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Everything posted by Ridamees
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- #vending
- #vendingmachine
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- #vending
- #vendingmachine
- (and 9 more)
Version 1.0.1
Swipe a keycard to start hacking HVMs, after hacking, enjoy discounted items and extra loot. Default Hacking Times: AccessLevel 1 - 2 minutes AccessLevel 2 - 3.75 minutes AccessLevel 3 - 7.5 minutes Default Reset Times: AccessLevel 1 - 15 minutes AccessLevel 2 - 20 minutes AccessLevel 3 - 25 minutes 3 Tiers (AccessLevel 1, 2, 3). Map Marker off by default, enable in config. Rewards: Item Shop & Loot Stashes Tier 2 HVM Rewards Example: Starting the HVM hacking gives you rewards in Economics & ServerRewards if configured. HVMs are located at every monument by default, configurable in config. + Spawn HVMs manually by using commands. Commands: (permission - "hvms.Admin") /hvm: Shows all available commands. /hvm spawn [1-3] [name]: Spawns an HVM and saves its location. /hvm remove [name]: Destroys an HVM and removes its location. /hvm list [page]: Lists all HVM spawn locations. Config preview: Map Marker Visibility, Custom Messages, Notifications, Vending Machine Skins, Hacking Times, Reset Times, Success Rates, Rewards (Item Shop & Loot Stashes), Locations Default Config: { "General Settings": { "Map Marker Visibility || '1'= Always until Hacked, '2'= Only when Hacking, '3'= Off": 3, "Marker Name": "A Locked Vending Machine", "Marker Name (Hacking)": "Hacking...", "Gametip Msg when HVM is Locked": "Swipe keycard to start hacking.", "Gametip Msg when HVM is Hacking": "Hacking... {formattedTime}", "Global Chat Notify Hacking": false, "Global Chat Hacking Msg": "HVM Hacking near {mapGridLocation} !", "Notify Groups Only || All 0.0 = Global Chat; Chance 0.0 = 0%; 1.0 = 100%": { "Default": 0.0, "Admin": 0.0 }, "Economics Reward Msg": "You received {economicsAmount} <color=#3e9c35>$</color>", "Server Rewards Msg": "You received {serverRewardsAmount} <color=#cd4632>RP</color>", "Remove Non-Monument HVM Locations on Wipe": true, "Disable 'Dynamic Pricing' for HVM Item Shop": true, "Console Debug": false }, "Main Settings": { "Workshop SkinIDs for HVMs": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 3174792873, "|AccessLevel 2|": 3174791726, "|AccessLevel 3|": 3174785929 }, "Hacking Times | 1.0 = 1 second": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 119.0, "|AccessLevel 2|": 225.0, "|AccessLevel 3|": 450.0 }, "Reset Times | 1.0 = 1 second": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 900.0, "|AccessLevel 2|": 1200.0, "|AccessLevel 3|": 1500.0 }, "Hacking Success Rates | 1.0 = 100%": { "|AccessLevel 1|": { "Min": 0.85, "Max": 0.9 }, "|AccessLevel 2|": { "Min": 0.9, "Max": 0.95 }, "|AccessLevel 3|": { "Min": 0.95, "Max": 1.0 } }, "Item Shop - Added when Hacking completes - Chance 1.0 = 100%": { "|AccessLevel 1|": [ { "Chance To Add": 0.7, "Item For Sale": "pistol.revolver", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 25 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.pistol", "Sell Amount": 10, "Stock": 100, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 10 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.06, "Item For Sale": "pistol.prototype17", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 1, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 150 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.5, "Item For Sale": "pistol.semiauto", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 65 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.05, "Item For Sale": "supply.signal", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 1, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 50 } ], "|AccessLevel 2|": [ { "Chance To Add": 0.5, "Item For Sale": "rifle.sks", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 100 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.7, "Item For Sale": "smg.thompson", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 2, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 100 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.rifle", "Sell Amount": 25, "Stock": 150, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 15 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.pistol", "Sell Amount": 15, "Stock": 300, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 10 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.15, "Item For Sale": "grenade.flashbang", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 30, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 1 } ], "|AccessLevel 3|": [ { "Chance To Add": 0.06, "Item For Sale": "shotgun.m4", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 1, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 250 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.4, "Item For Sale": "rifle.ak", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 150 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.rifle", "Sell Amount": 25, "Stock": 300, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 10 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.05, "Item For Sale": "explosive.timed", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 100 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.055, "Item For Sale": "ammo.rocket.basic", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 2, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 75 } ] }, "Loot Stash Slots": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 5, "|AccessLevel 2|": 8, "|AccessLevel 3|": 10 }, "Loot Stash Rewards - Added when Hacking completes - Chance 1.0 = 100%": { "|AccessLevel 1|": [ { "Chance": 1.0, "Item": "scrap", "Item Amount": { "Min": 125, "Max": 450 } }, { "Chance": 0.3, "Item": "halloween.lootbag.small", "Item Amount": { "Min": 1, "Max": 4 } } ], "|AccessLevel 2|": [ { "Chance": 1.0, "Item": "scrap", "Item Amount": { "Min": 325, "Max": 850 } }, { "Chance": 0.3, "Item": "halloween.lootbag.medium", "Item Amount": { "Min": 1, "Max": 2 } } ], "|AccessLevel 3|": [ { "Chance": 1.0, "Item": "scrap", "Item Amount": { "Min": 625, "Max": 1850 } }, { "Chance": 0.3, "Item": "halloween.lootbag.large", "Item Amount": { "Min": 1, "Max": 1 } } ] }, "ServerRewards & Economics Rewards - Given when Player starts Hacking - |Plugins Required|": { "|AccessLevel 1|": { "Economics - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 }, "ServerRewards - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 } }, "|AccessLevel 2|": { "Economics - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 }, "ServerRewards - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 } }, "|AccessLevel 3|": { "Economic - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 }, "ServerRewards - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 } } } }, "HVM Locations": { "harbor/harbor_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "5.15,1.25,98.2", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,180.0,0.0" } ], "harbor/harbor_2.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "36.68,4.0,77.8", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-180.0,0.0" } ], "harbor/ferry_terminal_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-7.5,5.25,0.45", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "medium/junkyard_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "11.5,0.6,1.3", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,162.0,0.0" } ], "lighthouse/lighthouse.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "3.0,14.0,6.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-70.0,0.0" } ], "roadside/warehouse.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-4.35,0.0,-1.76", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,165.0,0.0" } ], "roadside/supermarket_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.45,0.025,-6.9", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-180.0,0.0" } ], "medium/radtown_small_3.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-50.1,19.7725,-46.3", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "roadside/gas_station_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "1.75,3.245,16.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-180.95,0.0" } ], "small/satellite_dish.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "5.85,6.025,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" } ], "large/powerplant_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "41.7,0.27,69.2", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,180.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "10.3,0.27,-39.1", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" } ], "large/military_tunnel_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-62.4,19.65,36.25", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-23.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-1.0,13.4,67.9", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-85.0,0.0" } ], "large/airfield_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "26.2,0.3,7.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-44.1,0.3,-75.3", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-45.0,0.0" } ], "small/sphere_tank.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-28.3,10.6,-16.1", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-115.0,0.0" } ], "large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "3.25,0.3,-67.4", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "large/trainyard_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "48.5,0.27,-13.5", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-21.5,0.27,17.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "xlarge/launch_site_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "182.0,3.0,12.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "182.0,3.0,-12.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" } ], "medium/nuclear_missile_silo.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "6.08,0.27,19.9", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-178.0,0.0" } ], "arctic_bases/arctic_research_base_a.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-26.70,0.23,6.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_a.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,10.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "4.64,0.01,-0.41" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_b.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_c.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_d.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "OilrigAI": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "9.8,27.01,-4.5", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,165.0,0.0" } ], "OilrigAI2": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-10.7,36.15,-9.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/bandit_town.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,180.0,0.0" } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-7.0,0.25,-1.4", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ] } }$32.75- 8 comments
- #vending
- #vendingmachine
- (and 9 more)
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
I have tried to reinstall the plugin multiple times but it keeps reverting back to this
Ridamees replied to Belivablelevi's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce -
I disabled the event to spawn in specific places but it still spawn there
Ridamees replied to OfflineGotOfflined's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.7.1 -
Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.7.1
I disabled the event to spawn in specifics places but it still spawn there
Ridamees replied to OfflineGotOfflined's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.7.1 -
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.4
Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.4
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
Hello, Can you confirm RoamTasks doesn't work? Testing on my Carbon server also shows Checksum warnings, but RoamTasks still works. Also recommend messaging me on discord (ridamees), for a faster response.
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
It's actually 1.1.71, I simply forgot to update the version number inside the code after a small bug fix.
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
disconnected (Kicked: RPC Error in PlayerAttack)
Ridamees replied to Belivablelevi's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Closed -
- #roamtasks
- #roam
- (and 12 more)
- #roamtasks
- #roam
- (and 12 more)
Pretty much every text can be edited in the config, also possible to enable/disable gametips and chat notifications. As for using other plugins for notifications, that is not currently supported. You're welcome to suggest what kinds of plugins you would use, might work on adding support in a future release!
- #roamtasks
- #roam
- (and 12 more)
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
You're welcome! Happy to help
To change the location of the UI, in the Config change UI Location Y value For your case I would recommend This is how it would look with UI Location Y: 0.05, Save the config after changes and reload the plugin.
Changed Status from Pending to Closed