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  1. Flith

    Roam Bubble

    Key Features to Implement that could benefit the integrity of your plugin, these are all features i have brought up with my Staff team and players within my server: Admin Commands: 1. Roam Creation: - Admins can create a new roam event using `/roamcreate (name)`, which spawns a roam at their current location. The roam will be saved in a data file, along with any changes made to the event. 2. Roam Editing: - Admins can edit roam events using `/roamedit (name)`. This allows for adjusting the location, setting teleport spawn points, and other modifications. 3. Barricade Upgrade Feature: - When players participate in roam events, any wooden barricade placed will automatically be upgraded into a high wall, providing enhanced defences for players during the event. (This can be enabled/disabled. 4. Restricted Equipment: - Admins can prevent players from equipping specific items, such as heavy plate armour, shotguns, rocket launchers, etc., during roam events. This restriction ensures balance and fairness. 5. Placement Restrictions: - When roams are either active or inactive, players are only allowed to place barricades and high external walls. This keeps the event area uncluttered and strategic. 6. Clans and Clan Cores integration: This would be a configurable option within the config 7. Teleport Spawn Points: - Admins can set teleport spawn points while editing by typing `/roamsetspawn`. There is no maximum limit to the number of spawn points, and when players teleport to the roam, the spawn points are randomised to provide a fair and unpredictable experience. Maybe even add a locked crate that spawns and starts unlocking at the start of an event with a custom loot table which can be edited within the config, or maybe a loot box that spawns at the end of the event with the same custom loot table idea.
  2. So this comes with the tutorial to allow you to make them from scratch yea?
  3. Exactly that! I'm glad someone gets my gibberish lmao
  4. Could maybe add a yes/no feature to allow setting a clan home only if you have X amount of players in a clan. Both customisable of course
  5. Flith


    Is there a way to configure this plugin to vote for events? for example i have both maze and roams plugins on my server would i be able to configure this so players can vote for certain events?
  6. Flith

    Help with setup

    this support ticket is not closed, bot does need sorting out. And there needs to me more support for this especially as its a paid plugin
  7. Is there a way to customise this with players needed in a clan for offline protection and so on? And is there a way to set this so it only protects the clan after a certain amount of players are offline?
  8. Placing beds initially doesn't have the set cool downs
  9. Flith

    Bag cooldown

    did you fix this before closing? if not that's not good especially as the plugin dev
  10. Hi there, can i pay you to make a custom version of this plugin with a bit more customisation?
  11. It only seems to make the sound with your kits plugin installed, never done it before but has started doing it which is so strange. I’ll try and send a clip in
  12. Flith

    Help with setup

    Sure it’s Flith_
  13. Flith

    Help with setup

    I've sent you a friend request
  14. Is there a way to turn off !pop?


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