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2.0.6 released... I left a piece of code in 2.0.5 on accident that prevented it from compiling.

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Thanks for the reply. I think the 2 plugins are redundant but not my call. The RP plugin I think to an update today or recently to work better with AB. 

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@nivex thx for your update man.




should i also delete the json config file before update or can i use my old one?

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hi atm i tested my purge event.

i saw that not each base get abandoned.

i need to shoot the buildinmg after that i get a reply "starting abandoned base event".

is this a config problem?


  "Purge Settings": [
      "Permission": "abandonedbases.vip",
      "Lifetime (Days)": "3",
      "Conversions Before Destroying Base": 1
      "Permission": "abandonedbases.veteran",
      "Lifetime (Days)": "3",
      "Conversions Before Destroying Base": 1
      "Permission": "abandonedbases.basic",
      "Lifetime (Days)": "3",
      "Conversions Before Destroying Base": 1
  "Abandoned Settings": {
    "Automatic Conversions Disabled Between These Times": [
        "Enabled": false,
        "Start Time": "00:00",
        "End Time": "12:00"
        "Enabled": false,
        "Start Time": "12:00",
        "End Time": "00:00"
    "Auto Turrets": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Aim Cone": 5.0,
      "Ammo": 256,
      "Infinite Ammo": false,
      "Minimum Damage Modifier": 1.0,
      "Maximum Damage Modifier": 1.0,
      "Start Health": 1000.0,
      "Sight Range": 30.0,
      "Double Sight Range When Shot": false,
      "Set Hostile (False = Do Not Set Any Mode)": true,
      "Has Power": false,
      "Requires Power Source": false,
      "Remove Equipped Weapon": false,
      "Random Weapons To Equip When Unequipped": [
    "Rewards": {
      "Economics Money": 0.0,
      "ServerRewards Points": 0,
      "SkillTree XP": 0.0,
      "Do Not Reward Canceled Events": false,
      "Divide Rewards Among All Raiders": true
    "Blacklisted Commands": [
    "Entities Not Allowed To Be Picked Up": [],
    "Ignored Prefabs": [
    "BotSpawn Profile Names": [
    "Allow PVP": true,
    "Allow PVP (when manually converted with SAR command)": true,
    "Allow PVP (when manually converted with attack permission)": true,
    "Allow Players To Build": true,
    "Allow Players To Build Ladders": true,
    "Allow Players To Use MLRS": true,
    "Minimum Required Players Online": 1,
    "Block Damage From Outside To Base": true,
    "Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVP Bases": false,
    "Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVE Bases": false,
    "Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For Sleepers": true,
    "Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage": false,
    "Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage (Twig Only)": false,
    "Cooldown Between Conversions": 3600.0,
    "Economics Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled)": 0.0,
    "Economics Cost To Cancel Conversion (0 = disabled)": 0.0,
    "ServerRewards Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled)": 0,
    "ServerRewards Cost To Cancel Conversion (0 = disabled)": 0,
    "Custom Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled)": [
        "Item Shortname": "scrap",
        "Item Name": null,
        "Amount": 0,
        "Skin": 0
    "Custom Cost To Cancel Conversion (0 = disabled)": [
        "Item Shortname": "scrap",
        "Item Name": null,
        "Amount": 0,
        "Skin": 0
    "Marker Name (Minutes)": "Abandoned Player Base [{time}m]",
    "Marker Name (Seconds)": "Abandoned Player Base [{time}s]",
    "Marker Format With Owner Name": "{0} {1}",
    "Show Owners Name On Map Marker": false,
    "Foundations Required": 4,
    "Walls Required": 3,
    "Include Twig Structures": false,
    "Sphere Amount": 10,
    "Sphere Radius": 50.0,
    "Use Dynamic Sphere Radius": false,
    "Max Dynamic Radius": 75.0,
    "Padding Added Onto Dynamic Radius": 9.0,
    "Min Custom Sphere Radius": 25.0,
    "Max Custom Sphere Radius": 75.0,
    "Players Cannot Loot Wounded Players": true,
    "Seconds Until Event Can Be Canceled": 0.0,
    "PVP Delay": 15.0,
    "Despawn Timer": 86400.0,
    "Reset Despawn Timer When Base Is Attacked": false,
    "Do Not Destroy Base When Despawn Timer Expires": false,
    "Do Not Destroy Manually Converted Base When Despawn Timer Expires": false,
    "Backpacks Can Be Opened": true,
    "Corpses Can Be Looted By Anyone": true,
    "Backpacks Can Be Looted By Anyone": true,
    "Time To Wait Between Spawns": 15.0,
    "Use Map Marker": true,
    "Require Event Be Finished Before It Can Be Canceled": true,
    "Check If Abandoned Bases Are Too Close Together": true
  "Messages": {
    "Advanced Alerts UI": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "Anchor Min": "0.35 0.85",
      "Anchor Max": "0.65 0.95",
      "Time Shown": 5.0
    "Notify Plugin - Type (-1 = disabled)": 0,
    "UI Popup Interval": 1.0,
    "Send Messages To Player": true,
    "Send Global Message When Players Claim A Base": false
  "Run Once On Server Startup": true,
  "Run Every X Seconds": 3600.0,
  "Kill Inactive Sleepers": false,
  "Move Inventory To Boxes Before Kill Inactive Sleepers": false,
  "Move Inventory Blacklist Shortnames": [
  "Let Players Kill Abandoned Sleepers": true,
  "Remove Ownership From Bases": false,
  "Remove Ownership From Containers": true,
  "Remove Ownership When Despawn Timer Is Zero": false,
  "Steam Chat ID": 0,
  "Use Log File": false,
  "Extended Distance To Spawn Away From Zone Manager Zones": 25.0,
  "Allowed Zone Manager Zones": [


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13 minutes ago, m3dus4 said:

hi atm i tested my purge event.

i saw that not each base get abandoned.

i need to shoot the buildinmg after that i get a reply "starting abandoned base event".

is this a config problem?

hi, you can attach files rather than pasting their contents =p

it looks like there's an issue where it aborts the scan.

change else to else if (user != null) and it should work until I can figure out why it happens to begin with


it will look like this if done right:


Edited by nivex
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3 minutes ago, nivex said:

hi, you can attach files rather than pasting their contents =p

it looks like there's an issue where it aborts the scan.

change else to else if (user != null) and it should work until I can figure out why it happens to begin with


ok like this?



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i reload the plugin purt in the command:


/sar purge

after that then


i get the message "Starting manual scan for abond...." but nothing happends.

0 abondend bases


it seems that the scan dont work.



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@console im gewtting a error msg:


(19:41:30) | NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

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44 minutes ago, m3dus4 said:

@console im gewtting a error msg:


(19:41:30) | NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I need the trace message for that error. if you do not see it then it is in the server log (not oxide log)

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7 minutes ago, m3dus4 said:

can u tell me the folder where i can find the file?

your rust folder.


may be named latest.log, server.log, etc

do not post it here - DM it to me

if you don't see the logfile then ask your host how to find or enable it

Edited by nivex
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there is no log file. i think it shoul come with startparameter and that command its not insert.


if i check my cmd windows where my server started i see the log:


[Abandoned Bases] Opened abandoned player base at (-349.1, 10.1, -905.2) with 49 entities
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Edited by m3dus4
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6 minutes ago, m3dus4 said:

there is no log file. i think it shoul come with startparameter and that command its not insert.


if i check my cmd windows where my server started i see the log:


[Abandoned Bases] Opened abandoned player base at (-349.1, 10.1, -905.2) with 49 entities
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

that is not helpful

you must DM me the server log

ask your host

-logfile log.txt

this is all they need to add

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4 hours ago, m3dus4 said:

ok send u DM

this happens because something is null in code or the datafile. I'm trying to figure out what that might be

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 I think I figured it out

in the .cs file go to line 2794 and make a new line by pressing enter key. put this code  on line 2794:

if (priv.IsKilled() || building == null || building.decayEntities == null) { _skipped++; yield break; }

it will look like this when done:



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11 hours ago, nivex said:

hi, you can attach files rather than pasting their contents =p

it looks like there's an issue where it aborts the scan.

change else to else if (user != null) and it should work until I can figure out why it happens to begin with


it will look like this if done right:


ok ill try. 🙂


whats about line 2365?

i change it it back and scan works fine for me.




atm it looks really good. scan is working fine.



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22 minutes ago, m3dus4 said:

ok ill try. 🙂


I don't understand what you're saying =p


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7 minutes ago, nivex said:

I don't understand what you're saying =p


/sab works fine for me now thx man. 🙂


shoul i change also the line?




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