About AlphaLoot 2x Loot Table Advanced Config
Welcome to Your Custom AlphaLoot Config!
QuoteDiscover all our custom and advanced AlphaLoot configurations:
AlphaLoot 10x Loot Table | AlphaLoot 5x Loot Table | AlphaLoot 3x Loot Table | AlphaLoot 2x Loot Table
Thank you for choosing this professionally crafted config by fullwiped (xrust.co).
Designed to minimize junk items while maintaining a balanced loot experience for 2x modded servers, it includes a substantial balance of loot, including nearly all NPC drops.
Our latest configuration overhaul features extensive updates across more than 40 loot crate types. Each crate, from Roadsign and ammo crates to food crates and variants like elite, basic, and normal, has undergone meticulous fine-tuning. We've significantly cleaned up redundant items while maintaining a balance between vanilla and 2x gameplay dynamics. To enhance variety, we've customized certain items to introduce medium-tier loot and expand diversity according to player preferences.
In addition, we've introduced exclusive chances, such as a 1% or 2% drop rate for high-quality vehicle parts in crates and premium food items in food crates. Special event loot crates, like those for Halloween, Easter, or Christmas, have also been aligned to complement the 2x experience.
Moreover, we've revamped and optimized NPC drops, ensuring that even the most detailed configurations are now tailored to fit seamlessly with the 2x server settings. From Gingerbread NPCs to Scarecrows, Scientist NPCs to Scientist NPC Cargos, and critical NPCs like Scientist NPC Heavies, each has been meticulously restructured.
If you're seeking a professionally crafted loot table that ensures a seamless and enriched gaming experience, look no further.
Installation Guide:
Inside the downloaded zip file, locate the 'config' folder. Copy the 'AlphaLoot.json' file from this folder to the following directory:
If Rust is installed in a different directory, adjust accordingly.
Next, within the downloaded zip file, find the 'data' folder. Inside, you'll find three files: 'fullwipedbradley', 'fullwipedheli', and 'fullwipedmain'. Copy these three files to the following directory:
Adjust the path if your Rust installation differs.
Final Steps:
Once all files are successfully uploaded, restart your previously purchased AlphaLoot plugin. If needed, you can acquire the plugin or updates from the official vendor:
If you've already made the purchase, proceed with file uploads and restart the plugin by typing o.reload AlphaLoot into RCON.
Congratulations! Your 2x server now boasts a highly customized and well-prepared loot table.
Customizing Your Config:
If you need to modify the current config or adjust any settings, you can download the AlphaLoot Profile Editor from the following link:
Editing the config may require some experience, but you can easily make simple adjustments. Feel free to use this tool to tailor your config to your preferences.
Thank you for choosing us.