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Everything posted by RuschGaming

  1. Update checker giving incorrect info These are all up to date yet still gives me the info its not
  2. { "Commands": [ "vehiclebuy", "vb", "vehicle" ], "Currency name economics": "ECOTEST", "Currency name Server Rewards": "SRTEST", "Pickup distance": 5.0, "Vending machines": { "Bandit Camp vending machine": true, "Outpost vending machine": true, "Bandit Camp products": [ { "Vehicle key from config": "copter", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 1000 }, { "Vehicle key from config": "scrapheli", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 999 }, { "Vehicle key from config": "attackheli", "Item (shortname)": "sulfur.ore", "Price": 200 } ], "Outpost products": [ { "Vehicle key from config": "car2", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 1000 }, { "Vehicle key from config": "car1", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 999 }, { "Vehicle key from config": "tugboat", "Item (shortname)": "sulfur.ore", "Price": 200 } ], "Fishing village A vending machine": true, "Fishing village B vending machine": true, "Fishing village C vending machine": true, "Fishing Village C products": [ { "Vehicle key from config": "copter", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 1000 }, { "Vehicle key from config": "scrapheli", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 999 }, { "Vehicle key from config": "attackheli", "Item (shortname)": "sulfur.ore", "Price": 200 } ], "Fishing Village A products": [ { "Vehicle key from config": "copter", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 1000 }, { "Vehicle key from config": "scrapheli", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 999 }, { "Vehicle key from config": "attackheli", "Item (shortname)": "sulfur.ore", "Price": 200 } ], "Fishing Village B products": [ { "Vehicle key from config": "copter", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 1000 }, { "Vehicle key from config": "scrapheli", "Item (shortname)": "scrap", "Price": 999 }, { "Vehicle key from config": "attackheli", "Item (shortname)": "sulfur.ore", "Price": 200 } ] }, "Vehicles": { "attackheli": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "attackhelibuy", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 3, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "Attack Helicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/attack-helicopter.png", "Spawn distance": 10.0, "Fuel": 522, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 1200, "Skin": 3036032642, "Command": "attack.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "car2": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 4, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "Car 2", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/2module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/modular-vehicle-2.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 300, "Skin": 3051397208, "Command": "car2.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": [ "carburetor3", "crankshaft3", "piston3", "valve3", "sparkplug3" ] }, "car3": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 5, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "Car 3", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/3module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/modular-vehicle-3.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 600, "Skin": 3051397420, "Command": "car3.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": [ "carburetor3", "crankshaft3", "piston3", "valve3", "sparkplug3" ] }, "car4": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 6, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "Car 4", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/4module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/modular-vehicle-4.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 900, "Skin": 3051397599, "Command": "car4.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": [ "carburetor3", "crankshaft3", "piston3", "valve3", "sparkplug3" ] }, "copter": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 1, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "Minicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/minicopter.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 53, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 2, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 550, "Skin": 3036041060, "Command": "copter.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "duosub": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 11, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "DuoSub", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarineduo.entity.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/submarine-duo.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 750, "Skin": 3036453387, "Command": "duosub.add", "DeployableItemId": -697981032, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "horse": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 12, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "Horse", "Prefab": "assets/rust.ai/nextai/testridablehorse.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/ridable-horse.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 0, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 150, "Skin": 3036456786, "Command": "horse.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "hotairballoon": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 15, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "HotairBalloon", "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/balloon.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 300, "Skin": 3036454299, "Command": "hotairballoon.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "recycler": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 16, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "Recycler", "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/recycler_static.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/recycler.png", "Spawn distance": 2.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 1000, "Skin": 3036111302, "Command": "recycler.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "rhib": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 9, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "RHIB", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rhib/rhib.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/rhib.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 585, "Skin": 3036112776, "Command": "rhib.add", "DeployableItemId": -697981032, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "rowboat": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 8, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "RowBoat", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/rowboat.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 2, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 450, "Skin": 3036112261, "Command": "rowboat.add", "DeployableItemId": -697981032, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "scrapheli": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 2, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "Scrap Transport Helicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/scrap-heli.png", "Spawn distance": 10.0, "Fuel": 522, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 850, "Skin": 3033922797, "Command": "scrapi.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "snowmobile": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 13, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "SnowMobile", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/snowmobile.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/snowmobile.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 600, "Skin": 3036453555, "Command": "snowmobile.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "solosub": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 10, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "SoloSub", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarinesolo.entity.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/submarine-solo.png", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 555, "Skin": 3036453289, "Command": "solosub.add", "DeployableItemId": -697981032, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "tomaha": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 14, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "Tomaha", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab", "Image link": "https://i.postimg.cc/YC9FFpkf/Download-1.jpg", "Spawn distance": 5.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 100, "Skin": 3036453663, "Command": "tomaha.add", "DeployableItemId": 833533164, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null }, "tugboat": { "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "", "Enable decay?": false, "Pickup price": 0, "Recall cost need?": false, "Recall price": 0, "Can recall?": true, "Can pickup?": true, "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0, "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0, "Order": 7, "Sound on purchase": true, "Show": true, "Name": "TugBoat", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab", "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/tugboat.png", "Spawn distance": 15.0, "Fuel": 52, "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0, "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap", "Price": 1500, "Skin": 3036456691, "Command": "tugboat.add", "DeployableItemId": -697981032, "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true, "Engine parts": null } } }
  3. See screenshot, we arent able to buy certtain vehicles,. everything is set to scrap.
  4. Any future plans for this plugin?
  5. RuschGaming


    Any plans on adding permission for this? Or the option for admin only?
    We run a pve server for our community and this was the best decision we made in getting this plugin. It works as it should and our community loves it! Highly recommend this! It's so easy to use!


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