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Everything posted by kasvoton

  1. Don't forget to leave a review.. this helps a lot on the ranking system.
  2. Well actually that's a good point. Either we keep a single perm per profile (like it is rn) and use the toggle options to allow spawn, fetch and remove.. or we simplify the config and instead define three auto-permissions for each profile. like "mini.spawn", "mini.fetch" and "mini.remove". The second option would give more control to the server admin tbh.
  3. kasvoton


    I think I can provide a harmony version for it.
  4. This is what I'm planning doing. I think it will work for everyone, @Hermansson @Rust Admin @tonipink1981 what's your feedback ? { "Prefixes": { "Spawn": "my", "Fetch": "f", "Remove": "no" }, "Profiles": [ { "Name": "attack", "Type": "AttackHelicopter", "CooldownInSeconds": 3600, "Enabled": { "Spawn": true, "Fetch": false, "Remove": false }, "Settings": { "AutoHover": { "Enabled": false, "MinSpeed": 3 }, "AutoMountPlayer": false, "IstantTakeOff": false, "LockToOwner": false, "NoDecay": false, "NoFuelConsumption": false, "SpawnFuelAmount": 30 } } ] }
  5. Changed Status from No Response to Closed
  6. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  7. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  8. Actually that's a good suggestion, I will make the config file be re-read from disk when a command is executed so it can reflect any last minute changes.
  9. Maybe if the profile name becomes just "mini", then for each profile I can automatically generate the: /my[name]: spawn /f[name]: fetch /no[name]: despawn Would this work for you guys ?
  10. Next version will allow to define a max number of spawned entities per profile, if set to one (1) doing a /mymini will effectively be equivalent to doing /fetch. Having a single "fetch" will be difficult because we don't know which profile needs to be fetched, each user can potentially spawn entities from multiple profiles i.e. one attack, one mini etc.
  11. kasvoton

    Stack Manager

    Can you please show the error you're getting ? Thanks.
  12. Which version are you running ?
  13. The min speed should be low (default is 3), the system triggers only after the min speed. Otherwise making the minicopter start to move gets difficult.
  14. kasvoton

    How to add plugin

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  15. kasvoton

    How to add plugin

    Hi ! I'm sorry I can't give specific provider instructions because I do not have any experience with them.
  16. @Roine hold my beer i.e. not currently but it's a feature I'll be looking to add.
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.3
  18. @TheEye it depends.. you can edit the profile and set any command you'd like on this plugin. You lock them by profile. You can disable decay by profile
  19. @TheEye it depends.. you can edit the profile and set any command you'd like on this plugin. You lock them by profile. You can disable decay by profile
  20. Version 1.0.20


    This plugins allows your players to spawn helicopters on demand. Everything is configured in custom profiles, each profile has a name, the type of the helicopter and the settings. Please report any bugs either by sending a private message here or on Discord. I'm also open to new ideas and improvement requests. I'm online on the Codefling Discord channel. What's new ? Better boundary validation before spawning a vehicle Cool down period is displayed in day min and seconds Entity limit per profile Automatically fetch an entity when the limit is set to 1 (one) Spawn distance to helicopter based on type Spawned entities are now persistent at server restart Supported helicopters: MiniHelicopter AttackHelicopter TransportHelicopter Supported features (you can enable/disable them per profile): Auto hovering with PID controller stabilization (same shit used by real drones) Automatic mount the owner when the helicopter is spawned Instant takeoff will remove the engine ramping time Lock the spawned helicopter's pilot seat to the person who spawned it Remove all outside/inside decay Remove fuel consumption Spawn fuel amount Let's take the example of the following profile: { "Name": "attack", "Type": "AttackHelicopter", "CooldownInSeconds": 3600, "Distance": { "Fetch": { "Min": 50, "Max": 0 }, "Remove": { "Min": 0, "Max": 50 } }, "Settings": { "AutoHover": { "Enabled": false, "MinSpeed": 3 }, "AutoMountPlayer": false, "InstantTakeoff": false, "LockToOwner": false, "NoDecay": false, "NoFuelConsumption": false, "SpawnFuelAmount": 100 } } The plugin will automatically create for you the following commands: /myattack to spawn a minicopter /fattack to fetch a spawned minicopter /noattack to despawn a spawned minicopter The plugin will also automatically create for each command a permission, this allows fine grain control over who can execute which command. helimanager.attack.spawn helimanager.attack.fetch helimanager.attack.remove
  21. kasvoton

    Nothing is working right

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  22. kasvoton

    Nothing is working right



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