You, the user, are hereby granted permission, to use, edit, modify, or alter any part of the product purchased, as long as it is for private and/or personal purposes only.
You are not permitted to use this product for any commercial sales, distribution and/or any other commercial means than mentioned above without prior permission and/or consent from the original author. If you however need to use this product in your own commercial product, please contact the author, hereby known as gpsmit84, for any further details and/or requirements regarding the process of such sales, distribution or any other commercial means. You do not hold the right to claim this product as your own, or to sell it under your own name.
You are entitled, without additional payment, for further updates, and/or support when needed, if this product becomes unusable, you are granted full support. Only exception of this support and/or guarantee, is when prefabs are damaged due to in-game complications and/or prefabs used in the monument becomes unusable, causing this monument to be terminated.