About Hackable Crate UI
This plugin is based on Hackable Crate Unlock.
Hackable Crate UI adds a terminal-like user interface when a player starts unlocking a hackable crate.
Firstly, a loading bar appears on the screen while login credentials (specified in the config) are sent to the player (either by chat or a note added to his/her inventory). When it finishes, a button can be clicked to "use the computer" and insert the username and password.
After that, the player will be logged into the computer and has the possibility to access various functions, such as locking the crate (to prevent other users from looting it), reducing the hacking time, and seeing information about nearby players.
- Great user interface, which makes you look like a real h4x0r 1337.
- A lock function that makes impossible for players to loot the crate, except to the one who started the hack (or members of his/her clan).
- Accelerate unlock time by using targeting computers in your inventory or ServerRewards/Economics balance.
- View the name and distance from the crate of nearby players. This information can be extended with direction, health and active item.
- Highly configurable plugin, with three different permissions (see the config below).
- Set different unlock times for hackable crates depending on permissions.
- Set the maximum distance from the crate to be able to use the UI.
- Check the players with most hackable crates unlocked with /hc rank.
- Discord webhooks integration. Edits the message when crate is fully hacked or its unlocking time has been reduced, and deletes it when the entity is killed.
- Update 1.1.0: Function to view the content of the crate before it's unlocked.
- Update 1.2.0: Integration with ServerRewards/Economics. Set the price to use each function.
- and more!
- hackablecrateui.vip2
- hackablecrateui.vip1
- hackablecrateui.admin
- /hc rank - Shows top 10 of players with most hackable crates unlocked.
- /hc clear - Wipes data file for /hc rank.
"Enable /hc rank command": true,
"Clean rank data on server wipe": true,
"Enable broadcast message": true,
"Default crate lock": false,
"Use Server Rewards": false,
"Use Economics": false,
"Default Configuration": {
"Unlock Seconds": 900,
"UI": {
"Enable UI": true,
"Enable Lock Function": true,
"Lock Price": 0,
"Enable View Content Function": true,
"View Content Price": 0,
"Accelerate Unlock Time Function": {
"Enable": true,
"Seconds reduced by each targeting computer": 300,
"Maximum targeting computers used": 1,
"Price (this will use ServerRewards/Economics instead)": 0
"Nearby Players Function": {
"Enable": true,
"Show More info button": true,
"Price": 0
"vip1 Configuration": {
"Unlock Seconds": 600,
"UI": {
"Enable UI": true,
"Enable Lock Function": true,
"Lock Price": 0,
"Enable View Content Function": true,
"View Content Price": 0,
"Accelerate Unlock Time Function": {
"Enable": true,
"Seconds reduced by each targeting computer": 300,
"Maximum targeting computers used": 1,
"Price (this will use ServerRewards/Economics instead)": 0
"Nearby Players Function": {
"Enable": true,
"Show More info button": true,
"Price": 0
"vip2 Configuration": {
"Unlock Seconds": 300,
"UI General Config": {
"Enable UI": true,
"Enable Lock Function": true,
"Lock Price": 0,
"Enable View Content Function": true,
"View Content Price": 0,
"Accelerate Unlock Time Function": {
"Enable": true,
"Seconds reduced by each targeting computer": 300,
"Maximum targeting computers used": 1,
"Price (this will use ServerRewards/Economics instead)": 0
"Nearby Players Function": {
"Enable": true,
"Show More info button": true,
"Price": 0
"UI Configuration": {
"Computer Username": "root",
"Computer Password": "wasd",
"Give Note with Login Credentials to the player": true,
"Show the Server IP in terminal (if disabled, it will be set to 'localhost')": false,
"Maximum distance from crate allowed to use UI": 50,
"Allow members of the same clan to open the crate while locked (Clans plugin required)": false,
"Nearby Players Function": {
"Maximum distance of a player to appear on the nearby players list": 500,
"Show admins on the nearby players list (hackablecrateui.admin required)": false
"Discord Configuration": {
"Enable Discord Webhooks": false,
"Webhook URL": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks",
"Webhook Username": "Hackable Crate UI",
"Webhook Avatar URL": "https://cdn.upload.systems/uploads/HkOM1sqg.png",
"Edit Webhook Messages - enabling this option will decrease performance when unlocking a crate": false,
"Delete messages when the entity is killed (Edit required)": false,
"Send message when time is reduced": false,
"Send message when the crate has been fully hacked": true
"RankMessage": "<color=#bebebe>Players with most hackable crates unlocked:</color>",
"ClearCommand": "<color=#bebebe>Data file has been cleaned.</color>",
"WipeData": "<color=#bebebe>Wipe detected, data file has been cleaned.</color>",
"NoPermission": "<color=#bebebe>You do not have permission to use this command!</color>",
"HackingTime": "You have reduced the unlock time by {0} seconds!",
"BroadcastMessage": "<color=#20C20E>{0}</color> <color=#bebebe>is hacking a crate at</color> <color=#20C20E>{1}</color><color=#bebebe>. It will unlock in</color> <color=#20C20E>{2}</color> <color=#bebebe>seconds. You are</color> <color=#20C20E>{3}m</color> <color=#bebebe>away.</color>",
"LockedMessage": "<color=#bebebe>This crate is locked. Only the player who started the hack can loot it.</color>",
"MaxUsesReached": "<color=#bebebe>You cannot reduce more the unlock time.</color>",
"BruteforceStart": "<color=#bebebe>Starting bruteforce attack...</color>",
"UsernameFound": "<color=#bebebe>Username found:</color> <color=#20C20E>{0}</color>",
"PasswordFound": "<color=#bebebe>Password found:</color> <color=#20C20E>{0}</color>",
"ConnectionLost": "<color=#bebebe>Connection to the computer lost.</color>",
"NoLaptops": "You don't have any targeting computers in your inventory.",
"LimitReached": "You have reached the limit of targeting computers used.",
"DiscordWebhookStart": "A hackable crate is being unlocked.",
"DiscordWebhookEnd": "A hackable crate has been unlocked.",
"DiscordWebhookLocationTitle": "Location",
"DiscordWebhookPlayerTitle": "Player",
"DiscordWebhookTimeTitle": "Time Left",
"UseComputerButton": "Use Computer",
"Username": "Username",
"Password": "Password",
"Login": "Login",
"InvalidCredentials": "Invalid username or password. Please try again.",
"BruteforceEnd": "<color=#bebebe>Bruteforce attack finished</color>",
"NoteGiven": "<color=#bebebe>Note with login credentials added to your inventory</color>",
"Yes": "Yes",
"No": "No",
"Use": "Use",
"Return": "Return",
"LockExplanation1": "If you lock the crate, no one will be able to loot it",
"LockExplanation2": "except yourself.",
"LockQuestion": "Do you want to lock it?",
"CrateNotLocked": "Crate is not locked.",
"CrateLocked": "Crate is locked.",
"ReduceExplanation1": "For each targeting computer you use, the crate’s hacking time",
"ReduceExplanation2": "will be reduced by {0} seconds. (Limit = {1})",
"ReduceWarning": "WARNING: You won't be able to recover them!",
"ClosestPlayersMessage": "These are the closest players to the crate:",
"MoreInfoButton": "--> More Info",
"CrateContentMessage": "The crate contains the following items",
"Player": "Player: {0}",
"Distance": "Distance: {0}m",
"Direction": "Direction: {0}",
"Health": "Health: {0}",
"ActiveItem": "Active Item: {0}",
"None": "None",
"West": "West",
"East": "East",
"South": "South",
"North": "North"