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0g.Ghost.7373's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Traffic Drivers"


    Traffic Drivers

    This plugin revitalizes empty and abandoned Rust roads, now they will spawn bots on cars with companions who will protect them.
    In configuration you can setup:
    Vehicle presets Modules Add codelock, doorlock Engine parts tier Fuel amount (you can also enable infinite fuel) Maximum car speed Destroying car after driver death Destroying engine parts after driver death Loot in Storage Module Driver presets Display name Bot skin Health Loot in bot inventory Behaviour when car was attacked Receive damage rate Clothes Companion Enable companion to protect driver Companion display name Companion health Companion clothes Damage rates Limit, spawn and interaction settings Maximum amount of cars Minimum road width  After how many seconds destroy stuck car Delay between spawn next car Prevent bots from attacking drivers and companions Video: 
    trafficdrivers.debug - showing all spawned traffic cars with them current positon Default config:
    { "Vehicle presets": { "3-х модульный транспорт": { "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.storage", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.with.engine" ], "Add codelock?": false, "Add door lock?": false, "Engine parts tier (0-3, 0 to spawn without parts)": 3, "Fuel amount (-1 for max amount)": -1, "Water amount for fuel tank (not necessary, -1 for max amount)": 0, "Max speed": 10.0, "Enable infinite fuel": true, "Driver preset name (leave blank to spawn random driver)": "", "Destroy car after driver death?": false, "Block access to engine parts?": true, "Destroy engine parts after driver death?": true, "Loot in Storage Module": { "Add loot to Storage Module": true, "Loot": [ { "Item shortname": "wood", "Item skin": 0, "Item name (not necessary)": null, "Spawn chance": 100.0, "Item amount": { "Minimum": 1000.0, "Maximum": 10000.0 } }, { "Item shortname": "stones", "Item skin": 0, "Item name (not necessary)": null, "Spawn chance": 100.0, "Item amount": { "Minimum": 5000.0, "Maximum": 50000.0 } } ] } } }, "Driver presets": { "Водитель Ярик": { "Display driver name": "Водитель Ярик", "Bot skin (0 - random)": 0, "Bot health": { "Minimum": 100.0, "Maximum": 150.0 }, "Bot loot": [ { "Item name": null, "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item skin": 0, "Spawn chance": 100.0, "Item amount": { "Minimum": 1.0, "Maximum": 1.0 }, "Target container (main, belt, wear)": "belt" }, { "Item name": null, "Item shortname": "hatchet", "Item skin": 0, "Spawn chance": 100.0, "Item amount": { "Minimum": 1.0, "Maximum": 1.0 }, "Target container (main, belt, wear)": "main" } ], "Driver will be moving with default speed (1) or will be increase max. speed for a while (2) when attacked?": 2, "Damage receive rate": 0.5, "Clothes": [ { "Item shortname": "hazmatsuit", "Item skin": 0 } ], "Companion": { "Spawn companion for driver? (he will shoot and protect him)": true, "Display companion name": "Компаньон-защитник", "Companion health": { "Minimum": 100.0, "Maximum": 150.0 }, "Clothes": [ { "Item shortname": "attire.banditguard", "Item skin": 0 } ], "Damage receive rate": 0.5, "Damage rate": 2.0 } } }, "Limits, spawn and interaction setup": { "Maximum amount of cars": { "Minimum": 1.0, "Maximum": 5.0 }, "Minimum road width": 100, "After how many seconds destroy stuck car?": 60.0, "Delay between spawn next car": 5, "Prevent bots from attacking drivers and companions?": true } }  
  2. More information about "Loot Crate Spawner EVENT"


    Loot Crate Spawner EVENT

    LootCrateSpawner is an exciting and innovative Rust plugin designed to add dynamic and thrilling events to your gameplay. This plugin automatically spawns loot crates in random locations on the map, ensuring unpredictability and constant player engagement. With configurable event intervals and crate lifespans, administrators can fine-tune the frequency and duration of these events to suit their server's needs. Each crate appears with a map marker, guiding players to its location and fostering competitive spirit as everyone rushes to claim the loot. Notifications in the chat inform players of the crate's appearance and lifespan, adding urgency and excitement to the hunt. The randomization of crate locations encourages exploration and keeps players on their toes, creating an ever-changing and vibrant game environment. Easy to configure and use, LootCrateSpawner is the perfect addition to any Rust server looking to enhance player interaction and elevate the gaming experience.

    Easily customisable. Сommands to start the event and to clear all the boxes and markers.
               (/crateventstart - start the event, /clearcratevents - clear all active LootCrateSpawner events)
    Customisable marker display time on the map.
    Customisable minimum and maximum time interval between the start of the event.
    If you use custom loot table, it will be applied to the Military Box.
    Does not load your server too much.
    An example of a Config file view
    {   "CrateLifetime": 40.0,   "MarkerLifetime": 40.0,   "MaxEventInterval": 60.0,   "MinEventInterval": 50.0 } As you can see above, the file configuration is as simple as possible,
    which everyone can understand, there is nothing complicated in it and
    it is as easy to configure as possible.
    CrateLifetime - Military Box lifetime on the map MarkerLifetime - the lifetime of a marker on the map MaxEventInterval - the maximum time after which a new event should start MinEventInterval - the minimum time after which the new event should start  
    If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to send me a private message on Discord
    My Discord: callofglory_anytime
    You can see the above described plugin in the video
  3. More information about "NPCShop"



    /settrader <BotName> (use for create new trader) /remtrader <BotName> (use for remove trader by his name) /newtraderpos (look directyl at the bot) then /newtraderpos update (use on new position) or /newtraderpos cancel (if you unselect the bot) "npcshopclear" in the server console will delete old vending machines and bots (For edit the NPCs you need "npcshop.admin" permission) FEATURES:
    Creating a trader with the right set of items [copy your cloth to trader] Players can see marker on the map to check what the bot can sell them Local positions for Monuments (after wipe you don't need to change positions anymore) [Dependent on MonumentFinder]  Friendly setup UI

    API [for developers]:
    void OnNPCShopItemBuy(BasePlayer buyer, Item saleItem, Item priceItem)
    { "Auto reload [If you change the config and save the file the plugin will reload itself]": true, "Bot spawn command": "settrader", "Bot remove command": "remtrader", "Bot change position command": "newtraderpos", "Spawn|Edit|Remove permission": "npcshop.admin", "When you create a bot, it copies your clothes": true, "Use vending npc markers": true, "Permission - discount [0 - 100]": { "npcshop.vip": 15 }, "Bots": [ { "ID": 7289465, "Display Name": "Bs", "Spawn positon": { "x": 1514.18677, "y": 15.9957361, "z": 1410.688 }, "View angel": { "x": 18.80824, "y": 111.952576, "z": 9.019342E-07 }, "Monument prefab [empty if the bot was not created in the monument | required MonumentFinder plugin]": null, "Use vending npc marker": true, "Clothes [shortname and skinID]": {}, "Lots": [] }, { "ID": 4877236, "Display Name": "Bio", "Spawn positon": { "x": 1517.3158, "y": 15.64519, "z": 1410.88184 }, "View angel": { "x": 19.6207943, "y": 48.0075645, "z": 0.0 }, "Monument prefab [empty if the bot was not created in the monument | required MonumentFinder plugin]": null, "Use vending npc marker": true, "Clothes [shortname and skinID]": {}, "Lots": [] }, { "ID": 9936065, "Display Name": "Bomj", "Spawn positon": { "x": 1520.74915, "y": 15.5158749, "z": 1409.17627 }, "View angel": { "x": 5.28244448, "y": 277.046753, "z": 0.0 }, "Monument prefab [empty if the bot was not created in the monument | required MonumentFinder plugin]": null, "Use vending npc marker": true, "Clothes [shortname and skinID]": {}, "Lots": [] }, { "ID": 110447, "Display Name": "Pos", "Spawn positon": { "x": -11.7300205, "y": 0.231124878, "z": -45.42901 }, "View angel": { "x": 7.314296, "y": -187.632568, "z": 0.0 }, "Monument prefab [empty if the bot was not created in the monument | required MonumentFinder plugin]": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab", "Use vending npc marker": true, "Clothes [shortname and skinID]": {}, "Lots": [] }, { "ID": 2530024, "Display Name": "POs", "Spawn positon": { "x": -13.5025492, "y": 0.138759613, "z": -48.21996 }, "View angel": { "x": 11.7260876, "y": -165.863831, "z": 0.0 }, "Monument prefab [empty if the bot was not created in the monument | required MonumentFinder plugin]": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab", "Use vending npc marker": true, "Clothes [shortname and skinID]": {}, "Lots": [] }, { "ID": 2237910, "Display Name": "Bs", "Spawn positon": { "x": -491.22995, "y": 82.51776, "z": 308.741852 }, "View angel": { "x": 9.171886, "y": 9.865152, "z": 1.08103862E-07 }, "Monument prefab [empty if the bot was not created in the monument | required MonumentFinder plugin]": null, "Use vending npc marker": true, "Clothes [shortname and skinID]": {}, "Lots": [] }, { "ID": 6185384, "Display Name": "Skibidi", "Spawn positon": { "x": -504.626221, "y": 77.62634, "z": 338.4094 }, "View angel": { "x": 22.47469, "y": 46.1657867, "z": -9.239489E-07 }, "Monument prefab [empty if the bot was not created in the monument | required MonumentFinder plugin]": null, "Use vending npc marker": true, "Clothes [shortname and skinID]": {}, "Lots": [ { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } } ] }, { "ID": 1502957, "Display Name": "Bobs", "Spawn positon": { "x": -503.3553, "y": 78.513916, "z": 337.199432 }, "View angel": { "x": 23.2874718, "y": 17.3408489, "z": -9.294971E-07 }, "Monument prefab [empty if the bot was not created in the monument | required MonumentFinder plugin]": null, "Use vending npc marker": false, "Clothes [shortname and skinID]": {}, "Lots": [ { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.mlrs", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.mlrs", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "mlrs", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 25, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 10, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 25, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 25, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } }, { "Item for sale": { "Shortname": "money", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 265, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null }, "Price item": { "Shortname": "money", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 5, "Command": null, "DisplayName": null } } ] } ] }
  4. More information about "Trade Machine"


    Trade Machine


    Allows players to Sell/Buy - Custom/Default items.
    Players need to assign vending machine what will they use for trading items.
    One assigned machine per player ,can be placed anywhere in TC range .
    There are 2 ways to interact with trade machine ,with command and with button when player opens container of a vending machine.
    With command player can sell/buy items from anywhere ,with button option only when he have opened container of assigned vendingmachine.
    Players need to put items in container of assigned vending machine to be able to sell them.
    If they remove item from vending container ,item will not be on sell anymore.
    When buying item, player need to have cost for that item in his inventory .
    On succeed buying item ,item will be transferred to  buyers assigned vending machine .


    Player can only sell items what he have in container of assigned vending machine.
    When player press in UI on item what he will sell ,he will see Description and Cost .
    In Description he can add what ever text ,confirm it , that text will buyer see when he is buying item .
    in Cost he can add cost items for that item ,up to 6 items .
    They can use custom and default items for cost .
    There are categories for cost items ,like "All" , "Custom" , "Weapons" ,and so on .
    When they chose cost item/items ,they will need to type cost amount of that item.
    After all that ,when player press Sell Item , buyers will be able to see it in and buy it.
    When seller sell item to buyer he will see in chat that he sold item.

    BUY ITEM :

    When seller added item for sell ,buyer will see item, amount, description ,and cost of that item .
    Items will be in categories "All" , "Custom" , "Weapons" and so on .
    He will pay cost from his inventory ,and he will get item in his assigned vending machine.


    In config file you can add Custom and Blacklisted items ,by itemID and SkinID .
    For custom items ,if you add them in config ,players will be able to put that custom items for cost items, and they will be able to sell/buy those custom items.
    For blacklisted items ,if you add them in config, you will block that items , so players cant put those items for cost ,and they will not be able to sell/buy them .


    trademachine.button - players will be able to see trade button when they open container of vendingmachine .
    trademachine.command - players will be able to use /trade command .
    Command /myvm - to assign vending machine .
    Console command - cleartrade  , This will wipe selling items and assigned machines .

    DATA :

    In data file you will see owners of assigned vending machine and what items are selling .
    When you wipe it with console command "cleartrade"  , all will be wiped ... So no more assigned machines and no more selling items.


    When player open UI of trade machine he will see text on left side ,you can edit that text to your needs .
    In config file can be edited .

    CONFIG :

    {   //// Here you can edit text field .
      "TradeInfo": [
        "You need to assaign vending machine",
        "with /myvm.",
        "You can have only one",
        "assaigned vending machine",
        "In selling item you can chose:",
        "Description - just type it and confirm it.",
        "Cost - up to 6 items. ",
        "In buying items:",
        "You will see descripton what seller make.",
        "You will see cost for that item."
      "CustomItems": [
          "ItemId": -1707425764,
          "SkinId": 3122790562,
          "DisplayName": ""
      "BlacklistedItems": [
          "ItemId": 550753330,
          "SkinId": 0
  5. More information about "MiniGunner"



    MiniGunner provides players with a simple reload mechanic for the powerful minigun without the usual limitation of requiring a workbench. Brrrt.

    Natural reloading by holding R key Reload progress bar Reload sound effects Optional max ammo increase for hand reloaded miniguns Configurable reload time Configurable cancel reload if moving Permissions:
    minigunner.use     -    required to be able to reload  
    { "Permission to Use": "minireload.use", "Max Ammo": 300, "Reload Time (seconds)": 10.0, "Allow Movement While Reloading": false }  


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