About CrashAlertSystem UI
Crash Alert System is a vital tool designed for server administrators who need an efficient way to keep their players informed about server crashes. This plugin automatically sends notifications to Discord whenever a crash occurs, ensuring that both your staff and community stay updated in real-time. Additionally, it includes a unique feature to reward players who rejoin the server after a crash, helping to keep your community engaged and active. With its easy-to-use interface and extensive customization options, managing crash alerts and player rewards has never been simpler.
Key Features:
Real-time Alerts: Get instant notifications sent directly to your Discord server whenever a crash happens, keeping everyone in the loop.
Player Rewards: Motivate players to return after a crash by offering configurable rewards for rejoining.
Easy Setup: Customize the plugin quickly and easily to fit your server’s specific needs.
Plugin Integration: Works seamlessly with your existing tools and plugins for effortless server management.
Comprehensive UI: Manage all settings and rewards through a practical, user-friendly interface.
Item Categorization: Choose rewards from detailed item categories, giving you precise control over what players receive.
Advanced Discord Configuration: Tailor notification messages and embeds to match your server’s branding and style.
Notification Options: Decide whether to enable or disable UI and chat notifications based on your preferences.
Reset Categories: Reset item categories to their default settings with ease whenever needed.
crashalertsystem.notify.see: Players need this permission to view the crash notification UI (if it’s enabled in the configuration).
crashalertsystem.admin: Admins require this permission to access the configuration settings and reward management interface.
Chat Commands:
/cas: Opens the main user interface. From here, you can configure crash notifications, manage player rewards, and adjust settings.
Console Commands:
cas.resetcategories: Resets the item categories to their default settings. This is handy if you need to restore the original item groupings for the reward system.
{ "Discord Settings": { "WebhookUrl": "", "MessageContent": "@everyone or @here or <@&role-id>", "BotName": "Crash Alert System", "BotAvatarUrl": "https://codefling.com/uploads/set_resources_13/cf0d9ad89a1246bdc528542aa98e2147_cf_logo_23_res.png", "Embed": { "AuthorName": "Crash Alert System or ServerName", "AuthorIconUrl": "https://codefling.com/uploads/set_resources_13/cf0d9ad89a1246bdc528542aa98e2147_cf_logo_23_res.png", "Title": "Server Crash Detected", "Description": "The server has suffered a crash.\nPlease allow 1 to 5 minutes for the server to come back online.", "ThumbnailUrl": "https://codefling.com/uploads/set_resources_13/cf0d9ad89a1246bdc528542aa98e2147_cf_logo_23_res.png", "FooterText": "Crash Alert System | {DateTime}", "FooterIconUrl": "https://codefling.com/uploads/set_resources_13/cf0d9ad89a1246bdc528542aa98e2147_cf_logo_23_res.png", "FieldTitle": "Estimated Data Loss", "FieldContent": "The server lost approximately {0} of data", "ColorHex": "#FF0000" } }, "Reward Settings": { "EnableRewards": true, "RewardTimeLimit": 3600, "RewardItems": [] }, "Notification Settings": { "Use Notify UI alerts": false, "Use chat alerts": true }, "UI Settings": { "CheckIcon": "✓", "CrossIcon": "✗", "CheckIconColor": "0.5568627 0.7764706 0.1843137 1", "CrossIconColor": "0.7764706 0.5137255 0.4196078 1", "BackgroundColorHex": "#5095C4" } }
{ "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to see this notification.", "RewardReceived": "Thanks for joining the server after the crash! Check your inventory for compensation items!", "RewardAdded": "Added {0}x {1} to crash rewards.", "RewardRemoved": "Removed {0}x {1} from crash rewards.", "RewardUpdated": "Updated {0} quantity to {1}.", "InvalidItem": "Invalid item. Please try again.", "InvalidQuantity": "Please enter a valid quantity greater than 0.", "ManageRewards": "Crash Alert System - Reward Manager", "ItemSelector": "Crash Alert System - Item Selector", "NoRewards": "No rewards configured. Click the 'Add Reward' button to add some.", "EnterQuantity": "Enter quantity for {0}", "AddReward": "Add Reward", "RemoveAll": "Remove All", "Close": "Close", "Back": "Back", "ConfirmRemoveAll": "Are you sure you want to remove all rewards?", "Yes": "Yes", "No": "No", "ConfigTitle": "Crash Alert System Configuration", "DiscordSettings": "Discord Settings", "DiscordWebhookSettings": "Webhook Settings", "DiscordMessageSettings": "Message Settings", "DiscordEmbedSettings": "Embed Settings", "RewardSettings": "Reward Settings", "NotificationSettings": "Notification Settings", "Save": "Save", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Edit": "Edit", "AllCategories": "All Categories", "WebhookUrl": "Webhook URL", "MessageContent": "Message Content", "BotName": "Bot Name", "BotAvatar": "Bot Avatar URL", "AuthorName": "Author Name", "AuthorIcon": "Author Icon URL", "Title": "Title", "Description": "Description", "ThumbnailUrl": "Thumbnail URL", "FooterText": "Footer Text", "FooterIcon": "Footer Icon URL", "FieldTitle": "Field Title", "FieldContent": "Field Content", "ColorHex": "Color (Hex)", "SavedSuccessfully": "Configuration saved successfully!", "Search": "Search all items...", "CategoryAll": "All Categories", "CategoryWeapons": "Weapons", "CategoryTools": "Tools", "CategoryConstruction": "Construction", "CategoryItems": "Items", "CategoryResources": "Resources", "CategoryAttire": "Attire", "CategoryMedical": "Medical", "CategoryFood": "Food", "CategoryAmmo": "Ammunition", "CategoryTraps": "Traps", "CategoryMisc": "Miscellaneous", "CategoryComponents": "Components", "CategoryElectrical": "Electrical", "CategoryFun": "Fun", "CategoriesReset": "Item categories have been reset to default values." }