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  1. imthenewguy

    No kits in my inventory

    Its a bug. A patch is being tested on my discord server atm
  2. imthenewguy


    What do you mean Enhanced store?
  3. imthenewguy

    ToggleBC perm is missing

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  4. imthenewguy

    ToggleBC perm is missing

    Not sure why its missing. Will add it.
  5. The first is incompatible. Not much I can do about that. The second has no API calls to prevent the retrieval of items, so outside of my control.
  6. No. Skill Tree saves and stores individuals data when they log off, during server save or when the plugin is unloaded (servers shuts down). The only time it wont save is if it crashes. I means that up to 10 minutes of data wont be there, which is usually not a common thing.
  7. Skill Tree will log when it saves data which is when your server saves data. Not sure why you are saving the server data every 15 seconds. That's a lot. The default is every 10 minutes. If you want to change it, set the value for server.saveinterval to 600
  8. imthenewguy

    blast suit

    Works fine on my server. You may have another plugin conflicting with it. Rust 2024-12-16 08-43-59.mp4
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  10. I can update the hookmethod for GetSkillTreeData to include xp debt.
  11. I mean if that's what you want to do, then you don't need any changes from Skill Tree to do it. Set the better chat format settings in the skill tree config to null then do whatever you need to do in the BetterChat config/data.
  12. imthenewguy

    Tea effects reversed

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  14. The plugin was never designed with this intention. The perm based trees were designed for servers that wanted to restrict the tree based on external factors. If you are wanting a progression system, you would be better off adding the skills to "Skill required to unlock node [Requires max level]". Like this: "Braided Line": { "Permission required to show this node": null, "Minimum prestige required to unlock this node": 0, "Skill required to unlock node [Requires max level]": "Harvesting Tree", "Skill that if unlocked, will prevent this node from unlocking": null, "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 1, "value_per_buff": 0.07, "buff_info": { "Key": "Rod_Tension_Bonus", "Value": "Percentage" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/p3rkfmoay0tglpz/Warriorskill_38_nobg.v1.png?dl=1", "skin": 3012306483, "permissions": null },
  15. imthenewguy

    Tea effects reversed

    Its applying the time correctly, its just a visual bug with the client. Rust 2024-12-15 12-45-20.mp4


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