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Money Printer 1.0.1

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Chill Roleplay

Posted (edited)

sorry I have a lot of questions and I'm very interested in replacing our money laundering system we have currently

-is there a way to set the printers down in no build areas

-Are they protected from dammage

-is there a way this will only work in a zone manager zone

-is there a ways for a group to get a notification that someone is printing money at one at the print locations a set duration of time after a player begins printing?

-do each of these have permissions? i don't want everyone to be able to do this if I get it

● /givemoneyprinter | Gives you a money printer
● /givedirtymoney <PlayerName> <Amount> | Give DirtyMoney
● /removemoneyprinter | Remove your money printer (You need to look at money printer

Edited by Chill Roleplay
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Posted (edited)

I am currently working on an update that contains : 

Adding permission by command.

The addition of a /moneyprinter command that lets you see all the commands you have access to according to your permissions.

            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.give"))

                availableCommands.Add("/givemoneyprinter <nomdujoueur> - Donne une imprimante d'argent au joueur spécifié.");


            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.upgrade"))

                availableCommands.Add("/upgrademoneyprinter - Améliore votre imprimante d'argent.");


            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.checklevel"))

                availableCommands.Add("/checkprinterlevel - Vérifie le niveau de votre imprimante d'argent.");


            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.showinfo"))

                availableCommands.Add("/showinfomoneyprinter - Affiche des informations sur votre imprimante d'argent.");


            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.remove"))

                availableCommands.Add("/removemoneyprinter - Supprime votre imprimante d'argent.");


            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.givedirty"))

                availableCommands.Add("/givedirtymoney <nomdujoueur> <montant> - Donne de l'argent sale au joueur spécifié.");


The givemoneyprinter command has also been revised so that it can be given directly to a player via /givemoneyprinter playername.

Added the ability to define whether the printer is destructible or not from the config file. 

Added the ability to modify the moneyprinter name from the config file.

Added a lang file for modifying all plugin texts.

And the addition via the config file of the ability to define one or more specific zones dedicated solely to printer placement (with zonemanager).

The ability to place printers even in "forbidden" zones is not active at the moment. I'll work later on the possibility of targeting a specific area for placement. (Under permission) 
I also plan to limit the number of printers placed per person.

As for the means of giving a specific player the information that a printer has been placed is under development, I'm planning a light and an alarm, as well as notification to a specific permission such as the police or other.

The update will be out by tonight or tomorrow. Don't hesitate if you have any further questions or requests for additions.

Edited by RoadTech
  • Love 1


You would have to be able to set that, for example, dirty money can be produced through scrap. Best regards 

  • Love 1


Yes, it's true that I hadn't thought about it, I defined the reception article but not the base one. I'm adding it to the next big update that's coming, I'm a little late but it should arrive shortly

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18 minutes ago, RoadTech said:

Yes, it's true that I hadn't thought about it, I defined the reception article but not the base one. I'm adding it to the next big update that's coming, I'm a little late but it should arrive shortly

Very nice

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On 9/23/2023 at 2:15 PM, RoadTech said:

I am currently working on an update that contains : 

Adding permission by command.

The addition of a /moneyprinter command that lets you see all the commands you have access to according to your permissions.

            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.give"))

                availableCommands.Add("/givemoneyprinter <nomdujoueur> - Donne une imprimante d'argent au joueur spécifié.");


            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.upgrade"))

                availableCommands.Add("/upgrademoneyprinter - Améliore votre imprimante d'argent.");


            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.checklevel"))

                availableCommands.Add("/checkprinterlevel - Vérifie le niveau de votre imprimante d'argent.");


            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.showinfo"))

                availableCommands.Add("/showinfomoneyprinter - Affiche des informations sur votre imprimante d'argent.");


            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.remove"))

                availableCommands.Add("/removemoneyprinter - Supprime votre imprimante d'argent.");


            if (HasPermission(player, "moneyprinter.givedirty"))

                availableCommands.Add("/givedirtymoney <nomdujoueur> <montant> - Donne de l'argent sale au joueur spécifié.");


The givemoneyprinter command has also been revised so that it can be given directly to a player via /givemoneyprinter playername.

Added the ability to define whether the printer is destructible or not from the config file. 

Added the ability to modify the moneyprinter name from the config file.

Added a lang file for modifying all plugin texts.

And the addition via the config file of the ability to define one or more specific zones dedicated solely to printer placement (with zonemanager).

The ability to place printers even in "forbidden" zones is not active at the moment. I'll work later on the possibility of targeting a specific area for placement. (Under permission) 
I also plan to limit the number of printers placed per person.

As for the means of giving a specific player the information that a printer has been placed is under development, I'm planning a light and an alarm, as well as notification to a specific permission such as the police or other.

The update will be out by tonight or tomorrow. Don't hesitate if you have any further questions or requests for additions.

Has this been added yet?



On 9/25/2023 at 12:02 AM, snetzer said:

You would have to be able to set that, for example, dirty money can be produced through scrap. Best regards 

Or even better a custom combination of items ex., you would need scrap, paper and maybe ink (skinned item) to produce money.


  • Like 2


Very good idea! I soon finished the update which was delayed because I reviewed a lot of things as well as the carbon compatibility. I'm trying to finish and post it this evening. But I admit that the idea of being able to define several items why not. 

See futur config files : 


  "CleanMoneyCustomName": "Clean Money",

  "CleanMoneyItem": "researchpaper",

  "CleanMoneySkinId": "2572099660",

  "CustomPrinterName": "Money Printer",

  "DirtyMoneyCustomName": "Dirty Money",

  "DirtyMoneyItem": "researchpaper",

  "DirtyMoneySkinId": "3021805080",

  "Levels": [


      "ConversionRate": 0.6,

      "Level": 2,

      "MaxStack": 250,

      "ProcessingTime": 10.0,

      "UpgradeCost": {

        "Amount": 0,

        "Item": "researchpaper",

        "ItemUpgradeSkin": "3021805080",

        "UpgradeCost": 5000




      "ConversionRate": 0.7,

      "Level": 3,

      "MaxStack": 500,

      "ProcessingTime": 15.0,

      "UpgradeCost": {

        "Amount": 0,

        "Item": "researchpaper",

        "ItemUpgradeSkin": "3021805080",

        "UpgradeCost": 5500




      "ConversionRate": 0.8,

      "Level": 4,

      "MaxStack": 1000,

      "ProcessingTime": 20.0,

      "UpgradeCost": {

        "Amount": 40,

        "Item": "researchpaper",

        "ItemUpgradeSkin": "3021805080",

        "UpgradeCost": 25000




      "ConversionRate": 0.9,

      "Level": 5,

      "MaxStack": 2500,

      "ProcessingTime": 25.0,

      "UpgradeCost": {

        "Amount": 50,

        "Item": "researchpaper",

        "ItemUpgradeSkin": "3021805080",

        "UpgradeCost": 50000




  "PrinterIndestructible": false,

  "UseZones": false,

  "ZoneIDs": []




I'm late but the update will happen today

  • Like 1


51 minutes ago, RoadTech said:

I'm late but the update will happen today

Don't stress yourself... I think it's great when plugin operators communicate with the community

  • Love 1


The commands don't work, it always says Unknown command for me.




Have you deleted all the old config, data and lang? Installed then restarted your server?
do you have permission to use the commands?



Currently the plugin only gives access to the command [Command("moneyprinter")] to all players. However, if you wish to execute any command you will have to use the following permissions:

    - moneyprinter.GiveMoneyPrinter: Allows a player to give a money printer to themselves or a specified player.

    - moneyprinter.UpgradeMoneyPrinter: Grants the ability to upgrade money printers, optimizing their performance and profitability.

    - moneyprinter.CheckPrinterLevel: Enables players to check the level of their money printers.

    - moneyprinter.ShowInfoMoneyPrinter: Allows for viewing detailed information about the money printers.

    - moneyprinter.RemoveMoneyPrinter: Provides the ability to remove money printers.

    - moneyprinter.GiveDirtyMoney: Allows a player to give dirty money to others.

It's possible that an error has occurred. Thinking about it, I adapted the plugin to work under carbon but forgot to check if these changes affected operation under oxide. If so I will update it today.



After checking you are right, everything works well under carbon, but the commands do not exist under oxide. I'll fix that, thanks for the feedback.



43 minutes ago, snetzer said:

The commands don't work, it always says Unknown command for me.


I have upload UPDATE, download it delete all file moneyprinter and restart your server. If you have some other problem say me.

Chill Roleplay


12 hours ago, snetzer said:

The commands don't work, it always says Unknown command for me.


use command without money printer in front like this:

/givemoneyprinter <PlayerName>: Gives a money printer to yourself or a specified player (requires moneyprinter.GiveMoneyPrinter permission).

● /givedirtymoney <PlayerName> <Amount>: Gives dirty money (requires moneyprinter.GiveDirtyMoney permission).

● /removemoneyprinter: Removes your money printer (requires moneyprinter.RemoveMoneyPrinter permission and must be used while looking at the money printer).

● /moneyprinter: Displays available commands based on permissions.

● /upgrademoneyprinter: Upgrade your money printer to optimize its performance and profitability (requires moneyprinter.UpgradeMoneyPrinter permission).

(make sure you have assigned the perms to yourself aswell)



Chill Roleplay

Posted (edited)

can we get a option to have Notify drop a notification when a printer is placed or even better a option to secretly notify a specific set of groups


Edited by Chill Roleplay
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can you be more clear about the groups? If you look at my devblog in the future I seem to have specified something like this, is this what you are talking about or something else?

a message when the printer is placed OK but to whom? to the player who placed it or to the player with specific permission.

loot the devblog on update 1.0.1 and tell me 😉

  • Love 1


31 minutes ago, Chill Roleplay said:

use command without money printer in front like this:

/givemoneyprinter <PlayerName>: Gives a money printer to yourself or a specified player (requires moneyprinter.GiveMoneyPrinter permission).

● /givedirtymoney <PlayerName> <Amount>: Gives dirty money (requires moneyprinter.GiveDirtyMoney permission).

● /removemoneyprinter: Removes your money printer (requires moneyprinter.RemoveMoneyPrinter permission and must be used while looking at the money printer).

● /moneyprinter: Displays available commands based on permissions.

● /upgrademoneyprinter: Upgrade your money printer to optimize its performance and profitability (requires moneyprinter.UpgradeMoneyPrinter permission).

(make sure you have assigned the perms to yourself aswell)



No its error on my previous update ^^ all IS good now i think 😊

  • Like 1
Chill Roleplay


yes this is perfect a permission group that is notified when one is placed 😄

  • Haha 1

Posted (edited)

Hello your plugins and extra!! , thank you for responding to the comment, I am on oxide everything works well for me

Edited by speed08
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after a server restart my printer disappeared.


best regards




9 hours ago, speed08 said:

Hello your plugins and extra!! , thank you for responding to the comment, I am on oxide everything works well for me

Thanks for your back 😉


Posted (edited)

59 minutes ago, snetzer said:

after a server restart my printer disappeared.


best regards

Thanks for that information, i check that tomorrow  and i correct this problem in next update.


Can you Say me if you use oxide or carbon ? 😊 

Edited by RoadTech
Chill Roleplay


if you put 1 dirty money into 2 slots it breaks the machine and creates a error for creating a item with value less than 1

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