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  1. I'm still working on fixing things and making a one stable version for all type of servers.
  2. kaysharp

    Map Voter

    I'm working on it
  3. I didn't fully understand the issue.
  4. kaysharp

    error: Unauthorized

    I'm working on a fix.
  5. I've responded in discord.
  6. That mean on Force wipe ( First Thursday of the month when Facepunsh release a new update) the server will map wipe.
  7. it wiped BPs because you set bp wipe to 0 leave it empty if you do monthly wipes with no BPs wipes.
  8. kaysharp

    Cant send discord commands

    For some reason the commands only works when rust cord is loaded. working on a fix.
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. Did you set the correct discord role and discord channel id?
  11. kaysharp


    Update MapVoter and Discord extension.
  12. kaysharp

    Fix for NRE

    Thank you.
  13. Can you explain more?
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  15. This issue is not related to Building Skins.


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