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  1. Damian_Sov


    Man I was just about to take a screenshot but it seems like you removed it. For me those were in the middle of the hotbar not at the bottom like your screenshot. Literally made dragging things into and out of the hotbar impossible. Much appreciated though that you did something about it. I just joined up yesterday to get the server in my list. I have a doctors appointment later to get a cast put on my leg, then gonna see if I can stand to sit at the desk for a bit to play and maybe build Tea Guy Toms Frank base. Again much appreciated for the server share, I didn't have much time to play around on there yet but it does seem like you have a nice set up and are still working on it. Much luck friend, I will be spending more time soon there.
  2. Damian_Sov


    Just an fyi the quick tabs for your plugins like kits, skill tree rewards, etc all cover the hotbar. It makes it difficult to things in your hotbar I suggest removing this all together or give the players the option to remove it. It's clutter that doesn't belong.
  3. Damian_Sov


    Appreciate it. Just broke my leg last week can't really sit at a desk yet with the pain I'm in but once I can I will give your server a try.
  4. Damian_Sov


    What's your server? Because enchanted.gg sucks ass.
  5. Damian_Sov


    Appreciate the reply. I'll check them out after work tonight see if they have it.
  6. Damian_Sov


    Anyone have a server that uses this plugin? Tired of my crops dying when I can't get on for a day. Too busy to run my own server anymore, I actually own this plugin on chaos.code but I can't get the server I play to use it they don't want to for some reason. Hit me up on discord damiansov if you have a server preferable a 3x or 5x I hate farming for a base. Much appreciated!
  7. I have 2.4.1. I actually just re-downloaded it from here again just to make sure I was indeed running the latest. But at last this problem still persists.
  8. I haven't given this permission to the default player group but everyone gets the benefits of the plugin.
  9. Alright now gather rates work after after disable and enable and now the furnace option is disabled. I don't know what the issue is I changed absolutely nothing in my plugins. Glad it's working right now. Can close this thread.
  10. @izveklandI removed all the other plugins that do the jobs that it does, besides my Simple Splitter plugin but that doesn't have to do with gather rates. The stacksizes fixed itself, they work now don't know what changed that. The gather rates still do not change. I use the multiplier setting of 3 for a 3x server and still get vanilla rates when hitting trees or picking up anything. What do you mean by I didn't enable it? Do you mean the flags? I have tried with both having UnlockGatherMultiplier enabled and disabled to no success. If I am missing something else then please my dude enlighten me because I feel retarded.
  11. Damian_Sov

    Importing Kits

    Maybe I'll give it another try, like I said I'd like to use the kits tab. Trying to get another plugin working right atm though so that'll have to be at a later date.
  12. Damian_Sov

    Importing Kits

    It's been probably over a year since I used it, so for all I know it's a great plugin with no problems now, but I had problems with creating kits having to do it multiple times because kits would just disappear I also found it tedious to make kits. I found the paid version of the plugin and decided to try that out one day and tbh the only problem I had with that was a bug with naming kits never had a kit disappear and making kits is simple I don't have to give myself all the items first nor look up any information on the items its all in the GUI. For all I know though this could have been implemented into the free version, like I said I haven't used it in a long time. I just came back to Rust personally.
  13. Damian_Sov

    Importing Kits

    It'd be awesome if there was support for it down the line, I'd like to use this feature but I don't want to switch to the free version of the plugin I like the paid version and have had less problems with it than the free version.
  14. I've changed these settings to be 3x vanilla but they do not change in game it stays vanilla. I bought this thinking it had Stack Size and Gather incorporated into it but has neither. Edit: Cannot disable Furnace Config either. I use Simple Splitter so I don't want to use the Furnace side of this plugin. But I am unable to disable it. Edit2: Stack sizes all of a sudden are working don't know what changed on that end. Still no success in gather rates these are still vanilla even though they are configured to 3x in the GUI.
  15. Damian_Sov

    Importing Kits

    wpkits_import [WPKits] data/Kits/kits_data.json was not found. When I run the command I get a line saying I don't have a kits_data.json. I realized I don't have a data file that is specified like that, I use the paid version of Kits not sure if this plugin is compatible? I just simply have a data.json file and a kits.json file in my Kits data folder and I do have kits made already.


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