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Battlemetrics | Alt Finder | Ban searcher 1.5.0

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   (3 reviews)

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Hey Amino. This looks like a very useful bot. Thanks for putting out for everyone. 


How exactly does the Alt Finder work? Would I need a paid Battlemetrics account in order to use that feature? I've seen admin content creators (mainly Camomo) be able to spot cheaters who are trying to hide under a new account / new hardware.  Is this bot using the same method that he is using, or nah? 



Yes, it’s using the same method.

You will need a paid battlemetrics RCON subscription with you own servers or be admin for other servers. The bot only had as much data as you have access to. So you can only get a link on a players if they have played on both accounts on a server that you have access to. 

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what is the best method to get access to other server owners shared information?

Is there a location where people provide share links or something along those lines.



the above is there provided data base?

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