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Found 5 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    40 Raidable Bases for the "Raidable Base" plugin. Info about the raidable bases: (10)Easy: Wood Various Shotgun Traps and Flame Turrets ~150 Loot Slots Largest JSON File - 120KB (10)Medium: Stone Various Shotgun Traps and Flame Turrets ~300 Loot Slots Largest JSON File - 137KB (10)Hard: Metal ~1 SAM, ~8-10 Auto Turrets, various shotgun traps ~400 Loot Slots Largest JSON File - 234KB (5)Expert: HQ Metal ~1-2 SAM, ~10-12 Auto Turrets, various Shotgun Traps ~500 Loot Slots Largest JSON File - 336KB (5)Nightmare: HQ Metal ~3-4 SAMS, ~12-15 Auto Turrets, various Shotgun Traps ~600 loot slots Largest JSON file - 837KB All bases have basic lights in place for QoL night raiding. No extra electricity components, no signage, no art, and limited extra BS to save resources. To Install these bases: Unzip the file and then place only the base files in your oxide/data/copypaste directory. Then, type this command in your console: rb.config add "Easy Bases" EASY1 EASY2 EASY3 EASY4 EASY5 EASY6 EASY7 EASY8 EASY9 EASY10 0 rb.config add "Medium Bases" MED1 MED2 MED3 MED4 MED5 MED6 MED7 MED8 MED9 MED10 1 rb.config add "Hard Bases" HARD1 HARD2 HARD3 HARD4 HARD5 HARD6 HARD7 HARD8 HARD9 HARD10 2 rb.config add "Expert Bases" EXPERT1 EXPERT2 EXPERT3 EXPERT4 EXPERT5 3 rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" NM1 NM2 NM3 NM4 NM5 4 Appreciate the support and I hope you enjoy!
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Features So many turrets it'll make your head spin! Theres a ton of weird and unique features to this base to ensure that your players have the maximum amount of fun! The Castle has boxes, furnaces, lockers, bags, drop boxes, vending machines, and more inside so you don't have to populate the loot locations yourself! Installation Instructions 1. Extract the files in the `Bases` folder into your `oxide/data/copypaste` folder. Do not copy the folder itself into the copypaste folder, just the files. 2. Run the following commands in your console. This will import the files into your Raidable Bases plugin with the appropriate difficulty levels. Run each line below as its own command. If you have purchased any of my other packs, there is no reason to rename any of the files as each file has a unique name associated with the base. rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" Nightmare-The-Castle For a more detailed guide on how to use Raidable Bases please visit Rust Admin Academy's YouTube video which can be found below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgWgtnmOXiw
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Raidable Bases Pack 3 Features 10 Medium Bases All bases have boxes, furnaces, lockers, bags, drop boxes, vending machines, and more inside so you don't have to populate the loot locations yourself! Installation Instructions 1. Extract the files in the `Bases` folder into your `oxide/data/copypaste` folder. Do not copy the folder itself into the copypaste folder, just the files. 2. Run the following commands in your console. This will import the files into your Raidable Bases plugin with the appropriate difficulty levels. Run each line below as its own command. If you have purchased any of my other packs, there is no reason to rename any of the files as each file has a unique name associated with the base. rb.config add "Medium Bases" BCF-Medium-1 BCF-Medium-2 BCF-Medium-3 BCF-Medium-4 BCF-Medium-5 BCF-Medium-6 BCF-Medium-7 BCF-Medium-8 BCF-Medium-9 BCF-Medium-10 For a more detailed guide on how to use Raidable Bases please visit Rust Admin Academy's YouTube video which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgWgtnmOXiw
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Raidable Bases Pack 2 Features 10 Easy Bases All bases have boxes, furnaces, lockers, bags, drop boxes, vending machines, and more inside so you don't have to populate the loot locations yourself! Installation Instructions 1. Extract the files in the `Bases` folder into your `oxide/data/copypaste` folder. Do not copy the folder itself into the copypaste folder, just the files. 2. Run the following commands in your console. This will import the files into your Raidable Bases plugin with the appropriate difficulty levels. Run each line below as its own command. If you have purchased any of my other packs, there is no reason to rename any of the files as each file has a unique name associated with the base. rb.config add "Easy Bases" BCF-Easy-1 BCF-Easy-2 BCF-Easy-3 BCF-Easy-4 BCF-Easy-5 BCF-Easy-6 BCF-Easy-7 BCF-Easy-8 BCF-Easy-9 BCF-Easy-10 For a more detailed guide on how to use Raidable Bases please visit Rust Admin Academy's YouTube video which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgWgtnmOXiw
  5. Version 1.0.1


    Features 5 Easy Bases 5 Medium Bases 5 Hard Bases All bases have boxes, furnaces, lockers, bags, drop boxes, vending machines, and more inside so you don't have to populate the loot locations yourself! Installation Instructions 1. Extract the files in the `Bases` folder into your `oxide/data/copypaste` folder. Do not copy the folder itself into the copypaste folder, just the files. 2. Run the following commands in your console. This will import the files into your Raidable Bases plugin with the appropriate difficulty levels. Run each line below as its own command. If you have purchased any of my other packs, there is no reason to rename any of the files as each file has a unique name associated with the base. ``` rb.config add "Easy Bases" BCF-Easy-1 BCF-Easy-2 BCF-Easy-3 BCF-Easy-4 BCF-Easy-5 rb.config add "Medium Bases" BCF-Medium-1 BCF-Medium-2 BCF-Medium-3 BCF-Medium-4 BCF-Medium-5 rb.config add "Hard Bases" BCF-Hard-1 BCF-Hard-2 BCF-Hard-3 BCF-Hard-4 BCF-Hard-5 ``` For a more detailed guide on how to use Raidable Bases please visit Rust Admin Academy's YouTube video which can be found below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgWgtnmOXiw


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