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Texas Rust Server's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Skin Controller"

    $39.99 $31.99

    Skin Controller

    Skin Controller is meant to bring together a ton of skinning options for your player all in one place! Easy for the player, easy for the server owner.

    - Supports backpacks - Saving of outfits (A list of skins for doors, weapons, clothing, etc*) - Add infinite items in an outfit - Skin stacks of items - Skin your whole inventory with one click - Skin items in containers that you're looking at with one command - Skin all the deployed items in your base with one command - Search items in the skin list to easily find the skin you're looking for - Auto skin items when crafted and picked up - Auto imports all accepted workshop skins - Manual imports of non-accepted workshop skins and collections - Infinite outfit saves, you can limit the amount of outfit saves someone has via perms. - Server owners can toggle whether they want players to be able to skin items on pickup and craft - If server owners allow skinning on craft and pickup, players can toggle that on and off for themselves - Set your own custom commands for all available types of commands - Blacklist skins COMMANDS
    /skin or /sb (Configurable) - Opens the skin menu /skinc (Configurable) - Skins the items in the container that you're looking at /skinbase (Configurable) - Skins all the deployed items in your base /skinitem (Configurable) - Skins the item you're looking at /addskin - Command for admins to add workshop skins to the skinbox /addcollection - Command for admins to add collections of workshop skins to the skinbox PERMISSIONS
    skincontroller.addskins skincontroller.use skincontroller.skinoncraft skincontroller.skinonpickup skincontroller.skinbase skincontroller.skinitem skincontroller.skincontainer To set the amount of outfits someone can save, go into the config, there will be a setting where you can set custom permission and how many outfits each outfit can save Need support or want updates about what is coming to the plugin? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7
  2. More information about "AutoAdd"



    AutoAdd is a QoL plugin that makes the player not have to spend much time filling up their furnaces, campfires, etc. With this plugin, players can click an icon of what they want to smelt and it will pull the required resources into the burning machine to begin smelting. This plugin works with all Furnaces,  and Campfires/Barbeques,.
    Required permissions to use this plugin:
    It comes with multiple buttons with each different type of "oven":
    Green button - deposit all items including wood into oven and start cooking 
    Resource Icons - Deposit that resource and wood and start cooking (No resource icons were needed for Refinery, BBQ, or campfire.)
    Red button - Take all items (Just the charcoal and smelted resource) out of furnace
    f you are having trouble with the images loading please refer here and try the following console command 
    This plugin also has support for FurnaceSplitter, If this plugin is loaded and the player has the permissions from FurnaceSplitter then once any button is pressed it will automatically split the items into the furnace slots. If the player doesnt have permissions, or the plugin is not on the server then all the items will be put into the first few slots and not automatically split. 
    This plugin also has support for SimpleSplitter If this plugin is loaded and the player has the permissions from SimpleSplitter then once any button is pressed it will automatically split the items into the furnace slots. If the player doesnt have permissions, or the plugin is not on the server then all the items will be put into the first few slots and not automatically split. 


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