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SimplePatrolSignal 1.0.4

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About SimplePatrolSignal

SimplePatrolSignal lets players summon a patrol helicopter to their location using a special supply signal. Once activated, the patrol helicopter will arrive, stay in the vicinity for a set duration, and then depart.

Only admins can create this item, which can later be added to your loot table using the supply.signal shortname and the skinId in the config, as well as in Raidable Bases, kits, or SkillTree.

The console and chat command to give the player a Patrol Signal is /helisignal from the chat or helisignal from the console.

Every aspect of the configuration can be edited in the plugin's config file:


  "Supply Signal Settings": {
    "Skin ID": 3332447426,
    "Display Name": "Patrol Heli Signal",
    "Warmup Time Before Patrol Arrival (seconds)": 0.0
  "Patrol Helicopter Settings": {
    "Patrol Duration (seconds)": 1500.0,
    "Helicopter Health": 10000.0,
    "Main Rotor Health": 900.0,
    "Tail Rotor Health": 500.0,
    "Number of Crates to Spawn": 6,
    "Time Before Firing Rockets (seconds)": 0.25
  "Loot Settings": {
    "Enable Loot Drops": true,
    "Loot Containers and Drop Chances": {
      "crate_normal": 2.0,
      "crate_normal_2": 5.0,
      "crate_elite": 10.0,
      "heli_crate": 15.0,
      "bradley_crate": 15.0


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