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Everything posted by Chernarust
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Let me know if this works, I don't have the plugin to test. ReflectDamage.cs
Version 1.6.0
Features Reflect configurable damage and bleeding back to players who attack other players. Disabled inside of ZoneManager PVP and DynamicPVP zones Disabled inside of AbandonedBases Works with TruePVE Config { "ApplyBleeding": true, "BleedingIntensity": 5.0, "EnableDamageToVictim": false, "ReflectPercentage": 50.0 } Permissions Auth level 2 required to set permissions oxide.grant user <steamID/username> reflectdamage.use or oxide.grant group <groupname> reflectdamage.use API - Next update private object OnReflectDamage(BasePlayer victim, BasePlayer attacker) { return PlayerInEvent(victim) || PlayerInEvent(attacker) ? true : (object)null; }Free -
Version 1.2.0
Features Chance to randomly spawn a scarecrow near players, this is disabled inside of safe zones, TC range, and for sleeping players. Config: { "SpawnChance": 0.1, "CheckInterval": 60.0, "SpawnDistance": 20.0, "MaxScarecrowsPerPlayer": 3, "OneHitHeadshotKill": true } Permissions Auth level 2 required to set permissions oxide.grant user <steamID/username> randomscarecrowspawner.use oxide.grant group <groupname> randomscarecrowspawner.use Advanced versionFree -
My auto generated railroads have splits that are too close and locomotives cant pass by each other. When this happens the event train will just reverse the other direction. Can you make it possible so there is a radius that can be config? So it will delete any entities within a radius instead of in front of?
I'm an idiot sometimes thank you.
What about a way to check if a steam ID is attached to the person who sent the message?
Funny enough I use to use BetterChat and I never noticed it happening then, but I am paying a lot more attention to this server. But currently I am not using any chat modifying plugin.
I use playtime tracker and I display server announcements in the notification window so I have one configured for "/playtime". However if I start out a message like this "if you use /playtime it will display rewards" It will put my player chat message into the notification bar, any way to disable player chat messages from going into the notification bar?
There is no way to trick it into working? Like have the scroll wheel assigned to the button so it's not scrolling but changes the page like if you hit the button?
I was just using text editor to replace all of the sell true sections to false, but yes I ended up removing everything and just adding my own items and categories using the in game editor. Also suggestions, can you make this be able to scroll with mouse wheel instead of click?
I am trying update the default config to change all the Sell price to 0 and all the selling true to false. I have made these changes reupload the new config and when I reload the plugin everything overwrites the config again.
- #hdrp
- #roundabout
- (and 4 more)
I also have a area inside of here that you can build a base in but they cannot move in there either. Rust edit contains all of the triggers for the prefab as well.
Hello I have a prefab that has terrain modifiers and placed into the air. My boss spawns and attacks but doesn't move from the spawn location. Any way to allow movement or create a path the boss can follow back and forth?
- #server
- #installer
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That made it worse haha, server crashed when installing the plugin then after a restart I am unable to connect to the server just says "connecting" indefinitely. I am seeing zombiehorde messages popping up in the console that they are killing or being killed but no console commands or reloading of plugins work.
I only have raid protection I am pretty sure.