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10 minutes ago, FreeManStars said:

Why a player can still loot boxes after timer is over  ! Is it the bug you are talking about?

when the event is over it will not block the looting anymore. you must use a plugin like Prevent Looting for that



I have prevent looting and I couldn't loot boxes but he could and his mate couldn't! 



2 minutes ago, FreeManStars said:

Ok, here is my config at the moment .. 


AbandonedBases.json 6.55 kB · 1 download

config is good, but max dynamic radius might need increase if the dome is too small. you should not disable the sphere until this radius is configured properly for your server

Just now, FreeManStars said:

I have prevent looting and I couldn't loot boxes but he could and his mate couldn't! 

you have not showed me the ent who for this box. prevent looting is responsible to block this looting. when the event is over the plugin has no control of the base anymore.

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Posted (edited)

I do not know which boxes he loots but I look at 5 or 6 boxes and it was the owner steamid

You did not answer me about maker plz?

EDIT : ok for the radius, I'll do that with sphere!

Edited by FreeManStars


2 minutes ago, FreeManStars said:

I do not know which boxes he loots but I look at 5 or 6 boxes and it was the owner steamid

You did not answer me about maker plz?


I did answer you.


I think the new changes from 2.0.8 have broken this option

if it has a steamid as owner then it cannot be looted unless he is ally with that steamid. prevent looting will block it.

how did the raid end?

/sar claim, or /sar cancel?

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Ok sorry, didn't know it was about markers.  I ask him and he said to me he hadn't had no message at the end. By the way I do not understand how raid finish, I raided a base yesterday and I had this message for /sar claim and /sar cancel, I have canceled!


Posted (edited)

12 minutes ago, FreeManStars said:

Ok sorry, didn't know it was about markers.  I ask him and he said to me he hadn't had no message at the end. By the way I do not understand how raid finish, I raided a base yesterday and I had this message for /sar claim and /sar cancel, I have canceled!

if you use /sar claim then you can loot everything

if the raid ends from the timer expiring, or from /sar cancel, then you cannot loot unless you or an ally owned it to start with

edit: you must check with ent who in your f1 game console. the only way he can loot is if he is the owner, his ally is the owner, or there is no owner (ent who showing 0). otherwise prevent looting plugin will block him

Edited by nivex
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Posted (edited)

Re, ok,  yes If you claim the base then you are the owner, there isn't a way to prevent this?

I just saw another player looting boxes, I have ent who and it was owner steeamid but, the cupboard was still there and he had authorised on it, maybe that's why? I broke the cupboard and he couldn't anymore! SOrry for my bad english 😞

EDIT : I looked into preventlooting config file and I had  "CanAuthorizeCupboard": true, I set it on false now! TY


Edited by FreeManStars



they cannot claim without abandonedbases.convert.claim permission

oh, yes, that is why. prevent looting can allow looting with cupboard auth.

this is not a bug though. if he gets auth he should be able to loot it.

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Posted (edited)

prevent looting is bugged, too. if there are no players authed then everyone can loot.


it is not checking bprev.AnyAuthed() && bprev.IsAuthed(player) so it will always return true when no one is authed.

so yes, destroying the TC will prevent him from looting anymore. clearing auth will not. this is very bad for normal game play when a player forgets to lock their TC

Edited by nivex
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I think you should disable those options in PreventLooting config.

UseCupboard to false
UseOnlyInCupboardRange to false

if someone leaves their TC unlocked then players will be able to loot their entire base =/

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Posted (edited)

Re, I did it! Thank you! I make a try and I can no longer loot boxes with or without cupboard. So I have to grant for default group the convert and convert.cancel perms? But If I do not want they can claim a base then I revoke convert.claim perm? right?

Command /sar claim - requires abandonedbases.convert and abandonedbases.convert.claim permissions and converts a finished abandoned base into a claimed base that can be taken over by players

But if I grant convert.claim then the raider is the new owner and the base can be taken at new by players if the new owner is offline more than 3 days right?

EDIT : It should be nice to have a message when a player leaves the base .. 

A player has raided a 2x1 bases with 2 boxes inside, 1 furnace and a camp fire. I asked him if he gets a message and he said no,  I asked him whether he had looted all boxes and he said yes so he has returned to the base to break all entities in the base and he has getted the message to claim or cancel saying to me that he maybe missed the camp fire first! What if he had left the base just looting what he would? no message  no claim or no cancel no RP? The base would have reappeared another time? In fact, there is no way to force the player to raid all the base and break the boxes and so on? You have just to tell them how that works on your server for abandoned bases .. raid the entire base, break the TC and all boxes to get rewarded by RP?

Arf! not easy to get all mechanics 🙂

EDIT 1 : What aboout this plz?

"Advanced Alerts UI": {
"Enabled": true,
"Anchor Min": "0.35 0.85",
"Anchor Max": "0.65 0.95",
"Time Shown": 5.0

and this :

"Remove Ownership From Bases": true,
"Remove Ownership From Containers": true,
"Remove Ownership When Despawn Timer Is Zero": false,

Edited by FreeManStars

Posted (edited)


ya, that's how claim works. it's good so that someone can take over the base as their own. the reward is bugged when you claim you do not receive it. fixed next update.

I can add a message

the boxes (large box, small box, and coffin only) and TC are required only. you can enable Only Cupboards Are Required To Cancel An Event if you want TC only. yes, the base will convert until there is no TC left based on how you have it configured as I've said before 😛

advanced alerts is a plugin here on codefling https://codefling.com/plugins/advanced-alerts

remove ownership sets the owner to 0 (ent who) to bypass the prevent looting plugin. it restores it when the event ends.

Edited by nivex
  • Like 1


Hi! Thank you! It is clear! Cool if you can add a message for next update!

Tugboats do not have vending machine marker? Is it normal or bugged?




Posted (edited)


its probably the game bug. you will know this is the case if you see the map marker in the center of your map or elsewhere instead. could be a tug plugin breaking it too.

Edited by nivex


Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: AbandonedBases - False (Boolean), RaidableBases (True (Boolean)) 





it's fixed in next update

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5 hours ago, nivex said:


it's fixed in next update

Thank you. Appreciate the work you do!




A guy has raided a 2x2 base and has broke everything inside but no message to /sar cancel. Not far, there is also a tugboat with 3 boxes on board (if I ent who it is ID 0 so it may belong to the guy base) but he can't break the boxes and have this message this event be canceled until all boxes and TC are looted ! Is it a bug or somehing is wrong in my config file plz?





it's the tugboat. ent who 0 does not matter. this is normal, and is always 0 unless a plugin changes it. not sure if bugged though. I doubt it.

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Hi! Another issue or bug maybe ? I raided an adandoned base who was owned by the player 'vasur'. I broke the tool cupboard and I replaced another in the last 30 sec timer and when I have shooted a wall, I have had those messages :

This building is not eligible as it has at least one active user. (normally it should be me)

1. vasur was last seen 03 days 04 hours 32 minutes 21 seconds ago

2. Freemanstars is online

3. mims64 is online

This building will become abandoned in 06 days 23 hours 59 minutes 55 seconds

But why the player mims64 is shown and why it tells abandoned in more than 6 days plz?

Maybe mims64 came and tried to shoot a wall while I was flying to my base?





not a bug. it says this time because you two are online. I can't tell you why he is shown. I wasn't there =p



Ok thanks but we are not a team, it was the base of vasur. I do not understand why I can see mims64. I have put another cupboard without a locker, maybe he came and authorized on it .. is that why?

If I break the cupboard first before all boxes, when the timer expire then I no longer have another conversion when I shoot the base right?





Cooldown Between Events will block the damage, prevent him from claiming and prevent him from being set as the event owner

it does not prevent him from looting so I will have to add that.

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