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Hi! When a base is raided, the tool cupboard and all boxes inside are broken but no message pop up to ask to cancel the event and give the RPs!

I have this parameter "Require Event Be Finished Before It Can Be Canceled": true,



EDIT : It sould be nice to add the possibility to give a difficulty point when a player raid a base like for Raidable Bases. Is it possible?



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@nivex I appreciate the quick response. Our server is pretty beefy so we don't usually have an issue with entity count. Wanted to use it more as an "Event" type scenario. If players want to raid and find some loot they have to hunt the bases down instead of just going to the map marker. Seems like it will work just fine with the proper settings. 

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heya. it will give notice next update, and start a shorter despawn time. this gives players time to use /sar claim and /sar cancel on servers which allow it.


ya, hunting down the bases instead is much more immersive 🙂


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Need a bit of help...

2 challenges
1. Abandoned Base but there is no base
2. PVP marker changing to PVE after a bit of time.

1. I have an abandoned base marker, that shows up on the map (screenshot) but at the location there is no base. Prolly already raided. Can the marker go away? I have set it that the event never cancels because i dont want the base to be destroyed after timer expires. I want the event to disappear after tc or most loot or all loot are destroyed...

2. PVP marker changes to PVE intermittenly after some time within the bubble. Players dont take dmg against each other.

Not sure if I was clear, I have posted my config file too



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1. events will start a despawn timer in the next update (2.0.9) when all loot is taken. you can enable these so that it won't despawn the base in 2.0.8


    "Do Not Destroy Base When Despawn Timer Expires": true,
    "Do Not Destroy Manually Converted Base When Despawn Timer Expires": true,

2. that PVP/PVE UI isn't from this plugin. another plugin is controlling that behavior


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there's a config option in next update, enabled by default, that will cancel the event if the player comes back online.

otherwise you can use /sar cancel

Cancel Automated Events If Abandoned Owner Comes Online
Message Raiders When Event Ends During Automated Cancellation

this will not work when purge is enabled.

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2 hours ago, nivex said:


there's a config option in next update, enabled by default, that will cancel the event if the player comes back online.

otherwise you can use /sar cancel

Cancel Automated Events If Abandoned Owner Comes Online
Message Raiders When Event Ends During Automated Cancellation

this will not work when purge is enabled.

Perfect! Thank you. Can't wait for the next update. Yes I am working with /sar cancel for now ❤️


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Just a heads up, got a new bug today other than the usual no name popping up on some buildings, or saying this building will become raidable in 0 seconds but never actually be raidable. Heres this: Says 0 and (0) for steam id, no timer for them either. 


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There is a tugboat near a base and they have the same owner! The base has became abandoned, a guy has raided the base but he can get the reward points because of the tugboat near.


Once the raid time is over, when I go to the tugboat and shoot at it, i have this message : This building is not eligible as it does not have a tool cupboard in range. Though the tugboat still have its doors and have boxes inside!

Is it a known issue for you?



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Hi Nivex,

Just thought i'd bring this up, last wipe I ran the purge command, and all the bases became raidable and players had put their turrets in them, however when they woke up, the turrets started shooting at them too.

I have the autoturrets setting to true, to enable them.
    "Auto Turrets": {
      "Enabled": true,
I unloaded the plugin to save them from their own turrets,
All the ammo they had in their turrets got lost, and only had what it had in their clip.

I had to load two new plugins to counteract this, auto auth turrets and turret configs to ensure ammo in turrets was unlimited.

Maybe we can have settings to ensure, the turrets dont attack the owner, during the purge command, when the next update comes in.

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haha that sounds like hell

I will fix it

edit, fixed:

turret auth is no longer cleared at all

ammo added by the plugin is removed from the turret only

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2 hours ago, nivex said:


haha that sounds like hell

I will fix it

edit, fixed:

turret auth is no longer cleared at all

ammo added by the plugin is removed from the turret only

Perfect thanks !

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Voli is the owner, chelovekov is the raider, I looked into /lang files but it is only in the plugin/.cs file. Why do it tells the owner has raided the base with the raider in the console? It is not normal!

(08:52:55) | [Abandoned Bases] Voli (765611.........) has raided the base with CHELOVEKOV at (-602.17, 3.37, -1650.94) (K25) owned by Voli (765611......)

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Hey Nivex,

Is there a way to toggle allowing dmg to entities even tho theres no tool cupboard? Raiders have raided a base, took out boxes and tc but theres a box hidden behind the walls but cant get it since the tc is no longer there.

"The building is not eligible as it does not have a tool cupboard in range"

maybe im blind and if theres a toggle in config, kindly help out 😛 thank you once again!

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tool cupboard is not required to damage the entities

if it says ineligible then the event ended, or the boxes are not part of the event, and is why you can't damage it any further

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This post can be deleted since its a duplication of earlier.

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as soon as my testers get back to me

edit: ok, 2.0.9 released. ENJOY

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Hi! Do we no longer see who are the owners when we hit a base now? 


EDIT : For your info,  when you leave a raidable base, the "you have left a raidable PVE base" is displayed 7 times instead 1 time.

EDIT1 : "Marker Format With Raider Name": "[Raider] {0} {1}", seems not working?


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