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Everything posted by UrbanRider

  1. Hello Andres, There is a space at the top of the slope where it's possible to place sleds. It's just big enough for the sleds, so players can't put down foundations etc. You can easily see it with debug.drawcolliders enabled as shown in one of the screenshots. The radio in the hut also works fine for me so I'm not sure what might be wrong. What exactly isn't working with the radio for you?
  2. Update is being worked on. Release should be in a couple days.
  3. UrbanRider

    FPS Issues

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  4. Changed Status from Can't Reproduce to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  5. Awesome! Enjoy the map
  6. Hey, I've just tried again and didn't experience any issues. I downloaded steamcmd on a new Windows machine, did a clean install of the latest public Rust server branch through it and used the map file uploaded on codefling. I didn't install any plugins, extensions or oxide/carbon. The only thing I have in my .cmd/.bat file to start the server with is this: C:\steamcmd\steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir c:\rustserver\ +login anonymous +app_update 258550 -beta public +quit RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.port 28015 +server.level "Procedural Map" +server.levelurl "<put your url here>" +server.maxplayers 10 +server.hostname "Urban's Custom Maptests" +server.identity "customserver1" +rcon.port 28016 +server.seed 1234 The only thing I can still think of is that your url from dropbox doesn't work like it's supposed to. This is the documentation I found on how to use dropbox to host a rust map file: "You can use a service like Dropbox to upload your map file and generate a direct link. Simply upload the file to Dropbox, then create a share link by clicking the "Share" button followed by "Create Link". Paste that generated link into your server.cfg in the server.levelurl field, replacing the ?dl=0 with ?dl=1." Also make sure you unzip the file. I hope this fixes it for you, please let me know.
  7. UrbanRider

    FPS Issues

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  8. Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  9. UrbanRider

    FPS Issues

    Hey, thank you for letting me know. What kind of hardware is your server running on? Would be interesting to know and then I can potentially refine the map a bit more performance wise in the future. I've been running it myself on a vanilla server with 180 players but far less plugins and we've been getting 150+ fps consistently. https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/rust/10399272
  10. The map is definitely not broken. It's been thoroughly tested and I've had it run on a server for multiple days without any issues being reported. However there is currently a known problem with RustEdit that when you load up a map, Trainyard will disappear and you have to add it back in and save the map before closing it. I assume this is what you saw. I've been unable to recreate your issue but it seems to be server related. I've created multiple new server instances and the map has loaded fine every time. Are you sure your server is configured properly for custom maps? Maybe your host can help you out in this case.
  11. Hello, are you running the latest public release of the rust server or have you modified the file? The world cache mismatch error usually only happens when either the server or map is outdated compared to eachother or when the map has been changed without changing the name of the map file. Try updating your server and then deleting the .sav and .map files related to this map and try loading again.
  12. Version 2.0.2


    Winter's Edge is a 3800 size map meant to bring the Christmas spirit to Rust. All large and roadside monuments have been tastefully decorated with Christmas props, in order to bring the festive spirit in to the game without breaking the world immersion. The map is suitable for both PVP and PVE servers, no plugins are required. Usage of world model type prefabs has been kept to a minimum to ensure high performance. Bonus: There are 15 pookie bears hidden at some of the monuments, for players to find as an easter egg hunt (not lootable). See monuments list for locations. Map Info: Size: 3800 Entity Count: ~67k Snow Biome: 40% Desert Biome: 16% Forest Biome: 33% Tundra Biome: 11% Monuments: 237 Ice Lakes: 5 Lakes: 2 Oases: 1 Rivers: 2 Canyons: 0 Caves: 4 (2x Small Easy 1x Small Hard 1x Large Sewers Hard) Buildable Rocks: 24 Swamps: 3 FacePunch Monuments: Lighthouse (2x) Small Harbor (1 pookie bear to be found) Large Harbor Radtown Airfield Junkyard Launch Site (2 pookie bears to be found) Military Tunnels Nuclear Missile Silo Powerplant (1 pookie bear to be found) Trainyard (1 pookie bear to be found) Ferry Terminal (1 pookie bear to be found) Water Treatment (1 pookie bear to be found) Sphere Tank (1 pookie bear to be found) Bandit Town (Xmas version) Sewer Branch (1 pookie bear to be found) Satellite Dish Outpost (Xmas version) Excavator Large Oilrig Small Oilrig Arctic Research Base A Military Base Large Fishing Village (Xmas version) Small Fishing Vilalge (2x) (Xmas version) Quarries (HQM, Stone, Sulfur) Gas Station (3x) Mining Outpost (3x) (1 pookie bear to be found at each) Water Well (2x) Custom Additions: Sledding Hill (Has a small buildable area so players can place sleds.) Road Tunnel (2x) Road Bridge


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