 8-12 cells, so you can also make money on this! Thank you CASHR I appreciate and respect for your work and cool plugin!


Этот плагин меня очень порадовал, работает стабильно игроки на сервере все оценили положительно. С вайпа на вайп можно переносить не только ресурсы, инструменты, оружие но и донатные предметы! Так же в настройке конфига можно сделать к примеру для всех по дефолту к примеру 3 ячейки а в привилегии Випа их можно расширить на 8-12 ячеек, так что на этом можно ещё и заработать!
Спасибо CASHR ценю и Уважаю за твою работу и классные плагины!

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Xacku Mapping

· Edited by Mals

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

A good plugin with customization support. Perfectly fit into my server to perform the function of transferring things via WIPE. A small load on the server. Convenient and clear config. And, of course, stable work. The players appreciated the new opportunity. No one has any questions or problems with using it yet.

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Gay Sparkly T-Rex

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Once the addon was updated it works perfectly! Also dev is super fast to fix any issues that arise!

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Vasilyi Yrupin


Exactly what I was looking for!
Probably the best plugin developer
I love the work of CASHR.
Now my players will be able to transfer resources that are important for them from wipe to wipe) but only those that I allow in the configuration))

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