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Rust - Battlemetrics Bans to Discord 1.0.0

   (4 reviews)

4 Screenshots

About Rust - Battlemetrics Bans to Discord

The bot uses the battlemetrics api to detect new bans & log them to discord, allowing both a public & staff embed one with the ban note & one without. Also allowing multiple webhooks to be used + showing the number of bans in the bot's status.

  • Setup is documented in the README file.

Config File

    "BOT_TOKEN": "",
    "BM_TOKEN": "",
        "Server_Name": "",


Server with python 3.7 & discord.py 2.0 or above

Pip packages listed - discord,.py, aiohttp

Suggested bot host 0.99$ -> https://serverstarter.host/

For any problems please msg me on discord : Skizzy#0037

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