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Everything posted by TimRS

  1. TimRS

    Vote Rewards

    EasyVote recently received an update with support for https://rustservers.gg
  2. TimRS

    Simple Rust CMS

    Config file Under //Shop URL (Your Tebex Shop) $SRV_SHOP= "https://example.tebex.io"; <- Edit this within the ""
  3. Awesome! Nice work. But i meant like native support in suggestions.
  4. Could you add support for Rustservers.gg? API: https://rustservers.gg/api
  5. TimRS

    Vote Rewards

    ahh sorry, this is coming soon! Misunderstood.
  6. TimRS

    Vote Rewards

    Does it with all the commands, if you setup the API right.
  7. TimRS

    Vote Rewards

    I tried, but none of the admins of Codefling wanted to pickup the project.
  8. TimRS

    Vote Rewards

    Ah, yeah maybe contact Codefling support, and ask them if they can pickup the EasyVote plugin because that developer is gone, and no one is going to bring any updates to it.
  9. TimRS

    Vote Rewards

    You can change the chat commands in the config, then it works along. So for exampe /vote2 /votes2 /claim2 The author from EasyVote is not responsible, he quit Rust. Same for the other pluhgin. We didn't want to make our own plugin and rather have it in the other ones, but they are all non-responsive.
  10. Probably performance with bad plugins.
  11. TimRS

    Vote Rewards

    I think because we had some downtime.
  12. TimRS

    Cant get rewards to work.

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  13. TimRS

    Cant get rewards to work.

    Then you're using the wrong website its: https://rustservers.me if you want to use rust-servers.net then there are couple vote plugins 1. EasyVote 2. Voter Rewards (On uMod)
  14. TimRS

    Cant get rewards to work.

    Hi, Are you using: https://rustservers.me and not on accident the other Rust Servers Site? Also, make sure ID And API key are the right position, i had this also one time. Also i think economics needs to be set on the commands section.
  15. TimRS

    Vote Rewards

    Version 1.2.3


    Quicklinks Rust Server List: https://rustservers.gg Just Wiped: https://rustservers.gg/just-wiped Premium Benefits: https://faq.rustservers.gg/premium-benefits/ ️Sponsored Slots: https://rustservers.gg/sponsored About Voting Rewards Reward your players for voting at the Rust Servers toplist. *Exclusive plugin for rustservers.gg Votes give Points which are included in the ranking system, get above your competition by letting your community vote for your server. Rewards: Randomized items, or commands that you provide (Give users Economics or special rank, or whatever you prefer as a command) Very lightweight, and easy in use. Chat Commands: All do the same function which shown below, its very simplified so users can understand. 1) Check if user voted no-> provides user with URL where they can vote: https://rustservers.gg/server/ID 2) If voted -> User gets Randomized reward, or you can remove rewards and just make it static. 3) User voted already, will provide a message that they can come back later. /claim /vote /votes Here are some console command examples that you could add inside the config file (!Console commands only!) to add ServerRewards points sr add {steamid} 10 to add Economics points deposit {steamid} 10 FAQ Where can I find the API key of my server? Where can I find the id of my server? Config File Example(1.2.3): { "API Key": "", "Server Id": "", "Chat Commands": [ "claim", "vote", "votes" ], "Reward items": [ { "Item Shortname": "wood", "Description": null, "Item Amount Min": 1000, "Item Amount Max": 2000, "Item Skin id": 0 }, { "Item Shortname": "stones", "Description": null, "Item Amount Min": 1000, "Item Amount Max": 2000, "Item Skin id": 0 }, { "Item Shortname": "metal.refined", "Description": null, "Item Amount Min": 1000, "Item Amount Max": 2000, "Item Skin id": 0 } ], "Reward Commands Help": "use {steamid} to add user steam id\nExamples:\nsr add {steamid} 10 - to add ServerRewards points\ndeposit {steamid} 10 - to add Economics points\n", "Reward Commands": [ { "Command": "example {steamid} 1d", "Description": "example Description (will appear on Message)", "Type": "example type of Reward (Kit, Permission etc.)" }, { "Command": "example {steamid} 1d", "Description": "example Description (will appear on Message)", "Type": "example type of Reward (Kit, Permission etc.)" }, { "Command": "example {steamid} 1d", "Description": "example Description (will appear on Message)", "Type": "example type of Reward (Kit, Permission etc.)" } ] }
  16. TimRS

    Simple Rust CMS

    Version 1.4.4


    THIS ITEM HAS NO SUPPORT ANYMORE If you download this for free make sure to checkout. https://rustservers.gg To all that paid for the plugin contact Hyper#1670 for a free premium on the RustServers.gg website Simple Rust CMS is a great starter template to start a Rust server , all data is dynamically added in and you can easily get started with this by editing the config.php. This is only to be used as a landing page we recommend using services such as tebex.io for the shop. Features Responsible for all screensizes. Google Meta Title & Description. Fully Editable Config file Easy setup, no database needed. Global population in the navbar showing total amount of players currently connected on your servers. Display your servers and their status and online count Rust-Servers.net API is used for player count/online status Read readme.md for instructions. Credits: © Hyper#1670 for php/backend and API integration © kodakvac#0001 for Front End Development
  17. TimRS


    Updated I see the author still working hard on the plugin and it came to my attention that it deserves to be upgraded to 4 stars review. Some off points might have been fixed check the update logs. UI is great, some small bugs here and there, could use some fixes thats why 3 stars. The Skinbox section for clans is really cool but it needs some rework especially people cant unforce the clan skinbox and adding custom skins doesn't seem to work for me ingame (only through config) Could use some bug fixes. - UI typing isn't really optimised - If you invite someone to the team they can join without joining the clan, this is a cool option but it sends out also clan invite. - Inviting players is hard when typing in names it doesn't really function as it should, like when you search them it doesn't do exactly what you type in.
  18. idk if this author still is active tho but thanks for letting me know, now i know not to update to 2.5.3
  19. TimRS


    There is one bug, if a clan leader invites ppl to their clan and a player accept through team system, they are on the team but not in the clan. I tried disabling the invite to a team with clan, but still still sends out invite. Anyway to fix this?


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