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Message added by AvG Лаймон,

You need to remove all files (plugin, config, langs) from 1.x.x versions before installing 2.x.x!

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Posted (edited)

I have a problem, many times when I go up the stairs it takes me off the server

this is what appears in the console" FlyHack: Enforcing (violation of 129.1173)"

Edited by Endor


8 hours ago, Endor said:

I have a problem, many times when I go up the stairs it takes me off the server

this is what appears in the console" FlyHack: Enforcing (violation of 129.1173)"

You could install this to prevent 

Quarry Ladder Flyhack Fix - Plugins - Codefling

  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

It seems resolved

thank you so much

Edited by Endor
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any future plans to add a sawmill?

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This was working a few days ago, nothing seems to be working now. Anyone else having issues?

AvG Лаймон


57 minutes ago, puddingking130 said:

This was working a few days ago, nothing seems to be working now. Anyone else having issues?

everything work fine




any way to resize the Pumps & Quarrys by like 50% or something?
Possible to add to the config?



On 7/14/2024 at 9:20 PM, Kaho said:


any way to resize the Pumps & Quarrys by like 50% or something?
Possible to add to the config?

i dont think its possible because you cant resize entity
its rendered on client 
it might be possible to make it smaller only visually
but entity will be original size and thats not useful 
BTW when the map will be ready
my players want it



Can anyone tell me where to find the skins to get the quarry?



good is it possible to lock the quarry with codelock?

Mr. Wilder Wilderness


i got all the perms but i cannot get to spawn any quarry in my inventory the ids are right but i get this error

[aQuarry] The configuration does not contain a quarry with this «SkinID»

Also the quarry.giveme command does not work


AvG Лаймон


5 minutes ago, Mr. Wilder Wilderness said:

i got all the perms but i cannot get to spawn any quarry in my inventory the ids are right but i get this error

[aQuarry] The configuration does not contain a quarry with this «SkinID»

Also the quarry.giveme command does not work


make sure that quarries are enabled in their config



I want to ask for help.

I would like to achieve that, if 1 piece of low-quality fuel is used, 3 pieces of crude fuel are produced.
But if I set it as shown in the picture, the end result will be 6 raw fuel.
I can't figure out where the problem is.


Screenshot 2024-09-11 131226.png

AvG Лаймон


1 hour ago, Viktorvill said:

I want to ask for help.

I would like to achieve that, if 1 piece of low-quality fuel is used, 3 pieces of crude fuel are produced.
But if I set it as shown in the picture, the end result will be 6 raw fuel.
I can't figure out where the problem is.


Screenshot 2024-09-11 131226.png

rate permissions, i guess
check main config at oxide/config/aQuarry.json and your permissions



I have been looking for a plugin like this for ages. I have a question about the No support for Carbon. Does this plugin not work at all currently with carbon? If it does work now, and it breaks in the future on Carbon, there is no support for it at all? Those are the only questions I have before purchase, Thanks!


Posted (edited)

Hello! quarry.giveme command does not work! Help!
(quarry.give 7656119882728xxxx 3107680xxx)

in oxide\data\aQuarry\PersonalQuarries\ a quarry with such SkinID is present

Edited by Prlzrak
AvG Лаймон

Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, Prlzrak said:

Hello! quarry.giveme command does not work! Help!
(quarry.give 7656119882728xxxx 3107680xxx)

in oxide\data\aQuarry\PersonalQuarries\ a quarry with such SkinID is present

quarry.giveme or quarry.give ?
quarry.giveme can be used only via in-game console and only if you have permission "aQuarry.Admin"
quarry.give can be used from both server and in-game console, but you still need permission to use it from in-game.
if you are using this commands from in-game console, make sure that you have permission and i promise, they will work.
if you are using it from server console and something wrong, you will recieve output with details.

if you are trying to use quarry.give from server console but you recieved "The configuration does not contain a quarry with this «SkinID»", make sure that config with this skin is enabled. Or maybe the plugin doesn't compiled correctly, try to reload 🤷‍♂️

Edited by AvG Лаймон


On 12/11/2024 at 5:40 PM, AvG Лаймон said:

quarry.giveme or quarry.give ?
quarry.giveme can be used only via in-game console and only if you have permission "aQuarry.Admin"
quarry.give can be used from both server and in-game console, but you still need permission to use it from in-game.
if you are using this commands from in-game console, make sure that you have permission and i promise, they will work.
if you are using it from server console and something wrong, you will recieve output with details.

if you are trying to use quarry.give from server console but you recieved "The configuration does not contain a quarry with this «SkinID»", make sure that config with this skin is enabled. Or maybe the plugin doesn't compiled correctly, try to reload 🤷‍♂️

Так, я надеюсь ты русский )) В общем так... Когда я пишу в консоли игры quarry.giveme мне выдает нормально все мои карьеры. Если написать в консоли игры quarry.give 7656119882728xxxx 3107680xxx то пишет что-то типа invalid item. Если написать тоже самое в консоли сервера то никаких ошибок нет но и ничего не происходит. И из магаза соответственно не выдается... как то так ((


AvG Лаймон


1 hour ago, Prlzrak said:

Так, я надеюсь ты русский )) В общем так... Когда я пишу в консоли игры quarry.giveme мне выдает нормально все мои карьеры. Если написать в консоли игры quarry.give 7656119882728xxxx 3107680xxx то пишет что-то типа invalid item. Если написать тоже самое в консоли сервера то никаких ошибок нет но и ничего не происходит. И из магаза соответственно не выдается... как то так ((


Наверное пишет Invalid format. Это значит ты где-то ошибся в айди или в скине.


Posted (edited)

Не.. именно invalid item. Я много раз проверил SteamID и SkinID

RUST2 - AnyDesk_241213002004.png



Edited by Prlzrak
AvG Лаймон


20 hours ago, Prlzrak said:

Не.. именно invalid item. Я много раз проверил SteamID и SkinID

RUST2 - AnyDesk_241213002004.png



В моем плагине нет такого реплая. Могу лишь предположить что у тебя какой-то другой плагин использует туже команду и при инициализации переписывает ее. Ты пробовал перезагрузить плагин?



Hello! How to add Quarry.admin permission?

AvG Лаймон


3 hours ago, Matheuss520 said:

Hello! How to add Quarry.admin permission?

What a strange question..
oxide.grant <group|user> <name|id> <permission>



Hi I have a problem where the refund is not working even though both options are enabled:

"Remove": { "Enable remove?": true, "Enable refund?": true,

AvG Лаймон


3 hours ago, Viktorvill said:

Hi I have a problem where the refund is not working even though both options are enabled:

"Remove": { "Enable remove?": true, "Enable refund?": true,

What exactly not working or what happens?

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