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Compact Prison | Bare Bones | STRANGER 1.0.1

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About Compact Prison | Bare Bones | STRANGER

This prison is just the bare bones foundation for you to modify or use however you wish. The only stipulation is that you have to leave the Credits on the back wall alone. I made the text super small so that way it doesn't ruin the players emersion in game.


This project includes:

Just the prefab file. No masks to be applied.

Prefab Count: 736

More Detailed Instructions

Start Rust Edit & open up your map file

Extract the zip file into your RustEdit/CustomPrefabs folder

Go back into Rust Edit and click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List

Under the Custom category you will now find Prison-Bare

Double click on the prefab and it will spawn it into the map

Drag it to the general area you want to place it

Customize the area around the monument to your liking.


If you have any issues with the prefab: DJRedNight OR Stranger through Discord: Stranger#5693

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