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Marco Almeida

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  1. Hey Dont know if what I'm about to suggest is even possible but... 1. it would be great to save your own additions to StaticLootables, so when I add them in-game, they would "survive" and would apply on new maps. 2. still on the same line of the 1st suggestion, if there's no way of saving the additions we made in-game, have an option to add them in the files, so when the plugin loads, it would load with the new custom lootables. And thank you for the amazing plugin!
  2. Marco Almeida

    wrong spawn number?

    Hello, I've configured some of the monuments so they would have less NPCs. One of those monuments was The Dome, and I've decided to spawn during the day 2 to 5 NPCs during the day and 1 to 3 during the night. I arrived during the day, and I've encountered 3 enemies. So far so good. Killed them. Meanwhile, the night arrived while I was still on The Dome. I was expecting to eventually encounter 1 NPC or maybe 3. Worst case scenario 5, since there could have been 5 NPCs during the day and I didn't know if they would clear out before spawning different ones for the night. But as soon as I arrived at the top of the dome, there were at least 8 NPCs. Usually The Dome doesn't have NPCs, so even if the "Remove other NPCs" option was "false", there weren't any in there to start with. And while I was writing this, I've decided to check again the config file of The Dome and noticed there were two options for NPC spawn during day and night. Right at the top, line 2 to 11, and then again on line 151 to 155. Is this suppose to happen? Sorry if this is all just a confusion from me and if this doesn't even make any sense, sorry again So... should I just change both options or there was something wrong on the files? And by the way, when day change into night, do day npcs disappear and night npcs spawn? Or they accumulate? Thank you Edit: So i was looking at other monuments and now it made sense, those are presets, however it raised another question: do those presets means that one of them will be picked randomly or that each preset will be spawned? In Airfield, for example, there's 5 presets, does it mean that each new day a new preset will be picked from those 5 or every new day those 5 presets will be spawned?
    The way this plugin changes the game (for the better!), caught me completely by surprise. I was expecting to have more prefabs to loot but the way it lets you configure everything and add even more prefabs to loot, it's just insane. My mind started racing when I realized I could even think about tasks/quests to give other players to force them to visit some places and retrieve something I've hidden in a prefab. Easily the best money I've spent in something for Rust and a must have plugin for any server (PvP or PvE) running Rust.
  3. Ah I do know to work with the mod, I've added some content to prefabs that didn't had anything by default (either from the game or from the mod). I was just wondering if I would lose those changes once my server went through a map wipe or a full wipe. If that happens, I wanted to save everything first so in the next map I would have those changes already made. Or I don't need to worry and everything will be there on the new wipe/new map? Regarding other mods, the one I had that could mess with the loot was BetterLoot, does it change anything on the prefabs your mod adds loot? The ones that had a blue keycard were the ones that were locked (desk_a and file_cabinet_b for example), so you had to give them a couple of hits and then loot. To sum things up, will I lose my changes on map/full wipe? does BetterLoot change Static Lootables? Thank you again
  4. But in which file can I look for it? I've tried on "oxide/config/StaticLootables.json" and only could find "keycard_green" on three different prefabs. Couldn't find "keycard_blue" anywhere. Or since I've removed them in-game, they don't appear anymore? I've also looked into "oxide/data/StaticLootables.json" and there's nothing in there. By the way, is there a place where I can see which changes I've made on prefabs? The ones I've edited and the ones I've added? Or will I lose everything once I wipe the map? Or no matter what type of wipe I do, it will always save my changes? Thank you
  5. Hello, Is it possible to remove all blue cards (and maybe red cards?) from all lootable items? Don't want players to have access to blue cards before completing a green card and as it is, they were getting a lot more blue cards than green. P.S.: is there any other way to edit what's inside lootable items without going physically on the item itself? Thank you


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