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Everything posted by SKIROW



    Hello Dana, unfortunately, it seems like Facepunch decided to "kill" them. Next week I will release an update with scientists to replace the killers. It's a shame that FP tries to remove them.
  2. Geez! Yes there was. You just can't read
  3. knock it off your bs Electrik! There was a license since DAY ONE! You keep lying but only you believe your stories.
  4. In the case of Electrik, he didn't read the license before he bought the map. If a customer buy something without read the terms, it's his own fault and he cannot request a refund. When I buy something online, I always read the description. Everybody should do the same.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    IMPORTANT: In August 1st, 2022, this creation will no longer be supported but It will available to purchase and download. This monument fit perfectly with fishing village and the Fisher Workshop. This building isn't enterable. It's purely decoration with some lootable crates. This monument coupled with fishing village or any rustic buildings will add some character to your village. Some windows allows players to see some interiors.
  6. Version 1.0.1


    IMPORTANT: In August 1st, 2022, this creation will no longer be supported but It will available to purchase and download. Rustic wooden fisher workshop. This little monument fade perfectly with fishing villages. Inside the workshop there is a vending machine, a working radio, a tool crate and a repair table. About the repair table... the owner left with the key so players will have to find their way to the second floor...


    I appreciate your input. I will keep it in mind for the future. I'm just not comfortable with making it editable. Thank you for checking out my map and have a good holiday.


    The main reason why I don't want anyone to modify my work is to prevent or at limit some people to steal my work. Also this map is the result of months of hard work. I spent insane amount of hours working on small details that most people will never see or care of. I respect other people's work and it would never come in my mind to modify their creations. Therefore, I don't think that you should buy my map. There are customable maps on Codefling. You should go with any of them.


    Yes, the red lines are the rail network. Unfortunately I couldn't to make a loop with those tracks. Doesn't matter how hard I tried at the end they never matched. So I made connections between the main stations. Eg: If you take a train from Caldweld and you want to go to the Airfield, you can either ride a train from Caldweld to Dodge Town and from there take another train to the Airfield or take a train from Caldweld to Elworth and take another train to the Airfield. I personally prefer the second option. Better scenery
  10. Hey Chuck! SRTBull made a video tutorial for this plugin: I hope this video will help you.
  11. SKIROW


    Tahuata is a tropical map based on Hawaii islands. The map is composed of one main island and 8 smaller islands. This map has an huge train system above ground with 751 track segments. There are lot tiny details, entering buildings, puzzles and more. The 2 harbors on the main island. 7 train lines connecting Dodge Town, Elworth, Geystones Island, Baker's Warehouses and Caldweld. Read more: https://codefling.com/maps/tahuata .
  12. SKIROW


    Hey Dana, this issue comes from one of the last Rust update. We have to have that Facepunch fix it. If they don't I will replace them.
  13. SKIROW

    Beach Bar

    Version 1.0.0


    DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT: In August 1st, 2022, this creation will no longer be supported but It will available to purchase and download. This mall beach monument is composed of a bar and a small scene with a puck up truck from Tahuata. Inside the bar there is a working radio, 2 poker tables and decoration. 2 basic crates and one normal crate underneath the bad. The radio on the pick-up truck works as well. Those those prefabs are part of Tahuata! DETAILS Entities: 191 Topology: None Terrain Layer: sand and rock Height: Yes (optional) Plugins Required: RustEdit.dll
  14. SKIROW

    SKIROW's Condo

    Version 1.0.0


    This condominium has 5 big apartments, a garage where a car lift, a workshop and a concierge office. On top of the building there are two terraces and pool. This building isn't only beautiful but also a great place for roleplay players! This creation is FREE! Perhaps, feel free to leave a review if you like it ! Note: I removed the elevators to prevent glitches when copy/paste into Rust. Map used for this video is called "Tahuata": https://codefling.com/maps/tahuata Upkeep: Wood: 13.700 Stone: 30.360 Metal Frag.: 2.800 HQ Metal: _ INSTRUCTION In game: This build require "Copy Paste" plugin. Please note: I advice you to rename the json file as "base01.json" or anything else easy for you to remember. This build also require a flat terrain. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SKIROW Website: https://www.skirowmods.com
  15. SKIROW


    @Dana Caballero Medina It's fixed. I'm testing the version 2.5.5 and I will release it today. Thank you.
  16. SKIROW


    Do you have the last update of Oxide and RustEdit.dll installed on your server?
  17. SKIROW


    Hey Dana _ About the NPC, the issue comes from the game itself. I don't know when they will fix all the issues that we have with them. _ To open the door, you need to had a fuse first. The fuse box is on the deck next to the bed. (It's a bit hidden) Then you can open the doors with the key card.
  18. SKIROW


    I will release a fix tomorrow. Feel free to join my discord for assistance: https://discord.com/invite/gfTXEeuctR
  19. SKIROW


    Hi there! I didn't use the road signs because they spawn at random spots and I like to keep it as realistic as possible. About the barge and the train be sure to intall the latest version of Oxide and RustEdit.dll. If the problem persist, let me know and I will take a look at it on Monday.
  20. I understand how you feel. I wasn't part of the staff when my map was featured in this video. Codefling has lot of plugins, props, and maps, they just picked what caught their eyes at that moment. Try to make a very useful plugin. Ask in the community what players want/need and maybe you will featured Codefling advertisement.
  21. Why you say that?
  22. SKIROW


    The size of this map is 3.7k.
  23. Version 1.0.2


    IMPORTANT: In August 1st, 2022, this creation will no longer be supported but It will available to purchase and download. _ This luxury villa built on the rocks has a hot-tub on the main terrace, two smaller terraces on the second floor and an observation post on the third floor. The lights outside the villa and the heaters inside the hot-tub automatically turn at night and turn off at sunrise. This monument comes with two versions: Light version with all ceiling lights OFF and Original version with those lights ON. Both versions have a manual switch in the basement to turn the heat ON. Those this monument are part of Tahuata! _ The basement has a secured room that can be accessible after activating 3 buttons (A, B and C in order) Those buttons are hidden around the villa. There are also 3 furnaces encased inside the wall and a recycler accessible to players without resolving the puzzle. _ The first floor has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen with custom made furniture and a fireplace. _ The second floor has one bedroom, one bathroom and two small terraces. _ The third floor has the best view from the observation post. [Platforms] Discord: https://discord.gg/XSykjZ6Nwt Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SKIROW Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/skirow Twitter: https://twitter.com/MadeBySKIROW
  24. Version 1.0.0


    DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT: In August 1st, 2022, this creation will no longer be supported but It will available to purchase and download. Luxury house on stilts with a modern design. This house is for those who want to get some distances from the mainland and want to enjoy the sound of the waves and bases getting raided far away. The first floor has a main room with a small kitchen. The radio on the counter works. There is also a small dock with a dingy and a pool to add more comfort. The second floor has a bedroom, bathroom and a terrace. Three small crates are slightly hidden on the dock, underneath the stairs. This house is part of Tahuata! DETAILS Objects: 1076 Topology: None Terrain Layer: None Plugins Required: RustEdit.dll
  25. Version 1.0.0


    DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT: In August 1st, 2022, this creation will no longer be supported but It will available to purchase and download. Clean and modest apartment. This monument has a simple puzzle and a locked loot room. The telephone and the radio are working. None of the door can be locked by player (without mods). The apartment come with a garage with a locked room. A bathroom, bedroom and a living room/kitchen. Ideal for roleplayers and make machinimas. This monument is part of Tahuata! DETAILS Objects: 504 Topology: None Terrain Layer: None Plugins Required: RustEdit.dll


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