About NpcRaiders
They will raid your base tell they find the tc or the time set in the config runs out or you kill all npc waves.
Only People authorized on the tc they are going after can kill the npc and only the npc can attack them.
You can use kits plugin from umod to kit them with clothing and guns See config example below.
Perms are set in config per raid type.
npcraiders.use - Needed to use /raidme chat command.
npcraiders.admin - Needed to use /raidme reload chat command.
npcraiders.nocooldown - Disable the setting of your cooldown.
npcraiders.nocost - Disable the being charged.
Chat Command
/raidme - Will show raid help menu.
/raidme buy - Will show raid buy help menu and costs.
/raidme buy <type> - To start raid of the type.
/raidme reload player <playerName> = Will cancel there raid event.
/raidme reload all - Will cancel all events.
/raidme terrain - Get Terrain name your standing on.
/raidme loot - Generate a loot profile with all the items in your inventory
Loot Profiles
/raidme loot add <profileName> - Create or add more items to a profile
/raidme loot clear <profileName> - Clear all information from a profile
When you create a loot profile you will need to edit its datafile and set the min and max amount of items to give.. There you can change other min/max for item ammounts default is 1 to Amount when created
Config BuyType
ByTypes can be "Itemid" , "ServerRewards", or "Economics"
Default is scrap "-932201673"
RewardType can be "Itemid" , "ServerRewards", "Economics" , or "kit"
"AutoTurretDamage": 0.0 - Disable targeting the npc.
"AutoTurretDamage": 1.0 - Full damage to the npc / Range is 0.0 to 1.0.