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About Admin Restrictions

Allows you to restrict certain commands and actions for admins, monitor their activities, and prevent admin abuse.


  • Command Blocking: Prevents specified commands from being executed by certain admins.
  • Action Blocking: Disables interactions like looting, building, or interacting with vehicles, cupboards, and more.
  • Team Management: Manage the admins team and their permissions.
  • Anti-Abuse: Detects abusive behavior with configurable actions such as kick or ban.
  • Action Logging: Logs movements and interactions.


  • adminrestrictions.limitactions - limit the admin actions.
  • adminrestrictions.ignore - ignores a specific admin.



  "Commands Block": {
    "Enable commands blocking": false,
    "Commands list": [
    "Log without blocking": false,
    "Print to Console": false,
    "Log to File": false
  "Actions Block": {
    "Enable actions blocking": false,
    "Actions": {
      "Damage": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Loot": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Pickups": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Building": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Player Assist": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Gathering/Farming": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Locked Entity Usage": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Cupboard Interaction": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Codelock Interaction": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Stash Interaction": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Vehicles Interaction": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Turret Interaction": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Hack Locked Crate": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Bed/Sleeping Bag Renaming": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Oven Toggle": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Recycler Toggle": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Mixing Table Toggle": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Diesel Engine Interaction": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Excavator Interaction": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Vending Machine Interaction": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Entities Target": false,
      "Lift Usage": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Buttons Interaction": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Switches Interaction": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Explosives Usage": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Ent Kill": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Ent Lock": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
      "Ent Unlock": {
        "Block Action": false,
        "Enable Discord Logging": false
    "Print to Console": false,
    "Log to File": false
  "Team Management": {
      "Enable team management": false,
      "Force admins to be in one team (overwrites all the below)": false,
      "Team Permissions": {
        "Can create team": false,
        "Can leave team": false,
        "Can invite to team": false,
        "Can be invited to team": false
  "Anti Abuse": {
    "Enable anti-abuse": false,
    "Action on Detection (0 = None, 1 = Kick, 2 = Ban)": 0,
    "Teleport to building block zone": false,
    "Teleport to cargo": false,
    "Teleport Damage": false,
    "Print to Console": false,
    "Log to File": false
  "Actions Logger": {
    "Enable action logger": false,
    "Actions": {
      "Movements": false,
      "Door Interactions": {
        "Door Opened": false,
        "Door Closed": false,
        "Door Knocked": false
      "Box Looting": {
        "Loot Started": false,
        "Loot Ended": false,
        "Item Added": false,
        "Item Looted": false
    "Ignore player-owned entities": false,
    "Print to Console": false,
    "Log to File": false
  "Discord Logging": {
    "Enable discord logging": false,
    "Webhook": ""


  • Note: Anti-Abuse will disable damage and teleport the player back to his previous location upon detection.
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