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About Damage Control

Damage Control allows tuning the damage entities take. It has an in-game command line to allow you set and list the damage settings.

You can control damage to

  • Animal (set per Bear, Boar, Chicken, Horse, Stag, Wolf, Ridable Horse)
  • Building blocks
  • NPC aka Scientist aka NPCPlayerApex
  • Player
  • Zombie aka Murderer (I merged these two)
  • APC aka Bradley
  • Helicopter aka Heli
  • Chinook aka CH47
  • Building (read FAQ for details) and Build Grades
  • Balloons
  • Sam-Sites
  • Mini-Copter
  • Scrap Transport Helicopter (Scrapcopter)
  • Trains
  • Modular Vehicles

Note Balloons, Scrap Transport Helicopter and Mini-Copter have some oddities in how they take damage so expect some oddities there. It can make them significantly more durable, and the helicopters less of a death trap.

Now supports adding entities with per entity modifier in the data folder, sample below. You can control damage by time per entity type either in game time or real time.


Chat Commands

  • /damagecontrol or /damcon or /dc



damagecontrol.admin -- Allows player to use the chat commands



Sample new /data/DamageControl.json:{"door.hinged.toptier": 0.666,"door.double.hinged.toptier": 0.666,"door.hinged.metal": 0.75,"door.double.hinged.metal": 0.75,"floor.ladder.hatch": 0.85}

There are settings for global time modifiers, and per entity time modifiers. So you can have things like High Noon.

The Heli_Bypass allows you to have the Heli bypass other settings to do damage when normally the entity is immuned. I personally would not run this as it allows heli-raiding, but it was requested.

Allow Decay was added to protect buildings from all damages, except decay.



Many thanks to ColonBlow for sharing his plugin code and assistance to make this happen!

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