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  1. Is it still broken? if yes i will wait till i buy it..
  2. i had the same issue. Make sure the plugin unloads before server restart. Since i made sure that the mod unloads first this problem was fixed for me.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    A modern house built in an old ruin. You can still see the remains of the old walls. Large windows and a lot of space make this house a special place. Right next to it flows a small stream that turns this place into an oasis of well-being. Offer your players a special building place like this. Perfect for RP/PVE servers. In one of the rooms there is a hole in the roof that fits perfectly for a staircase or an elevator, so you can still build on the roof. The trees and plants in the pictures are not included, but they are spawned by the topology layer. Prefabs count: ~220 Modifiers: Height, Topology, Biome, Splat Installation: 1. Download file 2. Unzip the file and copy the folder to RustEdit\CustomPrefabs 3. Open RustEdit and place the prefab 4. Apply the modifiers (Height/Topology/Biome/Splat) Skins: I am happy to share with you suitable skins for your skin mods (you will find the ID's in the READ ME file): Big Window (Garage Door) Large Window (Garage Door) Glass-Wood Door (Sheet Metal Double Door) If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact me on Discord: ilineus - J.A.R.V.I.S.#5700
  4. ilineus

    broken since september update

    Fix: Replace FindItemUID with FindItemByUID
  5. ilineus

    broken since september update

    MiniPlate - Failed to compile: The type or namespace name "MiniCopter" was not found (possibly a using directive or an assembly reference is missing). | Line: 97, Pos: 30
  6. ilineus

    broken since september update

    LSkins - Failed to compile: "PlayerInventory" does not contain a definition for "FindItemUID", and no accessible FindItemUID extension method could be found that accepts a first argument of the type "PlayerInventory" (a using directive or an assembly reference is possibly missing). | Line: 717, Pos: 49
  7. ilineus

    Brick skin

    @MrLiquidI have it too and i like the interface better than this one, it's easier in my opinion. I already wrote to the dev about some problems with it (conflicts between bought DLCs and the mod) and also suggested the /bskin build command. I hope he will work on it, so it's as good as this free one was. @Scalboxcould you also dm me when your mod is ready? i am also interested in your version.^^
  8. ilineus

    Error after update 03. August

    OMFG! Thank you so much! Your are the best!
  9. ilineus

    Error after update 03. August

    That would be awesome! Our players would love you for that ^^
  10. ilineus

    Brick skin

    Phew i thought i made something wrong since i also couldn't find it.. I hope there will be an update:)
  11. I don't get the error above but it doesn't show the new brick skin am i doing something wrong?
  12. ilineus

    Error after update 03. August

    I get this error after todays update: Error while compiling: LSkins.cs(1295,22): error CS1061: Type `ItemCraftTask' does not contain a definition for `owner' and no extension method `owner' of type `ItemCraftTask' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  13. oh sorry didn't see your question: it switched the skin back to what was in the bskin settings. but now with the newest version it works! ^^
  14. Hi there, i have just tested the new version, and the conflict still appears.
  15. Oh awesome! Thanks. If you need a test person, just dm me on discord: ilineus - J.A.R.V.I.S.#5700 Happy to help


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