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Everything posted by Skizzy

  1. Hey please join here and message me for support https://discord.gg/G7BgXntn7S
  2. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  3. answered on discord
  4. This error is something to do with your username / password try changing them and make sure to not use an special characters
  5. Skizzy

    I am stuck

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. Skizzy

    what is Mongo_Config

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  7. Skizzy

    what is Mongo_Config

    please check the Readme.md or message me direct https://discord.gg/G7BgXntn7S
  8. Skizzy


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  9. Skizzy


    Hey this is because you haven't whitelisted the ip as the readme says you need to do, please seek support https://discord.gg/G7BgXntn7S
  10. Skizzy

    No README file?

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. Skizzy

    No README file?

    Readme file is provided? seek support here https://discord.gg/G7BgXntn7S
  12. Skizzy

    I am stuck

    make sure you have ran pip install -r requirements.txt please seek support at https://discord.gg/G7BgXntn7S
  13. Hello please message me on discord at alexskizzy i can personally assist you with any errors you have experienced or join here https://discord.gg/G7BgXntn7S
  14. Skizzy

    I cant use

    Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  15. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  16. The error above is caused by the bot not having access to player identifiers, when a ban is passed the bot needs to be able to see identifiers to be able to fetch the users steam id, so you will also need to give access to identifiers. I apologise for the extremely long response period i didn't see this till now.
  17. Skizzy

    I cant use

    Hey are you sure you have uploaded all the files to the container?
  18. This has been fixed.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    The bot uses the battlemetrics api to detect new bans & log them to discord, allowing both a public & staff embed one with the ban note & one without. Also allowing multiple webhooks to be used + showing the number of bans in the bot's status. Setup is documented in the README file. Config File { "BOT_TOKEN": "", "BM_TOKEN": "", "Ban_list_ID":"", "Misc":{ "Server_Name": "", "Hex_Color":"" }, "Webhooks":{ "Staff_ban_webhook":[ "" ], "Public_ban_webhook":[ "" ] }, "Emojis":{ "Steam_Emoji":"", "BM_Emoji":"" } } Requirements Server with python 3.7 & discord.py 2.0 or above Pip packages listed - discord,.py, aiohttp Suggested bot host 0.99$ -> https://serverstarter.host/ For any problems please msg me on discord : Skizzy#0037
  20. Version 1.0.1


    Simple bot utilising the battlemetrics api to display your server stats to a discord bot! Stats included : Total pop Total queued users Total entities Totals bans (Battlemetrics) Setup is documented in the "README.md" & will take a few minutes! Config File { "BotToken": "", "BmOrgID": "", "BanListID": "", "BmApiKey": "" } Requirements Server with python 3.7 & discord.py 2.0 or above Pip packages listed - discord,.py, aiohttp Suggested bot host 0.99$ -> https://serverstarter.host/ For any problems please msg me on discord : Skizzy#0037
  21. Version 2.4.2


    Simply the bot uses the integration of discord unix/epoch timestamps to count down your server(s) wipes in your discord automatically generating new timestamps as your server wipes, currently the bot allows monthly - (wiping at force) weekly, biweekly - (every 2 weeks) & Custom - (Multiple times a week) - as well as the full customisation of the embed in which the server info is held in (see above for example), the system is 100% automated once you create your servers/wipes. Countdown bot is coded in python utilising discord.py along with mongodb to store information Feature List : Create & Delete Wipes Fully customisable embed (Title, Description, Thumbnail, Footer, Embed Colour) Edit server information ie wipe-times or server descriptions Fully automated countdowns - autogenerates the next wipes Display server pop in the embed & last wipe Works alongside Force wipe, currently offering Monthly (force), Biweekly and Weekly wipe aswell as Custom - multiple wipes a week eg 2 Commands : (All showcased in pictures) !wipe - displays all servers and wipes to users !list - displays all embeds & serverids !create - allows you to make a new server / embed - followed by a number of questions !delete <server/embed> <id> allows you to delete servers & embeds !editeembed <id> - allows you to edit the embed id eg : thumbnail, description etc !editserver <id> - allows you to edit server information eg : wipe time, name, info Config: { "Misc":{ "Bot_Prefix":"!", "Bot_Token":"", "Server_Name":"Server Name Here", "Embed_Hex_Color":"#FFFFFF" }, "Mongo_Config":{ "MONGO_URL": "" }, "Discord_Config":{ "Guild_ID":0, "StaffRole_ID":0 } } Requirements Server with python 3.7 or above Pip packages listed - discord.py, aiohttp, motor,d nspython, python-dateutil, arrow, requests Suggested bot host 0.99$ -> https://serverstarter.host/ For any problems please msg me on discord : Skizzy#0037


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