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Clans Bot 2

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About Clans Bot

Clan Bot is a Discord bot written in only Python designed to manage clans within a server. It allows users to create and manage clans, invite and kick members, transfer leadership, and provide information about clans.

Usage :

!clancreate <name>: Creates a new clan with the specified name. It creates a role and a channel for the clan.

!claninvite <member>: Invites a member to join your clan. The member can accept or deny the invitation.

!clankick <member>: Kicks a member from your clan.

!clandisband <name>: Disbands a clan, deleting the role and channel associated with it.

!clansetleader <new_leader>: Transfers the leadership of a clan to a new member.

!cinfo <name>: Shows information about a clan, including the leader and members.

!clanleave: Leaves your current clan.

You can also use the !help command to view a list of available commands and their usage.


The bot uses a SQLite database (database.db) to store information about clans. The clans table database will be created automatically


You can also customize the help command by modifying the MyHelpCommand class. The example code provided disables individual command help and provides a customized help message.



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