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25 x Raidable Bases - Pack 3 1.0.0

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About 25 x Raidable Bases - Pack 3

Get your server's Raidable Bases plugin up and running without having to waste time constructing the bases!  Pre-configured spawn and height settings for each base are included!

Complete set of hand tailored and decorated NPC Raidable bases.

5x Easy tier (prim raidable)

5x Medium tier

5x Hard tier

5x Expert tier

5x Nightmare tier

Each base has been crafted with a minimum/maximum boom cost scale to fit their tier.  This means every base in each tier will fall somewhere within that boom cost to raid.   And all easy tier bases are designed to be prim raidable.

Each raid is designed to challenge the player to think outside of the box rather than just blow up doors and take loot.  For example you might find an easy base with some metal walls and at first glance think it is a mistake.   An observant player will notice a twig or wood doorframe on an armored door and realize there was no mistake.

Key features:

  • Bases were crafted completely "as a player" with no admin tools or abilities.
  • All attempts were made to decorate bases (size permitting)
  • Some bases have themes to their decor
  • Hand-crafted to teach people how to raid efficiently and punish those who do not
  • These are not just 'loot containers' but are designed to be as realistic as possible
  • Many bases come with a special skinned "X" rug which is used in the Raid Bases configuration to create a spawn point for NPCs inside the base (skinID: 2506767687)
  • Skinned deployables and decor
  • Each base was spawned in game via Raid Bases plugin and height tweaked to be as close to perfect as possible.  Those config values are included.
  • Bases constructed with sloped terrain in mind.  Every effort has been made to make their spawn height as even as possible to handle hilly terrain without a lot of base float or sink
  • Isolated photograph of each base is provided for cataloging on your end
  • X-ray photograph of each base is provided
  • All bases have been run on full pop live PVE servers (some for years now) and have been raided by real players in a PVE environment thousands of times.


  • [PIC] Extra the data folder in the .ZIP file to your server's oxide directory
  • Make sure you have the correct permissions to run admin commands for Raidable Bases
  • Enter the following commands, one at a time, into your server console:

    rb.config add "Easy Bases" E001 E002 E003 E004 E005

    rb.config add "Medium Bases" M001 M002 M003 M004 M005

    rb.config add "Hard Bases" H001 H002 H003 H004 H005

    rb.config add "Expert Bases" X001 X002 X003 X004 X005

    rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" N001 N002 N003 N004 N005

Note: You might want to enable "Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot" in the profiles since some of these files may contain items already

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