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About Offer System

The Offer System plugin is a versatile tool designed to enhance player engagement by allowing players to exchange in-game currency for special permissions or group memberships. Whether it's granting VIP status or enabling specific abilities, this plugin provides a seamless and interactive way for server administrators to monetize and reward their community. With built-in support for the Economics plugin, as well as physical currencies like scrap or custom Rust Cash, players can make offerings at designated ATM machines and receive their rewards after a timed countdown.


Key Features:

  • Multi-Currency Support: Accepts multiple forms of currency, including Economics balance, scrap, and custom Rust Cash with skin ID support.
  • Customizable Offer Commands: Configure multiple offer commands with specific costs, durations, and rewards, allowing for tailored player experiences.
  • Countdown Timer: Initiate a timed offering process where players must stay near an ATM machine to complete their transaction, adding a strategic element to offerings.
  • Player Death Mechanics: If a player is killed during the offering countdown, the offered amount is transferred to the killer, creating high-stakes PvP opportunities.
  • Discord Integration: Automatically broadcasts successful offers to a Discord channel via webhook, keeping your community informed of in-game activities.
  • Visual and Audio Effects: Enhances the offering experience with lightning effects and sound cues, making each successful transaction feel rewarding and immersive.



  • Engage Players with Interactive Offerings: The Offer System plugin adds depth to your server by allowing players to actively participate in earning special permissions or group memberships through a fun and engaging process.
  • Monetize Your Server: By offering exclusive in-game perks in exchange for currency, server administrators can create additional revenue streams while enhancing the player experience.
  • Promote Player Interaction: The countdown and player death mechanics introduce opportunities for players to engage with each other, whether through strategic protection or high-stakes PvP encounters.
  • Customizable and Flexible: The plugin is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor the offer commands and currency settings to fit your server's specific needs.


Unique Features:

  • High-Stakes PvP Integration: Unique to the Offer System plugin is the feature where a player's offering can be stolen by their killer if they are killed during the countdown. This mechanic encourages players to strategically protect their offerings or take risks for potential rewards.
  • Multi-Currency Versatility: The plugin’s ability to handle various types of in-game currency, including custom items like Rust Cash, gives server administrators flexibility in how they reward their players.
  • Real-Time Discord Notifications: Keep your community engaged with real-time updates on successful offers through integrated Discord notifications, enhancing both player recognition and community interaction.



  1. Economics: If set as main currency, the player needs to be close to ATM Machine or Vending Machine (if no skin applied) to start the offering via bank transfer. If the player dies during the process of offering and during countdown, his balance of economics will automatically transferred to the killer.
  2. Scrap: If set as main currency, the player needs to be close to ATM MAchine of Vending Machine to offer the scrap equal to the amount of you set per offers. Once the player dies during the offer process, the scrap can be looted and can be used by the killer. 
  3. Rust Cash: (economics and paper item) combined with skin to make Cash Item. The player needs to be close to ATM MAchine of Vending Machine to offer the Rust Cash equal to the amount of you set per offers. Once the player dies during the offer process, the Rust Cash can be looted and can be used by the killer.r



Configurable proximity between player and ATM Machine or Vending Machine. You can also configure the range before they can start the offer. 


  1. Config set to 3m. Player can use the offer command with 3meter distance to the machine.
  2. Proximity Config set to 15m. During the offer process, player can run, hide, and roam within 15meters range while the system is on countdown to finish the offering. This is the range where he can defend and protect himself from griefers. Once the player goes beyond the set proximity, then the offer process will be cancelled and he needs to start over again. By default, there is 5 minutes countdown until offer is finish. Can be configured in the settings.


Sample Config

  "Commands": {
    "vip": {
      "Cost": 1200000.0,
      "Duration": "3d",
      "Type": "Group",
      "Permission": "vip"
    "lootprotection": {
      "Cost": 300000.0,
      "Duration": "3d",
      "Type": "Permission",
      "Permission": "adminlootprotection.use"
    "raidprotection2": {
      "Cost": 300000.0,
      "Duration": "1d",
      "Type": "Permission",
      "Permission": "raidprotection.level.2"
    "personalslave": {
      "Cost": 500000.0,
      "Duration": "3d",
      "Type": "Permission",
      "Permission": "personalnpc.slave"
    "slavebuilder2": {
      "Cost": 500000.0,
      "Duration": "1d",
      "Type": "Permission",
      "Permission": "personalbuilder.slave2"
    "slavebuilder7": {
      "Cost": 1000000.0,
      "Duration": "1d",
      "Type": "Permission",
      "Permission": "personalbuilder.slave7"
    "slavebuilder9": {
      "Cost": 2000000.0,
      "Duration": "1d",
      "Type": "Permission",
      "Permission": "personalbuilder.slave9"
    "slavebuilder1": {
      "Cost": 800000.0,
      "Duration": "1d",
      "Type": "Permission",
      "Permission": "personalbuilder.slave1"
  "CurrencySettings": {
    "Economics": {
      "IsEnabled": false,
      "Shortname": null,
      "SkinID": null
    "Scrap": {
      "IsEnabled": false,
      "Shortname": "scrap",
      "SkinID": null
    "PaperCash": {
      "IsEnabled": true,
      "Shortname": "paper",
      "SkinID": 2570661100 //Skin of Cash, you may use different skins
  "VendingMachineSettings": {
    "VendingMachineSkinID": 3042408530 //Default ATM Machine skin, set to 0 if you want a normal vending machine, or set to other skin ID
  "CountdownSettings": {
    "CountdownDuration": 300, //5 minutes countdown until offer is finish (5 minutes griefing and raiding in the area)
    "ATMDistance": 3.0, //Distance between player and the machine to use /offer command
    "PlayerMaxDistanceToCancel": 15.0 //Distance between player and machine to roam and allow countdown, beyong this value will cancel the offering process
  "DiscordSettings": {
    "BroadcastToDiscord": true,
    "DiscordWebhook": "webhook url"


Enhance your Rust server with the Offer System plugin—bringing strategic offerings, high-stakes PvP, and customizable rewards to your players.



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