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Version 1.1.2
KillFeed is a fully customizable Rust plugin that instantly broadcasts real-time kill and death notifications, fueling your server with immediate combat insights and intensifying the multiplayer experience for every player. Key Features Killer Settings: Text Format: Customize which data is displayed (e.g., killer's nickname). Font: Choose the font (e.g., robotoсondensed-bold.ttf). Font Size: Adjust the text size. Color: Precisely set the text color using RGBA values. Distance Settings: Text Format: Display the distance to the target (e.g., {0}m). Font: Choose the font (e.g., robotoсondensed-regular.ttf). Font Size: Adjust the text size. Color: Precisely set the text color using RGBA values. Target Settings: Text Format: Configure the display of the target's nickname. Font: Choose the font and its parameters. Font Size and Color: Similar to killer settings. Images: Customize images for various events (e.g., default death image and headshot icon). Other Settings: Offsets: Adjust the position of the text on the screen. Lifetime: Set the duration for which the notification is visible. Max Kills on Screen: Set the number of events displayed simultaneously. Background Color: Adjust the background color of the notifications. Commands: /killfeed — Enable/disable the kill feed. /kf.edit — Open the admin panel. Permissions: killfeed.use — View kills. killfeed.admin — Access the admin panel. Images for FileManager mode: Link Configuration { "Which method of download images use? (ImageLibrary, Internal, FileManager)": "FileManager", "Add bots deaths to killfeed?": true, "Add animals deaths to killfeed?": true, "Add BradleyAPC deaths to killfeed?": false, "Add patrol helicopter deaths to killfeed?": false, "Kill lifetime in UI": 10, "Default death image (types - Sprite, URL, Shortname)": { "If type = shortname, enter here ItemId": "assets/icons/skull.png", "Type": "Sprite" }, "UI Settings": { "Fadein": 1.0, "Background color": "0.177 0.0658 0.481 0.945", "Max kills panels in UI": 3, "Anchor settings": { "AnchorMin": "1 1", "AnchorMax": "1 1" }, "Offset settings": { "OffsetMinX": -361.4165, "OffsetMaxX": -4.899963, "OffsetMinY": -29.91622, "OffsetMaxY": -5.100018, "Indent": 3.0 }, "Killer settings": { "TextFormat": "{0}", "FontSize": 12, "Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Color": "0.5499007 0.4764151 1 1", "OutlineDistance": "-1 1", "OutlineColor": "0 0 0 1" }, "Target settings": { "TextFormat": "{0}", "FontSize": 12, "Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Color": "0.5499007 0.4764151 1 1", "OutlineDistance": "-1 1", "OutlineColor": "0 0 0 1" }, "Distance settings": { "TextFormat": "{0}m", "FontSize": 12, "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Color": "0.5499007 0.4764151 1 1", "OutlineDistance": "-1 1", "OutlineColor": "0 0 0 1" }, "Headshot image (types - URL, Sprite, Shortname)": { "If type = shortname, enter here ItemId": "assets/icons/skull.png", "Type": "Sprite" } }, "Entity -> Image (U can enter URL, Sprite and item shortname)": { "banditguard": "", "bear": "", "Bleeding": "assets/icons/bleeding.png", "boar": "", "bradleyapc": "", "chicken": "", "Cold": "assets/icons/cold.png", "ColdExposure": "assets/icons/cold.png", "Drowned": "assets/icons/drowning.png", "dweller": "", "Fall": "assets/icons/fall.png", "heavyscientist": "", "Hunger": "assets/icons/eat.png", "patrolhelicopter": "", "peacekeeper": "", "polarbear": "", "Radiation": "assets/icons/radiation.png", "scarecrow": "", "scientist": "", "scientistnvg": "", "shark": "", "stag": "", "Suicide": "assets/icons/skull.png", "underwaterdweller": "", "wolf": "" }, "Entity -> Name": { "bear": { "de": "Bär", "en": "Bear", "ru": "Медведь" }, "Bleeding": { "de": "Blutung", "en": "Bleeding", "ru": "Кровотечение" }, "boar": { "de": "Wildschwein", "en": "Boar", "ru": "Кабан" }, "bradleyapc": { "de": "Bradley-Schützenpanzer", "en": "Bradley APC", "ru": "БТР Брэдли" }, "chicken": { "de": "Huhn", "en": "Chicken", "ru": "Курица" }, "Cold": { "de": "Erfrieren", "en": "Freezed", "ru": "Замерзание" }, "ColdExposure": { "de": "Kälteschaden", "en": "Freezed", "ru": "Переохлаждение" }, "Drowned": { "de": "Ertrunken", "en": "Crashed", "ru": "Утонул" }, "Fall": { "de": "Sturz aus der Höhe", "en": "Fall from high", "ru": "Падение с высоты" }, "horse": { "de": "Pferd", "en": "Horse", "ru": "Лошадь" }, "Hunger": { "de": "Verhungert", "en": "Died of starvation", "ru": "Умер от голода" }, "patrolhelicopter": { "de": "Patrouillenhubschrauber", "en": "Patrol helicopter", "ru": "Патрульный вертолет" }, "Radiation": { "de": "Strahlenvergiftung", "en": "Radiation poison", "ru": "Радиационное отравление" }, "scientistnpc": { "de": "Wissenschaftler", "en": "Scientist", "ru": "Ученый" }, "stag": { "de": "Hirsch", "en": "Stag", "ru": "Олень" }, "Suicide": { "de": "Selbstmord", "en": "Suicide", "ru": "Самоубийство" }, "wolf": { "de": "Wolf", "en": "Wolf", "ru": "Волк" } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 4 } }$20.00- 24 comments
- 4 reviews
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Version 1.0.1
Notify Addon that will popup the notification when killing animals. Features : works with both the Notify versions. lightweight Simple config Animal naming can be changed through language file. Permission system Option through config to use any Notify profile (can create profiles) Supported Animals : Bear Polarbear Boar Chicken Horse (Wld horse) Stag Wolf Zombie (minecraft) Simpleshark (Shark) Permissions : notifyanimalfeed.use : Grant user permission to see the feed Configuration : { "Notify profile ID": 0 } Localisation : {Killer} : Player name will be displayed on this location {Victim} : Animal name will be displayed on this location (can be customised in language file) {Weapon} : Weapon/explosives/traps/fire will be displayed on this location {_Distance} : Distance between animal and player will be displayed here Make sure to use all 4 when changing the language file text including brackets. { "FeedAnimal": "<color=orange>{Killer}</color> killed a <color=yellow>{Victim}</color> with a <color=yellow>{Weapon}</color> from <color=yellow>{_Distance}</color>m", "Bear": "Bear", "PolarBear": "Polar Bear", "Boar": "Pig", "Chicken": "Chicken", "Horse": "Wild Horse", "Stag": "Stag", "Wolf": "Wolf", "SimpleShark": "Shark" }Free- 3 comments
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Version 1.02
RustyDeath The plugin allows you to see in real time the murders of players in the user interface. There are a large number of settings, in the configuration you can change all the pop-up labels The plugin has two versions: Russian and English. I provided English config and English lang Config file: { "Interface update time": 7, "Font size in the displayed interface": 13, "The position of the left corners (AnchorMin):": "0.5 0.8", "The position of the right corners (AnchorMax):": "0.99 0.995", "Right-align the text? (false = will flatten to the left edge).": true, "Show animal-related deaths and murders ?": true, "Show deaths and murders associated with the NPS?": true, "Show sliper-related deaths and murders ?": true, "Default killer highlight code": "#FFAE42", "Default victim highlighting code": "#00A1E0", "Default animal highlighting code": "#99FF99", "Default NPS highlighting code": "#FF0000", "Default code for distance illumination": "#FFCD8F", "Keep a history of player kills and deaths ?": true, "Maximum number of objects for the history of deaths": 15, "Privilege to view the history of deaths": "rustydeath.deathhistory", "Enable special highlighting of messages related to me ?": true, "The color of the special illumination": "#000000", "Dynamic Privileges: EXAMPLE \"\" = \"#FF0000\"": { "": "#848484" }, "Dynamic distance illumination: EXAMPLE 10 = \"#FF00FF\"": { "10": "#ff9c00", "50": "#ffffff", "120": "#01A9DB", "200": "#F7FE2E", "300": "#FF0000" }, "Dynamic Names. Specify your names for different types of entities": { "Npc": { "Npc": "NPC Scientist" }, "Animal": { "Bear": "Bear", "Boar": "Boar", "Horse": "Horse", "Wolf": "Wolf", "Chicken": "Chicken", "Stag": "Stag" }, "Helicopter": { "Helicopter": "Patrol Helicopter" }, "Tank": { "Tank": "Brandley APC" }, "Building": { "WoodenBarricade": "Wooden barricade", "BarbedWooden Barricade": "Prickly wooden barricade", "MetalBarricade": "Metal barricade", "GatesExternalHighWood": "High wooden gate", "GatesExternalHighStone": "High stone gates", "WallExternalHighWood": "High wooden wall", "WallExternalHighStone": "High stone wall" }, "Trap": { "Guntrap": "Guntrap", "Minetrap": "Minetrap", "Snaptrap": "Snaptrap", "Spikes": "Wooden spikes" }, "Zombie": { "Zombie": "Zombie" }, "Sleeper": { "Sleeper": "Sleeper" }, "Turret": { "Autoturret": "Autoturret", "Flameturret": "Flameturret", "Scientist": "Scientist Turret" } }, "Dynamic strings of information output under the kill type": { "PlayerToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "PlayerToNpc": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "NpcToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "PlayerToAnimal": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "AnimalToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> eaten <color={2}>{3}</color>" ], "PlayerToTank": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "TankToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "PlayerToHelicopter": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "HelicopterToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "PlayerToSleeper": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "TurretToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> killed <color={2}>{3}</color>" ], "GuntrapToPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color>" ], "BuildingToPlayer": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> caught on the <color={0}>{1}</color>" ], "TrapToPlayer": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> caught in a trap (<color={0}>{1}</color>)" ], "Zombie": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "Fall": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#6d41f4>fell from a great height and crashed</color>" ], "Suicide": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#eb41f4>self-destructed</color>" ], "Cold": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#41e2f4>died of cold</color>" ], "Bleedeing": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#f44141>bled out</color>" ], "Poison": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#c4f441>died of poisoning</color>" ], "Radiation": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#eef441>died of radiation</color>" ], "Hungry": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#41f488>starved to death</color>" ], "Explosion": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#f4ca41>exploded</color>" ], "ExplosionPlayer": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> blew up <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "Drowned": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#415ef4>drowned</color>" ], "Heat": [ "Player <color={2}>{3}</color> <color=#f49a41>burned alive</color>" ], "Stab": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "Arrow": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> kill <color={2}>{3}</color> (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ], "Slash": [ "<color={0}>{1}</color> ripped <color={2}>{3}</color> to shreds (<color={4}>{5}</color> - <color={6}>Distance > {7}м</color>)" ] }, "Dynamic names and lights for weapons": { "Assault Rifle": { "АК-74": "#F50000" }, "Beancan Grenade": { "Beancan Grenade": "#F50000" }, "Bolt Action Rifle": { "Bolt": "#F50000" }, "Bone Club": { "Bone Club": "#00BFFF" }, "Bone Knife": { "Bone Knife": "#00BFFF" }, "Rock": { "Rock": "#00BFFF" }, "Crossbow": { "Crossbow": "#00BFFF" }, "Custom SMG": { "SMG": "#F50000" }, "Double Barrel Shotgun": { "Double Barrel Shotgun": "#F50000" }, "Eoka Pistol": { "ЕОКА": "#F50000" }, "F1 Grenade": { "F1 Grenade": "#F50000" }, "Flame Thrower": { "Flame Thrower": "#F50000" }, "Hunting Bow": { "Bow": "#00BFFF" }, "Compound Bow": { "Compound Bow": "#00BFFF" }, "Longsword": { "Longsword": "#00BFFF" }, "Candy Cane Club": { "Candy Cane Club": "#00BFFF" }, "Nailgun": { "Nailgun": "#00BFFF" }, "LR-300 Assault Rifle": { "LR-300": "#F50000" }, "M249": { "М249": "#F50000" }, "M92 Pistol": { "М92": "#F50000" }, "Mace": { "Mace": "#00BFFF" }, "Machete": { "Machete": "#00BFFF" }, "MP5A4": { "MP5A4": "#F50000" }, "Pump Shotgun": { "Pump Shotgun": "#F50000" }, "Spas-12 Shotgun": { "Spas-12": "#F50000" }, "Flashlight": { "Flashlight": "#00BFFF" }, "Python Revolver": { "Python Revolver": "#F50000" }, "Revolver": { "Revolver": "#F50000" }, "Salvaged Cleaver": { "Salvaged Cleaver": "#00BFFF" }, "Salvaged Sword": { "Salvaged Sword": "#00BFFF" }, "Semi-Automatic Pistol": { "Semi-Automatic Pistol": "#F50000" }, "Semi-Automatic Rifle": { "Semi-Automatic Rifle": "#F50000" }, "Stone Spear": { "Stone Spear": "#00BFFF" }, "Thompson": { "Thompson": "#F50000" }, "Waterpipe Shotgun": { "Waterpipe Shotgun": "#F50000" }, "Wooden Spear": { "Wooden Spear": "#00BFFF" }, "Hatchet": { "Hatchet": "#00BFFF" }, "Pick Axe": { "Pick Axe": "#00BFFF" }, "Salvaged Axe": { "Salvaged Axe": "#00BFFF" }, "Chainsaw": { "Chainsaw": "#00BFFF" }, "Jackhammer": { "Jackhammer": "#00BFFF" }, "Salvaged Hammer": { "Salvaged Hammer": "#00BFFF" }, "Salvaged Icepick": { "Salvaged Icepick": "#00BFFF" }, "Satchel Charge": { "Satchel Charge": "#00BFFF" }, "Stone Hatchet": { "Stone Hatchet": "#00BFFF" }, "Snowball": { "Snowball": "#00BFFF" }, "Stone Pickaxe": { "Stone Pickaxe": "#00BFFF" }, "Survey Charge": { "Survey Charge": "#00BFFF" }, "Timed Explosive Charge": { "Timed Explosive Charge": "#F50000" }, "Torch": { "Torch": "#00BFFF" }, "RocketSpeed": { "High Velocity Rocket": "#F50000" }, "Incendiary Rocket": { "Incendiary Rocket": "#F50000" }, "Rocket": { "Rocket": "#F50000" }, "RocketHeli": { "Helicopter napalm": "#F50000" }, "RocketBradley": { "Bradley APC napalm": "#F50000" }, "MainCannonShell": { "Bradley APC rockets": "#F50000" }, "L96 Rifle": { "L96": "#F50000" } }, "Dynamic highlighting of characters in substring. Specify as many as you want, as long as they are in the dynamic string": { "→": "#000000", "(": "#000000", "|": "#000000", ")": "#000000" } } Lang file: { "Not Have Permission": "You do not have access to this command!", "DeathHistory": "History of murders and deaths: ({0} items)", "DeathHistoryDeath": "<color={Red}>Attacker: '{0}', victim: '{1}', distance: '{2}', weapon: '{3}'</color>", "DeathHistoryKill": "<color={Green}>Attacker: '{0}', victim: '{1}', distance: '{2}', weapon: '{3}'</color>", "NoDeathHistory": "No available murder history" }$10.00- 7 comments
- #death feed
- #death messages
(and 2 more)
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