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About Rust Map Loader

Rust Map Loader

This tool is still under active development, if there are any bugs please feel free to contact me and I'll sort them out ASAP

Rust Map Loader is a simple tool that is meant to help automate the map testing process for mappers. It consists of 3 main things, the archiver1, the remover2 and the loader3. In it's current state, all map files inside the game and server directory will be deleted so please back them up beforehand. This tool will archive whatever map is being replaced at the time of operation, read below for process details.

  1. The archiver copies the map file from the server's map directory and renames it to the current 24h time. It then stores this file under \Backup\Archive\
  2. The remover clears the server and client folder of all maps to ensure there is no world file mismatch.
  3. The loader copies the new map file to the server and client's map directory.

Setting up and using Rust Map Loader is easy, all you need to do is edit uploader.bat and change: <Server Map Directory> and <Client Map Directory> respectively.

Here's a quick example:

   set server=<Server Map Directory>
   set client=<Client Map Directory>

Gets re written as:

   set server=C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\rsmfull\server\rsm
   set client=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Rust\maps

Please use this tool at your own discretion, and ALWAYS REMEMBER TO KEEP MANUAL BACKUPS.

If you have any questions, comments, queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me through codefling or discord "General Tao#5086"

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