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  1. ninco90


    I added the one that facepunch was going to add but that they didn't add in the end. Check with Check Update and review the wallpapers that I added
  2. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  3. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  4. ninco90

    Wallpaper breaking

    Hi! The game's wallpapers can be broken, that's true. I can investigate if I can find a solution to prevent them from being broken, if I find it I will add it as an additional option in the configuration. I'll leave it noted as a task
  5. You didn't read the part about not updating until the update xD
  6. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  7. ninco90

    bug after updating

    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
  8. ninco90

    bug after updating

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  10. Yes it will update it, but it will not send the hook to the rest of the plugins to check if it can update or not.
  11. I have good news. In the next update it will be fixed. I added an internal list of "incompatible" plugins that if detected will not call that Hook, preventing this problem from happening. "BuildingSkin" "BuildingSkins" "XBuildingSkinMenu" If in the future another plugin is found that interferes in the same way (using OnStructureUpgrade) it will be enough to add it to the list. Thanks to both of you for your time and I hope that with this everything works great. Regarding scalbox question I have checked and I see that BuildingGrades also calls OnStructureUpgrade, only when it is run by someone who does not have the BuildingGrades admin permission, maybe that is why it does not happen to you because I imagine that you have the admin permission. You would have to test if it also happens without admin permission and in that case add it to the list. Regarding the procedure to replicate it: Follow the steps I performed in the video. Yes, first clean the BuildingSkin Data folder, then reload the BuildingSkin plugin and don't configure anything. Try improving with betterTc as I did in the video and then once everything is improved and you see that it doesn't turn into sticks then activate BuildingSkin as I did.
  12. Hi everyone! I just replicated the issue with BuildingSkin. This happens when the player has an upgrade set in Building Skin. Because every time BetterTC upgrades a building block the OnStructureUpgrade code is executed, just as I imagined. Here is the example: Knowing this I will try to find a solution so that it does not happen, perhaps that BetterTC does not call that Hook if it finds any of the incompatible plugins loaded on the server.
  13. I appreciate the list of plugin names you use. I replied to you privately about it. dustyhansen if you would be so kind as to do the same and provide me with the list of plugins you use privately I could analyze the plugins that can affect the buildings and compare with the other player's. I will also be doing compatibility tests with Building Skins.
  14. In the case of BuildingSkin, this plugin uses the hook OnStructureUpgrade, so every time a building block is updated, this hook is executed, which can change the grade and the building skin. Please, I ask you for the complete list of plugins privately, as well as the other person. This will allow me to compare and see the plugins that affect the construction. This way, if another user has the same problem, I will also ask them for the list of plugins and I will be able to determine which are the conflicting plugins that may be causing this problem. Once I have located the conflicting plugins, I will be able to contact the developers of said plugins to try to achieve a bypass so that they do not affect the changes that BetterTC makes. I understand that it is frustrating not knowing what is happening and that it means spending time fixing this problem for the players. But the exact reason must be found and I am afraid that something is interfering in the process.
  15. If you can share the list with me privately, type: plugins in the RCON console and all the names will appear. I don't have XBuildingSkinMenu purchased, it's possible that this plugin performs some verification when trying to improve each building block and is the one that collaterally affects it. (It's possible, but I haven't seen its code or tested it) Other plugins that may be conflicting are: - EnhancedHammer - Building Skins - XPerience


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